01/02/2025 (Thu) 05:55
Id: 55736b (2) Prev Next
No. 95635 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>95632 >OP here checking on the thread. 4cuck is unuseable Tell me about that...
I dont even feel its even populated by people but by bots considering the average responses or posting
How before 2024 natsoc general with redpill threads worked is beyond me apart of few dedicated posters stimulating them
>>95630 >Israel's mass murders on mainstream social media is now being labeled as "woke" Considering the following after degradating mind to their philosophy and ignoring bigger picture of jews being an rootles racial clique with global ambitions seeking destsbilization for sake of power consolidation under thalmudic law
How one is a communist or leftist or woke by criricizing "state" with globalist ambitions and their jingoist policies even towards their allies destroying sovregin states
No ZOG soldier was permitted to step into israel, no conventions regarding of prohibition of WMDs and humane waging of warfare were signed by jews, recieves overbloated support despite being a regional nuclear power, is pledged to recieve even more overboated financial and resource support despite damaging effects of suporters, created by its desires the famous le habibi insurgencies either by direct or indirect intervention
And like it wasnt enough already
How one is a communist when ussr was first to recognize israel before it even existed and was its hidden best friend to eternity or had most of its jews from ussr
>But US was first US was first de facto recognizer
Ussr did it before birders were even drawn