03/14/2024 (Thu) 17:51
Id: 2f9965 (1)
No. 92920 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>The English version sounds a lot like Eric Idle from Monty Python.
That version really had a strong british accent, on one side it sounds funny, on an other side it feels ironic, given the traitorous role the british had in allowing the kikes to enslave europe.
>Non Germans sometimes instantly think Hitler is "monstrous" because German language is harsh.
Not all non-germans think that about the language. But the average lack of a second language for both anglos and americans is indeed one of the reasons for why the kikes have such an easy way to control their societies.
The people of other nations can escape the state and general propaganda by keeping contact with other friendly nations, since different state propagandas can never completely coordinate, what is censored or shilled in one nation may not be elsewhere, making it impossible for a parasite to ever have complete control of the people worldview. And especially in europe, people there have a very long experience with countering forced narratives, the medias can spout anything they want, the people still know what is really going on. (except the anglos apparently, they remain clueless and kiked)
And since teaching all anglos and americans to learn a second language seems too demanding, it would be just easier to properly translate some things for them. (it still feels like spoonfeeding some infants, and translating stuff for them alone isn't going to make them grow as a people, they would continue to remain closed into their tiny language bubble and its related tiny world awareness, and most of all they would remain closed into a literalist understanding of communication which is an other reason the kikes have such an easy way to play with words with them, but translating stuff for them is all that can be done right now)