12/17/2022 (Sat) 03:01
Id: 2dddb1 (7) Prev Next
No. 89423 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>89418 Ask yourself why people stay? It is because shit skins have been provided a 1st world life style on the backs of hardworking white people. niggers spics slants in the cities need electricity to have their 1st world existence on the white mans back. I personally do not feel obligated to provide shit skins with a 1st world life style as a white man. Do you? Why work in a system where they steal your labor your life your time and tax you so that non-whites can afford a 1st world life style. I'm not intersted in that social contract what so ever. Do you choose to allow the non-whites to have electricity? Why? How does that benefit you? So that shit skins can out breed the white man on the white man's soil? Fuck that non sense, and fuck non-whites having electricity. They simply do not deserve it and it doesn't benefit me to have non-whites living a 1st world life style on my back. So remove their electricity.
white ppl can live a 1st world life style without electricity because we are civilized folk. But these non-whites without the luxurios 1st world life style provided to them by the whites soon realize they have to leave the area because guess what withou whites providing electricity, food, housing etc they go right back to their non-white 3rd world status. Which is exactly where they should be if the Jew did not cause endless Communist Bailouts and money printing essentially robbing whites of their hard earned labor and giving it to non-whites. That is white genocide I want no part of it. I don't want non-whites to have electricity. Do you?
One man can take out the electricity for thousands of non-whites. 2-3 men can take out the electricity for 10,000 non-whites.
This country is ours. We have a parallel economy to do business and we do not need the Jew Bailout Bucks. We aren't paying into a system or using a system currency which is only used to cause white genocide. The lynchpin of the Jews power is his control over the printing press and interest rates which allows him to bribe all political leaders and make all branches of the goverment corrupt. Notice how we have multiple sanctuary cities chalk full of foreign invaders with a border that no military group can enforce... We have full blown Jewish Communism and White Genocide going on. All financed by printed Jewish Bailout bucks with Jews choosing who stays in business via gov handouts. Fuck Jewish Communism!