06/22/2024 (Sat) 17:46
Id: e00ac6 (2) Prev Next
No. 93971 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>93970 >Israel is accomplishing more for hatred of jews than we ever could I sort of expected rhat they will dig themself a massive embarasment as they cannot into opsec and only can into censorship or in case of imageboards and social media only spam to make the places unusable
And considering we are in the end of reccesion (and thats an overstatement according to mine last rexounting with imflation calculator and counting that in clean median wage in US is cca 50k per year if i exclude rhings outside of rent and taxes) that will be replaced by the great depression on steroids making present UK which fallen into this phase a nothing to worry about
However i bit worry about jewerys fail in their own dementia for 111th time is following
There is a unignorable chance the US will become a communist state as was planned by them and yet i dont see that anything that is not zions false dicotomy had developed well enough or is not with us anymore
Yes someone may say hitlers ai speeches took youtube like a lightning or how arno brekers statue became a meme and how even there is normalized talks slowly how we are fucked however time is ticking already and every minute is crucial when it comes to gathering men who broke plavlov reflex