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AOC Is Wrong, Study Shows Deplatforming Never Works As Intended Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 13:58 Id: fcd054 [Preview] No. 90383
AOC Is Wrong, Study Shows Deplatforming Never Works As Intended

Soon after Tucker Carlson left Fox News, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more commonly known by her initials AOC, celebrated on social media, telling her followers that “deplatforming works.”

Deplatforming, the practice of preventing an individual with specific views from voicing those views, might work for her, but it’s a disaster for broader society, according to a new peer-reviewed study (pdf): https://orca.cardiff.ac.uk/id/eprint/157696/1/Shapiro%20et%20al%20Impact%2006%3A01%3A21%20deplatforming.pdf

The research, carried out by four esteemed cyber experts, warns that deplatforming regularly backfires, because it creates a sense of deep-seated resentment, driving the disenchanted and disillusioned to seek out “alternative platforms where these discussions are less regulated and often more extreme.”

In this particular study, the researchers analyzed changes in social media usage following the “Great Deplatforming” of 2021. For the uninitiated, the “Great Deplatforming” occurred shortly after the Jan. 6 protest on the US Capitol. Following the event, a number of major platforms; including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; banned thousands of accounts. Ostensibly, as the researchers note, this was done to “limit misinformation about voter fraud and suppress calls for violence.” However, other less regulated platforms like Parler, Gab, Minds and Bitchute were quick to give the homeless a home. In this age of maximum choice, with no shortage of alternative social media platforms, deplatforming is an ineffective tool. It’s the equivalent of taking a soup spoon to a knife fight. You simply can’t make people with alternative points of view disappear. These people will almost always find new homes.

All of this brings us back to Tucker Carlson, a man who won’t (and can’t) be silenced. Carlson is, in many ways, bigger than Fox News. He’s a brand, a celebrity, a highly bankable star. One needn’t possess more than a few functioning neurons to know that Carlson is going to be OK. In fact, because of his ouster, he has never been in a stronger position. Carlson is more marketable now than ever before.

Where will he go next? Rumble, perhaps. The remarkably popular online video platform service gives content makers a great degree of freedom. Russell Brand, one of the most popular public intellectuals in existence, is Rumble’s biggest asset. He currently boasts more than 1 million followers.


Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 16:40 Id: 05843c [Preview] No.90384 del
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I said this also at /news/
6 days ago on the Israel news site, they praised the ADL hailing (((Fox news))) for this reason. Now if only neocons would stop watching that trash and pull their heads out of their asses.

Anonymous 05/01/2023 (Mon) 07:39 Id: 2d6098 [Preview] No.90385 del
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>Now if only neocons would stop watching that trash and pull their heads out of their asses.
I worry they will only pull them when they will be a part of problem and not in their comfort zone of not being concerned or just thinking they are just a political rival and not an undesirable hinderance that must be removed unlike NS whom knows he is enemy of his enemy and knows what to expect when joining the movement
That he is part of struggle for existence and preservation and not just a mere politicaly active spectator

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:24 [Preview] No.90497 del
Yes, all the "political dissidents" will be herded to gab, rumble, and bitchute, and then swiftly de-platformed from there.

I think the plan is to usher all the neocons to spaces that are very occupied by true national socialists atm, bleach the natsocs out, and create another mainstream (but "obscure") gathering place to continue to the left-right pseudowars, further obfuscating the natsoc message.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:28 Id: 352d5c [Preview] No.90498 del

I stopped watching all TV media over a decade ago. TV would likely be very foreign to me today, I cannot even begin to imagine how subversive and propagandized it is today. Must be total cancer lol. BTW, I must admit I have watched a few of Tucker's videos online before, and honestly I am amazed he even lasted as long as he did.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:39 Id: 352d5c [Preview] No.90499 del
Maybe, but the truth is I don't think we will ever get a full normie-natsoc movement going anytime soon, just because I find most normies are turned off by naming the Jew. It's too deeply rooted in our institutions at a young age to hate socialism or communism, just like it was for communism before that too. Normies seem to need to suffer before they begin to understand basic problems and that's just the sad truth. Nothing wakes a normie up more than hunger and facing homelessness, having to live in deteriorating corrupt squalor. I was once a normie myself, had no clue about anything going on until the 9/11 false flag attack happened, then it all changed my world view but it still took me a few years to realize how bad a situation America is being put into and many many more years to realize by exactly who.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 22:40 [Preview] No.90500 del

Not anytime "soon", but the truth of the message is a power in itself. If you're in the know, you feel compelled to wake other people up as well. The only thing to do is try.

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