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(128.19 KB 600x800 monero beirut.jpg)
LebAnon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 11:33 [Preview] No. 90744 [X]
>t. living in hyperinflation
like the namefag suggests, im a survivor of the Beirut port (((explosion)))
kikes deserve the rope
our savings are decimated
stack crypto/metals
hoard food/meds/ammo
learn to live minimally
fuck keynesian jews
ask me anything about living here

Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 11:41 [Preview] No.90745 [X] del
I've been considering running a marketplace since we have lawless infrastructure here(no Internet laws)
no extradition or Interpol interference
remember carlos ghosn escaping japan?
I have a whole supply chain figured out I just need the last piece of the puzzle

LebAnon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 11:42 [Preview] No.90746 [X] del
samefag in all the thread btw

Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 11:47 Id: 9d0bdc (1) [Preview] No.90747 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90748
Are you asking for money?

LebAnon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 11:49 [Preview] No.90748 [X] del
Im asking if anyone is interested in the crisis
also reminding you bros of how filthy kikes are kek

LebAnon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 12:02 [Preview] No.90749 [X] del >>90750
if anyone wants to help me out Id unironically appreciate it though

LebAnon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 12:05 [Preview] No.90750 [X] del >>90765>>90769
heres my XMR address


Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 14:46 [Preview] No.90752 [X] del
shameless self bump

Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 06:51 Id: f271a0 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90760 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90765
Ok, I'll ask you something. How about you go into detail? Your thread won't be removed unless you start some yet unforseen shit. However, everything you've said so far has been too vague. Keep in mind the basics if you should reply. Never reveal your name, precise location, etc.

Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 13:12 [Preview] No.90765 [X] del >>90767
Lebanon had a (((crisis))) where our banking system basically fucked us over
kikes later on bombed our port
this exaggerated the crisis by miles
a lot of NGOs launder money by fronting as selling local goods like jam, pickled vegetables and other organic products
none get searched because of food and we get a lot of these shipped abroad
Im setting up a clearnet website to sell these jams with NFTs( theyre bullshit but hear my PoV first)
we have no extradition laws here( remember carlos ghosn?) and no internet laws to break(no legislature for it)
no triple A company will inquire about 200$ for an NFT, but this will allow me to receive payments on clearnet since we cash out crypto here peer to peer so away from the peering eyes of our evil governmental overlords
shipping them is a piece of cake
I would need some money to buy the product before hand hence why I posted this

Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 04:07 Id: f271a0 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90767 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90769
Why do you need jams and a false front then? Just sell NFTs. They're not exactly easy to make, but far simpler than actually drawing art yourself. You can make complex NFTs with Stable Diffusion set up on your own PC. If you're not trying nude art, use 2.0. If you are, use 1.5. After installing Stable Diffusion, you need a VAE (vae-ft-mse-8400000-emaprunted.ckpt) and a checkpoint from civitai. This is all free. Sell AI NFTs to fools with money after setting up a cryptocurrency wallet and registering on some NFT site. I've thought of doing this myself, but need an investment of money already for most sites. So that part is complicated.

Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 13:39 [Preview] No.90769 [X] del >>90770
I wont make any jams I just get the organic ones
its not a front, I'll be shipping the produce in them
Ive worked on solidity no worries, of course I'll use stable diffusion, midjourney is paid now fml
wdym with fools? Im not rugging anyone
we have cheap and great hashish mainly
amongst otherdrugs
same with me , I need around 2k to get some in bulk

Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 21:29 Id: f271a0 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90770 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90774
(118.17 KB 540x540 7786.jpg)
>wdym with fools?
I mean people who pay insane amounts for NFTs. A fool and his money are soon parted. I don't expect NFT purchasers to be that interested in jams or hashish. Unless you mean you sell that locally and use NFT sales as money laundering. Any investigation is going to realize huge discrepancies. Also, we're not rich enough to donate here. This board is fairly dead. Those that come here on occasion are commoners. We're not wealthy like kikes. We're living under the lie of "white privilege". Antithetical to that lie, we struggle to survive.

Anonymous 07/17/2023 (Mon) 15:59 [Preview] No.90774 [X] del >>90775
a lot launder money with NFTs
it wont catch any eyes from triple A companies
I know fuck kikes, no one can get rich in this keynesian economy

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 01:30 Id: f271a0 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90775 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90849
They can if they're born with a silver spoon in their mouths, maybe knowing insider trading. As for me, I've never known wealth. My car was recently totaled by a speeding beaner.

LebAnon 07/31/2023 (Mon) 17:23 [Preview] No.90849 [X] del
I've lost my life savings in this jewish crisis

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