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What would be a general goal/plan to work towards Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 09:48 Id: acb1e3 (1) [Preview] No. 94798 [Hide User] [X] >>94957>>95006
Hello all. I would like to have a discussion on what would be a good idea to do with your life on a daily basis and what would be a step for our generation(s) to work towards. Looking at the work I see we are generally surrounded with jew cancer. There is unfortunately not enough /ourguys/ living in our lands together as a community. I.E. IRL not as organised as would like to be.

So far, I could only think about making friends with based people, trying to get a skill and then moving to a place together with my based friends and living next to each other by our own rules kind of like the amish, while making things and earning money for /ourguys/ community.

What do you think?

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 20:21 Id: 8b086c (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94957 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94958>>94959
If you are in the United States (and possibly interested in immigrating), there is the Northwest Imperative movement (or other White secessionist movements under different names centered around Cascadia and the Pacific Northwest). These are validatable options, with full constitutions drawn up, a working government structure, and means of carrying out their spiritual goals once an inevitable dissolution of the United States of America occurs later this century. You should very seriously consider this route and read The Northwest Imperative and the Northwest White Book (get the latest editions).

If you are in Europe, I'd suggest a racially-conscious section within the country, surrounded by as many White Europeans as possible. Something like Iceland or Greenland seems to me the safest options, as they are demographically safe and will very likely remain so by the time the Israeli-United States' jewish hegemony collapses.

In summary:
- Become physically strong and as healthy as possible within your means.
- Work a job, be a functioning part of your community and be able to socialize.
- Develop valued skillsets, both for when the lights are on and when they are off.
- Prepare for war and combat. Practice with firearms if you can (or at least learn how they operate, ammunition types, costs, roles, and models / manufacturers), practice with knives and blunt objects. Join a mixed martial arts group if you can.
- Study the books and literature on White Identity: who we are, why we are, our past, and our future. Love thyself. From here, study literature and what you can find of a secessionist movement that you want to join. Know how such an operation functions long before you join, the phases of their implementations, and your role within each phase.
- Save money from your employment
- Make the move once the time is feasible and housing / employment is lined up. Scout ahead if need be.

A side effect of these things is that you will be immune to jewish cancer and propaganda from all sources. How can Russian, Chinese, Israeli, and Five-Eye feds get you riled up about elections, if you already recognize their governments are invalid constructs? You are under military occupation by a foreign, alien, and hostile species pretending to be human. An all-source spectrum war is being conducted against you. Respond in kind. This is what your life is now, until they are no more.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 20:22 Id: 8b086c (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94958 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Typo'd country instead of continent, when referring to Europe.

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 20:54 Id: 17e10e (1) [Preview] No.94959 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Yeah, about that. Whenever I fully convinced people that the jew holocaust is a fraud, that kikes spread degeneracy, the now unindoctrined decided to move north west, as in flee instead of joining me to start a movement, because they thought the grass was greener over there. That's a metaphor for less kikes and niggers and less degeneracy. By their messages and phone calls to me, they were wrong. You can't join jews and traitorous jew enablers and you can't simply flee. There's nowhere to go. ZOG is world wide. Kikes have their talons sinked in everywhere.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 17:09 Id: 0510ae (1) [Preview] No.95006 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
One of many things:
conduct your life while not aiding the jewish banking system

Any amount of money (hard value) which you leave in the hands of the (((banks))) is going to be used against you and against your people, by the jews. The jews are funding the invasion of all european-american nations, the jews are funding the housing of all the invaders, the jews are funding all the welfare and economic gains of the invaders, the jews are funding the cultural/political degeneration which is damaging the capacity of nations to birth their next generations, leading to a weakened state which can be more easily exploited by invaders, the jews are funding all of that with your money, inside their banks. The jews are using your money against you.

1) withdraw all your money from any bank account you may have
2) exchange all the paper money (worthless) for things with actual value (living/working space, living/working tools, reserve exchange mediums)
3) conduct your purchases while paying attention to who you give money, and how likely it is for those money, which you extracted from the baking system, to flow back into the banks, prioritise giving money to people who will keep those money away from the banks, but who will rather keep circulating the value inside your community, any money which is captured by the banks is lost by the community
4) just watch as the jews will end up eating up themselves in the struggle to keep stealing economic value as they always do
5) be prepared for when the jews will instigate wars or disasters as a way to steal back everything you gathered away from them, be ready to not be tricked and defrauded by them, or you're going back to square one of being a jewish slave
6) be ready to put a bullet in their heads when they try to come to get you, because they will come, not in person, because they are cowards, they will use someone else to do their crimes, but you must not get caught in their useful idiots, and rather track back at the source, and hit only the source

Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 07:26 Id: 1244ff (1) [Preview] No.102576 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Raise a family that will be intergenerationally formidable while maintaining pragmatism so idealistic pursuits do not delude and dilate your collective willpower.

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