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(197.83 KB 651x481 ragecomic.png)
Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 00:54:18 [Preview] No. 6019
Do you guys udnerstand the poain

Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 03:12:10 [Preview] No.6020 del

Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 04:37:42 [Preview] No.6021 del
Do you understand the Pone? That's what I ask. It is places like this that prove that the pone is beyond the understanding of most who have even touched it. The PONE Is beyond mortals like yourself.

Anon 05/19/2020 (Tue) 23:05:01 [Preview] No.6038 del
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>Do you understand the Pone? That's what I ask.
what is the pone anyway?

>It is places like this that prove that the pone is beyond the understanding of most who have even touched it. The PONE Is beyond mortals like yourself.
most channers believe that this ride is painful and nothing else will matter for the real lives. But then you wonder if you are living in pain, those questions arise every now and then as shown on /mlp/.

Then, you realize that you are feeling the pain because others are listening to you, so sharing those feelings turn into the actual truth...because those words are being shared with someone else that will reply to you and will transmit those words to other fans in the future.

But what about /endpone/, which is located at the end of the universe?

The answer is.....that you don´t feel any pain whatsoever.

There is no pain because you might get lucky that a person or two could listen to you but in the end, it´s cold outside. No one else will actually care and because of that you don´t share those same feelings like /mlp/ does.

Your feelings are always floating in limbo and you don´t expect what light you might get at the end of the tunnel. And even if there was one with the colourful show, the gen has ended....so what would your reason be to justify your stay here?

The pain is an easy answer to hold onto it so you avoid asking deeper questions.However, when something is beyond yourself, you don´t feel that pain because you cannot control it either. That sense of apathy and uncertainty will conquer your body instead.

And lastly, you know that sharing the pain is a restriction because the /end/ will lead you to believe (one way or another) that you actually are a free soul, flying silently in the night to the highest mountains, swimming in the darkest depths beneath the abandoned bridges and asking over and over inside your brain when the next GET is going to come by looking at these numbers.

Maybe the pone drives us insane and holds too much chaos for anyone to handle it , so let´s leave that question to the constellations. Maybe the stars will aid us with this hopeless escape and get some advice and boring rationalism from them.

Or at least...that´s what they said... before they had an argument among them

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 05:23:45 [Preview] No.6054 del
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Cold, lonely, tender, warm and homely. I have all felt towards /endpone/. So I guess the state of the board is all and nothing. Freedom?

The stars may have aided in Luna's escape but they don't know what any of it means...

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 21:29:54 [Preview] No.6060 del
>The stars may have aided in Luna's escape but they don't know what any of it means...
they don´t know but it only requires one small task from them:

Just look at the banners and eventually, someone among those pictures will show an evil smile on her face when she gets away with it.

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