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No Mystery Here Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 01:01 Id: b660f7 [Preview] No. 93069
Hi there, Israel. I am Lieutenant Columbo. Homicide. I have been placed on the case of the missing Palestinians by my superiors. I seem to have lost my pen. Just give me a minute. It must be in one these pockets, aw shucks. Now where did I put that notepad? No matter.

What were we talking about? Right. The massacres. Do you realize the Geneva Convention set out a certain set of rules for warfare? Slaughtering civilians is not ok, oh, do you mean to blame Hamas? I see. No alibi for the 1948 Arab Israeli war. "Defending yourself" by murdering 1,953.

Then there was the Qibyan massacre of reprisals carried out by Ariel Sharon on the innocent village of Qibya. You murdered about 70 civilian Palestinians, including women and children. But you didn't stop there. In 1973, you raided Lebanon on the night of April 9th under the cover of night.

Over 50 Lebanese were massacred, including 3 policemen. Then you invaded them again in 1978, committing over 2,000 murders of Lebanese people. The First Intifada on December 9th, 1987, an Israeli truck intentionally plowed into a civilian car just to kill 4 Palestinians. Why do this?

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 01:04 Id: b660f7 [Preview] No.93070 del
When Palestinians became upset, you slaughtered them until 1993. Over 100 civilians murdered and 1,400 Palestinians injured, because you have no conscience. But that was not even close to the end of this sickening brutality. Oh no, sir.

The Second Intifada was between the years 2000 and 2005 when Ariel Sharon visited the Al-Aqsa compound and IDF fired a million rounds of ammunition into Palestinian civilians. Over 3,000 Palestinians were murdered. Next, we'll discuss what happened in December of 2006.

The Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh was denied entry into Gaza. Israeli gunmen then shot at his car, murdering a bodyguard and injuring his son plus political advisor Ahmed Youssef. Israel then blamed Fatah, hoping this would cause infighting.

On December 27, 2008, Israel started Operation Cast Lead, attacking the densely populated cities of Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah. 518 Palestinians were murdered, along with one Egyptian border guard dead and 3 others wounded. Two children wounded and 255 police officers murdered.

On March 9, 2012, Israel carried out an air strike to kill the Secretary General Zohair al-Qaisi. Following air strikes by Israel on Gaza resulted in killing 5 Palestinians and wounding 74. This despite the fact Hamas refused to participate. Then more murders were carried out in November 2012.

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 01:08 Id: b660f7 [Preview] No.93071 del
Israel's Operation Pillar of Defense resulted in the deaths of 105 Palestinians with 971 wounded. The next Operation Protective Edge in 2014 was a series of air strikes resulting in the murders of 2,310 Palestinian civilians and 10,626 wounded. In 2021, Israel carried out more air strikes.

456 Palestinians died as a result with over 500 more injured. Next beginning on October 7th 2023 and continuing to this day, over 30,000 Palestinians have been murdered by the IDF forces. This is clearly a case of mass genocide, Israel, that you have been carrying out since the 1940s.

Well, the UN may condemn Israel's actions but in reality, they will never lift a finger. Your wealthy lobbies in the United States have bought off all North American politicians. The U.S. Government holds veto power and vetoes everything against Israel. It seems you're pretty much untouchable.

I'll see myself out. Oh, just one more thing if I may? Do you remember that holocaust racket you've been extorting Germany for millions and America for billions in taxpayer revenue? Well, I hate to break it to you. After all of the public reveal, the masses won't care anymore. You mass murderers.

Israel is done drawing sympathy from people based on the holocaust fraud. Whether or not people believe in it is now irrelevant. The entire world sees you for what you are. Eventually, people will begin feeling that Hitler may have been right after all. Sucks to be a jew these days, doesn't it?

Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 01:20 Id: b660f7 [Preview] No.93073 del
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Soon, the pogroms will begin again. Jews will be exiled from nations when the fury of Gentiles who outnumber you thousands to one reaches a fever pitch. History always repeats. You will once again feel what it's like to be targeted. After what you've done to Palestinians, gotta love the irony.

Well, I'm done here. See you around. Or maybe I won't. Not if you're nuked after you've agitated the world. Oppenheimer mass murdered the Japanese. What if a similar nuke mass murders Israelis? Won't the rest of you be crying then? Boo hoo muh 6 million. This time it'll be real.

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