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Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:39 Id: 775866 [Preview] No. 92777
Why are the anglozionists like this?

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 19:45 Id: 867f6a [Preview] No.92778 del
How can they have so little creativity?
Either they can't come up with a different flag design, or they purposely like to use the same design to either gloat or signal to other scum like themselves.

sage sage 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:19 Id: 52d5f6 [Preview] No.92779 del
Why can't you find the QTDDOT thread? I don't know. Lazy OPs are a mystery.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:32 Id: ace0e0 [Preview] No.92780 del
No, this is important. It's about the usage of symbolism which highlights the hubris of the people who think of themselves as great social engineers.

Everytime you see picrel into any flag design, with any other combination of elements, be aware that that design has been done by a communist, meaning a jew, meaning an enemy of all white people. And that whatever narrative they try to propose, whatever promises and optimistic future they try to paint, it's all a lie, a trap, and that their ultimate goal is the destruction of all european culture, and legacy, down to the destruction of the single persons.

I've seen this same design being used before on reddit to push an "european federalism" ideology, which just goes to show how infiltrated are the jews into the traditionalist movements.
Be very wary of these false fuckers.

sage sage 03/01/2024 (Fri) 02:51 Id: 52d5f6 [Preview] No.92781 del
Ok. So start your threads off stating that. Not a six words question that belongs here >>90546

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