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(748.34 KB 1500x1500 2675422.png)
/fileshare/ thread Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 11:12:50 [Preview] No. 6627
Welcome to the /endpone/ file sharing thread. This is a thread in which various files to be shared.

Honestly? I'm not sure how much use this thread will get and if there is a need for it with /go/ covers fan projects and the other threads work well enough with on topic file sharing. NMAiE or /chat/ are fine enough for the occasional off topic/no where to else to put things.

Still, I could possibly see a thread being handy and hence this thread is born.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 07:12:17 [Preview] No.6674 del
If you play this game, a void-demon will eat your soul, allowing your flesh to be violated by random passersby.

Anon 10/13/2020 (Tue) 18:54:09 [Preview] No.6679 del
Two audios of Fluttershy and The Stanley Parable narrator voiced in 15.ai

https://youtube.com/watch?v=goAZtk1i3CM [Embed]

By the way, the Broom Closet ending was my favorite!

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 03:51:21 [Preview] No.6692 del
(140.46 KB 1400x1138 2338378.jpg)
>If you play this game, a void-demon will eat your soul, allowing your flesh to be violated by random passersby.
Did not know that (I have never played or seen a full LP of it...)

>By the way, the Broom Closet ending was my favorite!
But I have seen that! LOL. Thanks for the chuckles.

>Two audios of Fluttershy and The Stanley Parable narrator voiced in 15.ai
Cool. Any particular ideas or was this just ya playing around? Either case, glad the thread found a bit of use for you.

Anon 10/16/2020 (Fri) 21:48:01 [Preview] No.6694 del
>But I have seen that! LOL. Thanks for the chuckles.
I linked that video before indeed. Just that,as soon as one notices in the download that the narrator from that game appears to be voiced, the first thing that comes to my mind is his affront towards Stanley.

>Any particular ideas or was this just ya playing around?
I am not the one who has shared the files. I just simply copied the youtube link after checking out the folder and reported what the folder presents.

Anon 11/09/2020 (Mon) 08:35:31 [Preview] No.6792 del
(108.35 MB webm.zip)
Again, webm file. First attemp tab crashed.

Anon 11/09/2020 (Mon) 08:37:46 [Preview] No.6793 del
Alright it worked! Nothing special. Just a few asorted webms I had on hoof that I was going to include as a bous for that file I was going to have as 5050 image folder.

Speaking of which...

Anon 11/09/2020 (Mon) 09:50:50 [Preview] No.6795 del
Alright, even 172 MB is too big. Back to the drawing board...

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