11/27/2023 (Mon) 07:57
Id: 1837e7 (7) Prev Next
No. 91758 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>91744 It worked in Germany in the 30s + mid 40s
and during the Crusades . I have much respect for those warriors despite all the historical propaganda against them. Made up atrocities I'm too familiar with. Europe now is as submissive and cucked as the USA (to ZOG) if not more so. I do not despise Christianity. I defend it here because it was Hitler's inspiration. I will always defend the fact he was genuine and did not lie. As you I both know, Christianity's origins aren't Hebrew. Though as someone's who's turning to "pagan" answers, I can see with modern Christianity, it is far too infiltrated.
Even though I'm very aware of Hitler having mocked the past Volkische movements in Mein Kampf. Yes, the verse about turning the other cheek has been mistranslated and the meaning subverted to mean not defending oneself. That's a major problem. I suppose positive Christianity the way the Third Reich portrayed it has a chance at a comeback, but only IF we first have warriors instead of pacifists. Compare to Odin and all his Æsir brethren. When it comes to inspirations to live up to, I would rather have warriors determined for Valhöll on my side than those who are inspired by Jesus's pacifism which has brought us nowhere in the living world. The fact is, it has always been an ideal for rewards after death.
I'm also aware that to a Christian, which I grew up as, these statements are "blasphemy".
Vikings and Christians were killing each other centuries ago. Animosity (by Ásatrú followers) for that however, does not make sense. As silly as negroes holding a grudge against all Aryans for the Trans Atlantic jew Slave Trade. That history has long passed. The cultures and traditions of those "pagans" have not been systematically eliminated and are nowhere near on the level of hated by an entire tribe as Christianity is by jews.