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(29.92 KB 774x481 spaceship_gf.png)
Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:26:04 [Preview] No. 2805
glorious future

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:26:21 [Preview] No.2806 del
>Have you read the new slate star codex article yet?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:26:41 [Preview] No.2807 del
(200.88 KB 730x633 1490809700535.png)
>TFW no (r)accelerationist machinemensch GF to harvest your organs for the glory of Moloch
Why even live
I just want Nick Land to step on my balls and rant about sinofuturism

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:26:58 [Preview] No.2808 del
That's gay. Why is Land a Sinophile and not a weeb, anyway?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:27:13 [Preview] No.2809 del
She doesn't really love you, you're just a human pet

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:27:29 [Preview] No.2810 del
I assume you just wanted somebody to post these, OP.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:27:45 [Preview] No.2811 del
I actually hate that CYOA. the choice system is dumb, the DLC just further emphasizes how dumb and bad the system is, and also it's weird that she asks what dere you want her to be but she's always yandere instead.

I mean, I'd still fuck the shit out of a yandere spaceship girl and maybe beggars can't be choosers, but that doesn't make it good.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:28:01 [Preview] No.2812 del
What would be a better system, assuming you have to keep it a single-image CYOA?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:28:17 [Preview] No.2813 del
Points? There's quite a few CYOAs where you customize a ship, and they basically all give you a budget of points/credits/spacebucks to spend on things. "Choose one of each type" is obviously meant to simplify things, but it feels overly restrictive and some of the choices are outright arbitrary which really rubs it in.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:28:33 [Preview] No.2814 del
Where does the whole spaceship GF thing come from?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:28:49 [Preview] No.2815 del

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:29:05 [Preview] No.2816 del
Iain M Banks' Culture novel series. I just realised that I always envisaged every Ship in the series as male. Are there any explicitly female Ships, or are they all ambiguous?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:29:21 [Preview] No.2817 del

At least a couple of the GSVs are either female or flamboyantly gay by name alone

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:29:37 [Preview] No.2818 del
more like this please

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:29:53 [Preview] No.2819 del
• Peter Watts
• Ted Chiang
• Iain M Banks
• Neal Stephenson
• William Gibson (pre-1990 work only)
• Charles Stross
• Roger Williams (see The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect)
Nick Land ;^)

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:30:09 [Preview] No.2820 del
There is a difference between "well known" and "approved". I would put Metamorphosis solidly in the former category.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:30:25 [Preview] No.2821 del
And how did it become a hardcore nerd's stock romantic/sexual fantasy? Was there a seminal anime or fanfic or something that borrowed from Banks?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:30:41 [Preview] No.2822 del
I used to like Stross but he's an SJW faggot now.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:30:57 [Preview] No.2823 del
The first Culture novel came out in 1987 there's no fucking way no-one had thought of sapient ships potentially being someone's girlfriend before then. Show me *any* anime with a Spaceship Girl that was directly influenced by the Culture series.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:31:13 [Preview] No.2824 del
Culture started hitting around the same time anime involuted and started ignoring Western SF. You look at the old guys like Anno or Tomino, they read tons of Western SF and watched as much Star Trek as sentai. Now you're lucky if Haruhi will allude to something as ancient as Hyperion.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:31:29 [Preview] No.2825 del
Anyone up to do the research and find the earliest instance of a captain/spaceship avatar romance in anime? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceshipGirl is as good a starting point as any.
>anime involuted
Why did that happen?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:31:45 [Preview] No.2826 del
I'm not convinced that it did. I think that there's been a shift to adaptions rather than OVAs - studios choosing safe bets rather than taking risks. So you get more safe, less experimental stuff, with less references to foreign SF.

One counterexample is Attack on Titan, which has a heavy western influence - the titans are straight out of Goya.

This mirrors the shift in Hollywood, obviously.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:32:01 [Preview] No.2827 del

> tfw no bruce sterling
> tfw no stanislaw lem

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:35:11 [Preview] No.2838 del
Is Greg Egan /ratanon/-compliant?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 14:35:27 [Preview] No.2839 del
>a spaceship gf thread with over two dozen posts
>no recs so far

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:09:34 [Preview] No.2880 del
He's been a SJ for years, what do you mean 'now'?

>Bruce Sterling

Schismatrix is pretty fucking good, especially "Twenty Evocations".

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:09:50 [Preview] No.2881 del
Why give recs when you can talk shit about SJWs?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:24:53 [Preview] No.2920 del
Those views seem too progressive and not weird enough for a sapient spaceship and what life she may lead.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:25:24 [Preview] No.2921 del
Of course not. None of it is really weird, it's all firmly at the center of the comfort zones of its creator and audience.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:26:12 [Preview] No.2924 del
You're probably right about the creator's intention. For me, though, the obviously missing weirdness registers as wrong and possibly even sinister, not comfortable.

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 17:43:30 [Preview] No.3152 del
bumping for this

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 22:45:42 [Preview] No.4089 del
>4chan writes a spaceshipfu story
>every character is an idiot
>tfw it could have easily been hotter AND smarter
The story is https://pastebin.com/5vqeuXBZ, if you're curious. My questions to /ratanon/ are,
1. Why hasn't the rat diaspora produced a good spaceship waifu series?
2. Whom should we hire to do it?

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 22:47:25 [Preview] No.4095 del
>not wanting moloch gf

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:33:19 [Preview] No.5291 del
How about a different kind of shipfu?

Zylphia Sepiida 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:48:37 [Preview] No.5328 del
I literally live with the person who made this and he's really fucking great.
Unironically wants to transition to be a spaceship

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:50:13 [Preview] No.5333 del
Usual practice is to leave the name and email fields blank

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:00:01 [Preview] No.5366 del
So he want to be >>2673, #8?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:03:10 [Preview] No.5368 del
Who doesn't? I want to stretch out my engine fields and race tachyons to the Lesser Magellenic. I wanna ride the spacial ripple of an imploding warp drive and spray antimatter needles into a horde of enemy drones with pinpoint precision. I want to be totally capable, utterly assured, armed to the teeth, algorithmically suave. I want to be ready for absolutely-
positively-anything the universe can throw at me. I want a full tank of positrons and a straight shot at Andromeda.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:23:32 [Preview] No.5407 del
(102.18 KB 587x693 Stross toon 1.jpg)
He's got worse tho. He used to moan about the Beige (i.e. neoliberalism 1975-20??) but since Brexit-Trump, he just wants a Nice Blair really

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:23:49 [Preview] No.5408 del
(82.11 KB 592x634 egan muh fugees.jpg)
well, see:
his tl is a mix of tasty math/physics autism mixed with pro-refugee propaganda, so you tell me

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:25:21 [Preview] No.5409 del
(1.35 MB 829x1243 ClipboardImage.png)
>stanislaw lem
the master

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:25:40 [Preview] No.5410 del
(112.80 KB 532x1617 teranesia.png)
He was already doing /g/'s C+= schtick twenty years ago, so he's earned enough countersignaling points to be alright in my book

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:25:56 [Preview] No.5411 del
Thats bretty gud, but if he wrote anything like that in a new book I suspect the current #woke sf crew would unperson him sharpish

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:26:46 [Preview] No.5414 del
You have to be pretty pwned to publish a civil rights allegory in 2010. I am really sick of those. Greg Egan should have move to Shanghai in the '90s.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:27:20 [Preview] No.5415 del
do you even Jevons Paradox nigga?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 06:31:05 [Preview] No.5428 del
Is that Julia Galef?

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