06/12/2022 (Sun) 05:42:12
Id: aa5b4d (2) Prev Next
No. 87744 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>87731 To be clear, the thread referenced there that became deleted was "NIGGERCIDE 2022". It's very obvious OP made that too because he referenced Johnny jew Rebel whom sang these songs: Alabama Nigger, Quit Your Bitchin' Nigger, Nigger Hating Me, In Coon Town, If I Could Be a Nigger for a Day, Some Niggers Never Die, Leroy the Big Lipped Nigger, Move Them Niggers North, Niggers Suck, Who Likes a Nigger and Cowboys And Niggers. That kike was obsessed.
Do not distract from the enemy is rule number one. Driving violent action between "white" and "black" while simultaneously suggesting it's racist not to breed with negroes is jew label bullshit. Kikes brought them over from Africa as slaves, riled up Caucasians against negroes, then pretended to be on their side for now achieved more rights than us as they said jewish slavery was "white man's fault" as every other skin color decided to pin the blame because they're stupid and easily led.
>>87741 It's a common (North) American label. That type of shit is what every Caucasian child in the United States has to put up with growing up. So it breeds either virtue signaling retards who think they're experiencing "white guilt", people who hate blacks or the third option of realizing exactly (((who))) was behind bringing them over as slaves in the first place. The third option is unfortunately rare. There's a mental disconnect from reality across the world which cause may be less than transparent (because jewish control is very obvious yet masses aren't understanding this).