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Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population Anonymous 08/04/2023 (Fri) 13:24 Id: 37f9b1 [Preview] No. 90871
Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population

Globalist billionaire and depopulation enthusiast Bill Gates has told world leaders that it’s time use “death panels” to sentence ordinary, law-abiding people to death for the crime of being of no use to the elite.

This is the brutal, murderous world Bill Gates and his associates at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset. We can’t allow their evil logic to become the new normal.

Bill Gates has become so arrogant in recent times that he is happy for cameras to catch him saying the quiet parts out loud.

Gates doesn’t explain why we cannot pay teachers and allow people to live out their lives in peace. Why is it either/or? After all, in the past we did not have any problem paying teachers their salaries and allowing our grandparents to enjoy their grandchildren during their golden years.

If you are wondering what else they have up their sleeve, it’s worth paying attention to what happened at the G20 in Bali, Indonesia late last year.

The G20 is a summit featuring leaders of the most important economies in the world, and it’s a mix of countries considered to be “advanced” or “developing”.

Beyond the rooms where the world political leaders sit around and thrash out various issues, there are dozens of side events where so-called “dignitaries” meet.

Why were Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab in attendance at the G20? No one voted for them.

The mainstream media is declaring anyone who asks this question to be a conspiracy theorist. But it’s a totally legitimate question to ask.


Anonymous 08/21/2023 (Mon) 14:05 Id: 56be04 [Preview] No.90970 del
Bill has been adamant about that. There are many instances where he let it slip.
If he wants to reduce the population he just needs to focus on India China and Africa. But nooooo it's always the problem of white countries...fucking scam

Anonymous 08/21/2023 (Mon) 14:11 Id: 354c15 [Preview] No.90973 del
He did focus pushing "vaccines" on Africa a decade or so ago, but after many locals started noticing the people getting diseases and dying were the ones taking those jabs, eventually African villages started burning down Red Cross centers, killing the "health workers" and ran them out of their local areas. With this level of resistance to tyranny no wonder Africa will probably survive and the West will not.

Anonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 05:50 Id: 4ba101 [Preview] No.90999 del
Where did he say this?

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 15:32 Id: 2200e9 [Preview] No.91369 del
Patriots say that Americans will never pick up a gun to resist tyranny because Americans are too lazy to even send an email to Congress, but you should never give up defending freedom.

Don't go to the concentration camps quietly.
Go to the concentration camps with hope, you stupid jew. Because German labor camps were practically resorts for ungrateful jews

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 17:47 Id: e5b0a6 [Preview] No.91372 del
You all see why this dipshit has to be banned. This is AIDSkike. He is why "el­ites" is filtered to kikes.

Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 09:46 Id: 4e3e53 [Preview] No.91377 del
Americans are totally enslaved now.

Having hope is difficult when Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA needs more surveillance cameras, cars must be banned, ketchup must be outlawed, coffee must be criminalized, churches must stay closed, guns must be confiscated, property rights must be ended, forfeiture is wonderful, TSA groping is fantastic, NSA wiretapping is great, and CIA torture is necessary.

Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 15:22 Id: e5b0a6 [Preview] No.91380 del
>Americans are totally enslaved now

Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 01:31 Id: ca824c [Preview] No.91395 del
just use "elitists" :^3

Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 03:22 Id: e5b0a6 [Preview] No.91397 del
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It's all the same distraction.

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 09:28 Id: fdc2c0 [Preview] No.91906 del
(135.64 KB 590x1200 billybob.jpg)
billy bob is an evil sack of shit and should have been eliminated decades ago

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