02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:07
Id: 61ce88 (10) Prev Next
No. 92640 [Hide User Posts] [X]
Aww. Look at the Sephardic jew doing what he does best. (((Lashing out))) at Natsocs because he hates us. I told you jews can't control themselves. He will now be banned for every appearance he makes. I should have never made an exception to Board Rule 1. Congrats, Pepe anon, you idiot.National Socialists are Fascists. That was the entire point of those posts you hated seeing. Here are the facts: Pepe anon arrived here and praised many posts. The majority of which, ironically enough, I recognized as mine. He raised my brow at the sight of his Sephardic admittance. I should have banned him immediately. Then he turned a 180 and started calling everyone here useless. This is the very characteristic of an infiltrating jew. They praise you. They kiss your ass for awhile. Butter you up. It does not last. Because then as the maxim goes after he stabs you in the back: Serves you right. You trusted a jew. As the Pepe anon arrival hates his (((own kind))) and enjoys Fascism, he really needs to wonder what caused him to turn instantly to hate because we exist. Then realize one simple fact. It's in his blood .
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:24.