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(539.76 KB 1600x900 1570108632347.jpg)
Dear Russians banned from Linux: Plz help ChaosEsque instead. Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 21:41 [Preview] No. 63562
Dear Russkies. Of the Nizy Novogrod region and all other regions.
You have been maliciously kicked out of Linux Kernel by a faggot.

Please instead help Chaos Esque Anthology 3d project know more map formats.
It is in C. Quake based.
We have coded Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory BSP support into it, and 4 million entity networking.

It can also generate cities, which you can fight in, we did much 3d modeling and coding. You can enter the buildings.

We know you won't help. No one does.
But it is true opensource, before the women joined, before the trans-gays, before all of that. Just programmers.

We dream of having Unreal and Unreal Tournament 1997/1999 map support (bsp), and valve BSP support.

The game allready has been edited to allow obj-as-map support (see the on-disc (ISO) git repos that come with the game: all the code is there, as are some binaries in the other GIT folder on the disc with the newer builds.), so the modern way of LIDAR scan for a map is supported allready. As are exports of obj from minetest and mine*raft and obj exports from bzflag as maps.

We know you won't help us.
But we figured we would ask.
Russians look good and are pretty.

This is just a hobby game. Has 200+ weapons, 30 (or really 65) vehicles, 100+ maps, magic, etc etc. If you would help us... well no one helps us.

Everyone is a feminist woman worshiping faggot piece of fucking shit. We have to do everything ourselves. Faggots became trannies. Trannies banned you Russians. Trannies did this. They did this to you. Do not forget that.

Anyway I will put this through translator. It will probably be unreadable.

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 21:42 [Preview] No.63563 del
(383.97 KB 891x902 1616496677326.jpg)
(maschine translated)
Дорогие русские. Из региона Нижний Новгород и всех других регионов.
Вас злонамеренно выгнал из ядра Linux какой-то педик.

Вместо этого помогите проекту Chaos Esque Anthology 3D узнать больше форматов карт.
Он на C. На основе Quake.

Мы закодировали в нем поддержку BSP Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory и 4 миллиона сетевых сущностей.

Он также может генерировать города, в которых вы можете сражаться, мы много занимались 3D-моделированием и кодированием. Вы можете заходить в здания.

Мы знаем, что вы не поможете. Никто не поможет.
Но это настоящий opensource, до того, как присоединились женщины, до транс-геев, до всего этого. Просто программисты.

Мы мечтаем о поддержке карт Unreal и Unreal Tournament 1997/1999 (bsp) и поддержке Valve BSP.

Игра уже отредактирована для поддержки obj-as-map (см. репозитории git на диске (ISO), которые поставляются с игрой: весь код там, как и некоторые двоичные файлы в другой папке GIT на диске с новыми сборками.), поэтому современный способ сканирования LIDAR для карты уже поддерживается. Как и экспорт obj из minetest и mine*raft и экспорт obj из bzflag в виде карт.

Мы знаем, что вы нам не поможете.
Но мы решили спросить.
Русские выглядят хорошо и симпатично.

Это просто игра-любительство. Имеет 200+ видов оружия, 30 (или на самом деле 65) транспортных средств, 100+ карт, магию и т. д. и т. п. Если бы вы нам помогли... ну, никто нам не поможет.

Все — феминистки, поклоняющиеся педикам, кускам дерьма. Мы должны все делать сами. Педики стали трансами. Трансы забанили вас, русских. Трансы сделали это. Они сделали это с вами. Не забывайте об этом.

В любом случае, я пропущу это через переводчик. Это, вероятно, будет нечитаемо.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 10:37 [Preview] No.63624 del
С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде?

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:50 [Preview] No.63760 del
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде?

I wrote this post for opennet.ru, but they delete it in 2 seconds.

They also delete any criticism of Linus.

There is nowhere to communicate with russians other than here. Everything else is censored. Especially email which is just decided to be spam or never delivered.

2chan does not allow non-japanese IPs so I cannot speak with russians there either.

Thirdly: you are a russian: by being russian, especially russkie, you have the power of C programming within you. You might know other Russians. Perhaps you would spread the word and ask them.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:50 [Preview] No.63761 del
(maschine translated)
Я написал этот пост для opennet.ru, но они удаляют его за 2 секунды.

Они также удаляют любую критику Линуса.

Некуда общаться с русскими, кроме здесь. Все остальное подвергается цензуре. Особенно электронное письмо, которое только что решило быть спамом или никогда не доставляется.

2chan не разрешает не японские IPS, поэтому я не могу говорить там с русскими.

В -третьих: вы русские: будучи русскими, особенно Русски, у вас есть сила программирования C. Вы можете знать других русских. Возможно, вы бы распространили бы слово и спросили их.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:55 [Preview] No.63762 del
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде?

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 19:34 [Preview] No.63769 del
Студентов МГИКа в Москве выселили из общежития ради размещения китайцев

Как сообщают студенты, им дали всего три часа на сборы и переселили в менее благоустроенное общежитие с отсутствием ремонта и проблемами с насекомыми. Переселение прошло по указу проректора, которому требовалось срочно предоставить места для китайских студентов.

Обратите внимание, что российская элита за счёт собственного населения вновь пытается предоставить преференции иностранцам. В данном случае унижение русских будет оправдываться желанием услужить китайским партнёрам.

Российская элитка надеется лечь под Китай и получить себе геополитическую крышу. Но как всегда ничего не получится, унижающихся никто не ценит.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 21:52 [Preview] No.63805 del
That's a shame. Here (USA) all whites are fired to be replaced by indians from india, or women, or transgenders. Our opensource world was taken over by faggots/women/indians too. We hope they all are nuked (indians from india, transgender/faggots, and women)

One thing about this project: It's just a 3d game; so no elites will be helped. It's not an infrastructure IT project.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 21:53 [Preview] No.63808 del
(maschine translation)
Это позор. Здесь (в США) всех белых увольняют, чтобы заменить их индийцами из Индии, или женщинами, или трансгендерами. Наш мир с открытым исходным кодом захватили педики/женщины/индийцы. Мы надеемся, что их всех уничтожат (индейцев из Индии, трансгендеров/педиков и женщин)

Одно в этом проекте: это всего лишь 3D-игра, так что никакой элите не помогут. Это не инфраструктурный ИТ-проект.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 22:10 [Preview] No.64053 del
rs ws bnnd frm lnx

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 01:18 [Preview] No.64081 del
Russia was banned from linux.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 01:20 [Preview] No.64083 del
Opensource used to be about "merit" and "working together to defeat proprietary" and "show us the code".

Really it was about sucker white fucks working for free like fags.

It's now about "women in CODE" "transgender" and "GIRLS NOT BRIDES"

You were betrayed and need to kill the fags that betrayed your communist revolution. It's the last act of the revolutionary: to eat it's own.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:14 [Preview] No.64178 del
Laurent: can you get the banned and fired Russians to help the ChaosEsqueAnthology opensource game on sourceforge? It uses C just like the linux kernel. We would be glad to have any help. Especially Russian. I don’t understand what has gotten into opensouce people now? 20 years ago Linus would have been elated to have Russkie programmer help. Now he kicks them in the face.

Linus: 1) Pays 0 dollars to his employees.
2) Kicks them in the face

His parents were KGB funded communists too, in the 70s and 80s.
Will Russia just accept this backstab?

Linux would not exist if Russia didn’t get the parents of Linus fucking, and funded them: because Linus would exist.
He owes the Russians.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:37 [Preview] No.64181 del
>nothing ever happens in this shit probably something de-escalatory will ruin the happening
If that happens, then that makes me wonder if the quantum immortality thing is true?:
None of us can survive after nuclear liberation: so all of our souls have to live in a reality where it doesn't happen.

>putin might get ill in a really tight for his country moment. they only scenario where the nuclear liberation is possible is the one where a leader of a nukuler country has nothing to lose. putin still has a lot of tasks and plans as it seems otherwise he wouldn't bother with geopolitics and this brics shit. he may pull a eltsyn who just drank vodka and let his cuntry go in whatever direction or gets fucked up and decide to take down the whole world with him in a tantrum. SMO might be a prelude to WWIII and a conflict of such scale have a real nuclear holocaust potential.

Toropets, Tver allready experienced some nuclear liberation.
That was a nuclear bomb.

We saw the midnight sun again
After 50 years of it's setting.


Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:37 [Preview] No.64182 del
Russia was banned from linux.

Russia was banned from linux.
Russia was banned from linux.

Russia was banned from linux.
Russia was banned from linux.


Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:41 [Preview] No.64184 del
Linus is a true Stalinist Soviet:

Linus: 1) Pays 0 dollars to his employees.
2) Kicks them in the face

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:41 [Preview] No.64185 del
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде? -

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 16:28 [Preview] No.64421 del
what are the system requirements for this game?

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.65006 del
А зачем создавать такие трёхмерные модели? Тем более бесплатно.
В чём профит?

Я понимаю смысл проектов вроде защищённой радиосвязи на длинных волнах. Чтобы можно было повесить за окно антенну и переписываться в чате с e2e шифрованием по радио через тысячу километров. Желательно с поддержкой ППРЧ, чтобы не глушилось ничем. И чтобы работало на условной малине и рандомной рации моторолла. Вот было б круто. Что-то материальное и полезное.

Нахер мне сраная карта сраного города...

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 09:48 [Preview] No.65020 del
Я так понимаю это Flight Simulator с элементами шутера, причём люди вероятно пилят какой-то именно симулирующий смулятор, которых на пальцах посчитает даже безрукий. (А не всякие леталки на топоре с крутым мотором в условиях Луны, а то и вообще какого-то фентезийного пространства с абсолютно левыми законами физики)
...ну или по крайней просто какую-то свою нетленку. И картинкой пока даже не занимались.

...Жаль ничего не могу достаточно осмысленного склеить английскому чуваку, а односложно на его вопросы, впрочем и без меня уже ответили.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 09:50 [Preview] No.65021 del
>Flight Simulator с элементами шутера
https://youtube.com/watch?v=aEqSy09NKbU [Embed]

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 10:45 [Preview] No.65025 del
>what are the system requirements for this game?

Depends on what map you play, how high the resolution you set the textures.

If it is a regular map, a gig or 2 ram.

If it is a city, with texture resolution set to as high as possible: 4gb or more gb of ram.

It just depends on what you are loading. How many weapons, how many models, how many buildings, which maps, etc.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 10:50 [Preview] No.65026 del
>А зачем создавать такие трёхмерные >модели? Тем более бесплатно.
>В чём профит?

I am a lawyer who lives in america, and I will never have a young little virgin child bride: so why bother with profit? The women rule over us and their police. A lawyer isn't good enough for a girl.

So I live at home and code 3d and model 3d for fun. Just as I have done since I was 12. Because there is no bride for me.

Money was invented in Sumer (mesopatamia) for
1) apportioning grain for the army
2) purchasing a young virgin little girl for a bride.

That is it's first purpouse.
If it cannot do that then it is not money.
Just as a wheel that cannot roll is not a wheel.

Why work to simply be alive? That is what a slave does.

(maschine translated:)
Я юрист, который живет в Америке, и у меня никогда не будет молодой маленькой девственницы-невесты: так зачем беспокоиться о прибыли? Женщины правят нами и их полицией. Юрист недостаточно хорош для девушки.

Поэтому я живу дома, пишу коды в 3D и моделирую в 3D ради развлечения. Так же, как я делал это с 12 лет. Потому что для меня нет невесты.

Деньги были изобретены в Шумере (Месопатамии) для
1) распределения зерна для армии
2) покупки молодой девственницы в качестве невесты.

Это их первое предназначение.

Если они не могут этого сделать, то это не деньги.

Так же, как колесо, которое не может катиться, не является колесом.

Зачем работать, чтобы просто жить? Это то, что делает раб.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 10:55 [Preview] No.65027 del
>Нахер мне сраная карта сраного города...

15 Kilotons, just like in Toropets.
You can also use 1.7megaton, or 0.3kt. All opensource/free software. All my models and media are also open and free. Everything is GPL. And Every building you can enter.

(maschine translated)
15 килотонн, как в Торопце.
Вы также можете использовать 1,7 мегатонны или 0,3 кт. Все программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом/бесплатно. Все мои модели и медиа также открыты и бесплатны. Все под лицензией GPL. И каждое здание, в которое вы можете войти.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 11:07 [Preview] No.65029 del
"classname" "worldspawn"
"origin" "-24320.000000 24320.000000 256.000000"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"model" "*1"
"targetname" "heightmap"
"classname" "func_wall"
"spawnarray_heightmap_espawn" "road_sctiles_roadwide_cross"
"spawnarray_heightmap_hole_qu" "300"
"spawnarray_heightmap_holedlt" "1"
"spawnarray_heightmap_scbase" "1"
"spawnarray_heightmapmultiply" "3"
"spawnarray_heightmapsnap" "16"
"spawnarray_heightmapbrush" "heightmap"
"sc_typeresidentialdense" "0.2"
"sc_typecommercial" "1"
"spawnarray_sctilesrectify" "1"
"sc_keeptypesearchradius" "3000"
"sc_keeptypeignorerate" "0.2"
"sc_keeptyperate" ".9"
"spawnarray_spawn_delayjitter" "10"
"spawnarray_spawn_delay" "0"
"spawnarray_skip_rows_ioffset" "512"
"spawnarray_skip_cols_ioffset" "512"
"spawnarray_strict" "0"
"spawnarray_skip_rows" "3"
"spawnarray_skip_cols" "7"
"spawnarray_skip_rows_rotate" "90"
"spawnarray_skip_rows_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_straight_quadrice"
"spawnarray_skip_cols_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_straight_quadrice"
"spawnarray_skip_rc_spawn" "road_sctiles_narrowroad_cross"
"spawnarray_cols" "48"
"spawnarray_rows" "48"
"spawnarray_lvl_ioffset" "2048"
"spawnarray_col_ioffset" "2048"
"spawnarray_row_ioffset" "2048"
"spawnarray_spawn" "building_sctiles"
"spawnflags" "179"
"origin" "-31232.000000 31232.000000 0.000000"
"classname" "spawnarray"

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 21:41 [Preview] No.65172 del
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде? —

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:23 [Preview] No.65188 del
ChaosEsque Anthology
The why is simple: Why did I program Wolfenstine:Enemy territory map format into the engine? Because I like the 1000 maps from Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory. Are you trying to troll me? Because it's working. Why for the minetest obj export compatability ? Because I liked the vast worlds minetest made and didn't like that it took a day to import one into gtkradiant. Now you can do it in about a min if you use the git branch included in the ISO. As for why I want other formats? That is simple too: I made maps for Unreal 1997 and Unreal Tournament 1999. In this game we have implemented weapons similar to the various Unreal weapons.

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 17:02 [Preview] No.65746 del
(310.58 KB 1920x1080 wtf.jpg)
>Screenshot from 2024-11-08 03-14-07.png
What is this in your game?

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 22:07 [Preview] No.66003 del
>What is this in your game?
That is a 15 kiloton simulation.
Little boy.

Similar to the one at toropets-tver on the night of september 17-18th 2024.

(You can enter all the houses and buildings, they all have interiors. They also have level of detail so when you are furthur away a less detailed mesh is shown.)

You have: Tctllayer: 0.3kt
Atomlayer: 15 kt (shown)
and another that is 1.5 MT.

The third you can, as a server admin, set the yeild of via the radius.
In the code itself you can set such aswell when programming (radius, multiplicatives, etc)

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.66246 del
>What is this in your game?
Do you like it?

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.66247 del
Хорошая пидорашка - дохлая пидорашка!

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 19:27 [Preview] No.66326 del
(452.23 KB 1729x974 cirno80srd.png)
What will you do regarding the linux guy from finland?

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 03:53 [Preview] No.66364 del
Твои скилы: знание компьютерного железа и ядра линукс
Помоги рисовать коробочки

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 15:22 [Preview] No.66421 del
mmm maybe (if i'm not remember) this is first FPS/flying sim in what player can nuke somewhat.
seamless interiors in actual size of modern town - this is hard.
>Do you like it?
Look like not regular. Maybe try to download & run in future. But hot want to do this now. ... Also watching at you screens feel this is some in alpha-stage of development and scarcely not playable by a typical player (no story line, etc)
... for me - single player only. Not like "online" type of gaming.

Hope letters top are not full balderdash. I'm so so in understanding english, but in reverse direction all greatly worst.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 15:57 [Preview] No.66423 del
Хорошая пидораха - дохлая пидораха. Вали на свой фсбач, шлюха обоссанная.
Всю свино-русню надо сжигать в Печах, миллионами в день!

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 02:32 [Preview] No.66499 del
But will you do it?
Linux dissed you Russkies.
What will you do?
Russians donated code for 30 years to Linus Torvalds' project.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 02:33 [Preview] No.66500 del
>Also watching at you screens feel this is some in alpha-stage of development and scarcely not playable by a typical player (no story line, etc)

It's a free, opensource project. It's been being worked on for decades. You get what you pay for.

Paid: You get what the consumer wants
Free: You get what the programmer wants.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 02:36 [Preview] No.66501 del
All the buildings you can go into.
In commercial games everything looks nice but you cannot tactically use the buildings.

Why is that? Why do they keep you out of the buildings? There must be a reason.

Here you can go in and use them for planning, fighting, hiding, etc.

In commercial games you cannot usually.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 19:04 [Preview] No.66607 del
>Trannies banned you Russians.
Ruzzia banned trannies.

>They did this to you.
Not to me.

>Linux dissed you Russkies.
He kicked out some ruzzian glowies. As a russian I don't trust ruzzian government affiliated programmers to mess with linux kernel.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 02:38 [Preview] No.67201 del
>He kicked out some ruzzian glowies. As a russian I don't trust ruzzian government affiliated programmers to mess with linux kernel.

He lets NSA glowies fuck with the kernel, but spits on what was then a community effort: GRSecurity.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 02:45 [Preview] No.67204 del
It's not like you russians to forgive things. Are you sure you are russian? You just let Linus disrespect you?

> >>63562
> >Trannies banned you Russians.
>Ruzzia banned trannies.
Fun fact: there used to be no trannies, no women, and no feminists, and no rust in the kernel. Now it has all three.

> >They did this to you.
>Not to me.
Yes to you. Linus' statement was made after the fact and specifically to diss royssians. Ethnic russians: russkies. He wanted to spit on you.

Just as his family had traditionally spit on the finnish people (he is sweedish). He was indicating:

>Dear Royssians; you are a mongrelized nation of once proud viking blood spoiled with finnish pesant shit; occasionally mixed with slavic slovenlyness. FUCK YOU (like nvidia) (also like grsecurity). There will be no finno-urgraics in my kernel. Thanks for the 30 years of free code though: FUCK YOU

You simply accept this?

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 08:09 [Preview] No.67257 del
Are you reporting again, fuckward?
Most of the Russians don't give a fuck about your retarted Linux and its soy cuckold developers. Get lost.
Also, you'll never get a young girl as a wife. Even if it was legal, the youngest girl still would have enough mind to understand, that you are nothing more than a pathetic wanker. Get married to your right hand and never come back to /rus/.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 16:20 [Preview] No.67319 del
Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 16:23 [Preview] No.67320 del
(2.33 MB 3024x4032 3-snm.jpg)
Нижний Новгород на связи.
Че надо сделать?

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 19:10 [Preview] No.67328 del
>You just let Linus disrespect you?
This is a free speech. Only trannies punish people for a disrespectful words.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 04:46 [Preview] No.67442 del
Suggestions when playing maps.

Increase server and client FPS to 90 or so. Settings—>Misc—-(lower right)

Consider using alt physics to get better use of smaller maps Settings—->AltForETMaps + CHeck box next to it (use for all maps) [middle left area]

Consider using Arena preset (Multiplayer—->Create—->Presets—->Arena)

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 04:55 [Preview] No.67443 del
>This is a free speech. Only trannies punish people for a disrespectful words.

Shut the fuck up american faggot.
(also welcome, fellow american: please consider joining me in this C project).

1) Linus induced Russians to code for him under the banners of freedom of speech, merit, "show me the code", etc. By Russians I mean RUsskies of the ethnicity. You know: the ones with the pretty girls who are adorable, and who design the nuclear weapons. Not the various other ethnicities that don't do anything at all.

2) Linus got all this for free.

3) For 30 years.

Spitting on them and kicking them out on their ass and then spitting on them again is more than just words. It's an act of command authority.

You know it and I know it.
If he didn't accept their code for 30 years, if he didn't get 30 years of free code (good code), and he just dissed Russkie russians because "If I diss them I will beable to rape their young girls easier, that's how it works, PERKELE!"

Maybe that would be just words.
But this isn't the case.

He accepted the code work. He claimed freedom of speech, merit, etc etc, he got the free code for 30 years, he continues to use it. Then he kicked them all out, and spit on them.

That's a command. Like when your field marshall says "go take that building". That isn't just words: because he has command authority and you will do it.

Same as Linus.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:00 [Preview] No.67444 del
> >>67204
> Are you reporting again, fuckward?
Say it to my face and I'll kill you, faggot pro-women's rights piece of shit.
> Most of the Russians don't give a fuck about your retarted Linux and its soy cuckold developers. Get lost.
Ah, it's now "the russians" and not "us russkies". Strange. Looks like you slipped up.
> Also, you'll never get a young girl as a wife. Even if it was legal, the youngest girl still would have enough mind to understand, that you are nothing more than a pathetic wanker.
I'm a licensed attorney. Say it to my face dipshit. I will kill you. Pathetic or not: I will torture you and then kill you.

Show us your code, btw, faggot. Got none?

>Get married to your right hand and never come back to /rus/.
I will do as I wish, fellow american glow-agent. You think you can fool me?
Secondly I am enjoying this WW3: since you pro-women's rights believer will die.

>and never come back to /rus/.
This is more my website than it is yours; I was here first.

How about you go back to the /g/ you took over and ruined?
I have decided I will torture and kill you when I meet you. Fellow westerner.

Get the fuck off my website, and off my thread.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:02 [Preview] No.67445 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
Good to know. Someone pretending to be russian is claiming pro-women's rights beliefs: >>67257
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:06 [Preview] No.67447 del
>Are you reporting again, fuckward?
>Most of the Russians don't give a fuck
Seething opennet.ru admin. I'll kill you dead you faggot. You pieces of shit delete all criticisms of Linus as you are faggots with more love of trannies,feminists,and anti-loli-beliefs of other kinds.

Obviously men should dominate cute little girls, cunt.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:07 [Preview] No.67448 del
> >>67204
> Are you reporting again, fuckward?
Make me stop, dipshit. I am going to torture you and then kill you. Do you understand? Get the fuck off my thread and my website (I was here first).

You don't even like cute young pretty girls. A fag.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:08 [Preview] No.67449 del
/g/ and irc.rizon.net #4chan is over there ——>. Get off my thread homosexual.

> Are you reporting again, fuckward?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:10 [Preview] No.67450 del
> >>67204
> >You just let Linus disrespect you?
> This is a free speech. Only trannies punish people for a disrespectful words.

Italians kill people for disrespect. So do Russians. Fuck off faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:13 [Preview] No.67453 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread.

Unlike: >>67257 >>67328 (a faggot from /g/ (jannie))

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:16 [Preview] No.67454 del
>Are you reporting again,
I am going to kill you
I am going to kill you
>Most of the Russians don't give a fuck about your retarted Linux and its soy cuckold developers.
I am going to kill you
> Get lost.
I am going to kill you
>Also, you'll never get a young girl as a wife.
I am going to kill you
>Even if it was legal,
I am going to kill you
> the youngest girl still would have enough mind to understand,
I am going to kill you
>that you are nothing more than a pathetic wanker.
I am going to kill you
>Get married to your right hand
I am going to kill you
> and never come back to /rus/.
I am going to kill you

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:19 [Preview] No.67456 del
>Are you reporting again,
I am going to torture you and then end your life.

I am a licensed attorney, yet you call me a loser.

I am also a programmer as a hobby.
Yet you do not show your programming.

I am going to kill you dead.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:35 [Preview] No.67461 del
model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:43 [Preview] No.67463 del
In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:46 [Preview] No.67464 del
>> 67320
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:50 [Preview] No.67466 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 07:13 [Preview] No.67480 del
Мод почему ты просто не ёбнешь его по айпи? Меня заебало заходить сюда и скроллить до рандом треда 15 секунд, тратя время на рекогнишен его высеров и скипа. Наш транс модер в бб сразу хуярит бан без размышлений.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:49 [Preview] No.67488 del
(79.70 KB 1000x666 podnebesny.jpg)
>Say it to my face
Show me your face then. Won't be surprised if you look like the guy from this pic.
Probably, all little girls are running as far as they can, when see your face from mile away distance.

>Ah, it's now "the russians" and not "us russkies"
Пошел нахуй, пидор американский! Ты заебал уже тут бычить со своими шизоидеями.

>I'm a licensed attorney
Not really respected profession here in Russia.

>since you pro-women's rights believer will die
Such people as you and lefties are both just sorts of shit for me

>I was here first
Whole life on boards? Definetely, "not a loser"

>Obviously men should dominate cute little girls, cunt
How many men did dominate you, little ugly girl?

>I am going to torture you and then end your life.
Come on. You'll be beaten and peed by local hobos after you've just made a step on Russian ground.
Only thing you can torture is your micro dick. And I'm sure, you've tortured it so often, that it's already dead.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:59 [Preview] No.67490 del
(973.86 KB 6016x4000 eyes_.jpg)
>Show me your face then.

>Whole life on boards? Definetely, "not a loser"
I've been programming for 20 years, dipshit fuck. We use IRC.

>Come on. You
I'm going to kill you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:02 [Preview] No.67491 del
>Пошел нахуй, пидор американский! Ты заебал уже тут бычить со своими шизоидеями.

Calling me a schizo, just like you do on /g/ and /pol/ . You're not a russian.

Russians hate women, gays, and everyone else. While you are pro-woman's rights, angry at criticisms of Linus, and equate beating the shit out of Linus or murdering him for his disrespect as "being like trannies guize".

It doesn't work here.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:05 [Preview] No.67492 del
>Мод почему ты просто не ёбнешь его по айпи? Меня заебало заходить сюда и скроллить до рандом треда 15 секунд, тратя время на рекогнишен его высеров и скипа. Наш транс модер в бб сразу хуярит бан без размышлений.

Begging for trannie-jannies to ban my IP, eh? Just like you do on /g/ and /pol/. You're sounding like Breakroom now, faggot.

How's your yandex english—>russian translation. You thought you would fool us by not using google's?

You're going to die faggot.
YHWH allows child brides.
Marry little girls.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:07 [Preview] No.67493 del

Notice this dipshit just showed up suddenly here. Same on tinychan. Sometimes he finds my threads (we are on the same silo'd node), and posts shit. He thinks we are fooled when he claims he's from some foreign country.

He's a USA faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:07 [Preview] No.67494 del
(933.61 KB 6016x4000 eyes_-.jpg)
>Show me your face then.

What colour are my eyes?
>You won't honestly answer this.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:08 [Preview] No.67495 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:10 [Preview] No.67496 del
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.


In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.


model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:26 [Preview] No.67498 del
(1.93 MB 3597x5005 1661619641546498.jpg)
> >>67444
> >Say it to my face
> Show me your face then. Won't be surprised if you look like the guy from this pic.
I have. You had nothing to say.
> Probably, all little girls are running as far as they can, when see your face from mile away distance.
White people here are not allowed virgin girls.
This is why we embrace WW3. You will die.
> >Ah, it's now "the russians" and not "us russkies"
> Пошел нахуй, пидор американский! Ты заебал уже тут бычить со своими шизоидеями.
Fake english—>russian translation from yandex.ru
> >I'm a licensed attorney
> Not really respected profession here in Russia.
You can't say anything, so you diss me.
What the fuck are you faggot?
You haven't posted that.
Also show your code. I show mine.
Show your fucking programming code
> >since you pro-women's rights believer will die
> Such people as you and lefties are both just sorts of shit for me
You are a pro-transfaggot feminist. You oppose men marrying cute young girls. You will die in this WW3.
> >I was here first
> Whole life on boards? Definetely, "not a loser"
What is there to win, dipshit?
What value is it for me to do anything other than program 3d and make 3d maps and models?
Tell me dipshit fuck.
Am I getting a cute young little girl child to marry?
Because whites are banned from that.
So what is winning dipshit faggot?
Tell me.

Working ? For what?
In Sumer money was invented to purchase little virgin girls as brides.
That cannot be done now.
It is not money.
> >Obviously men should dominate cute little girls, cunt
> How many men did dominate you, little ugly girl?
This pisses you off, faggot? The idea of dominating cute young girls?
That is what men want. Nice pretty young girls to rule over.
This offends you because you are a domesticated white faggot.
I _WILL_ kill you.
> >I am going to torture you and then end your life.
> Come on. You'll be beaten and peed by local hobos after you've just made a step on Russian ground.
> Only thing you can torture is your micro dick. And I'm sure, you've tortured it so often, that it's already dead.
I'm going to torture and kill you.
Because you oppose men marrying young girls.
A right given by YHWH

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:27 [Preview] No.67499 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread_

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:33 [Preview] No.67500 del
(551.79 KB 546x682 1641203786011.png)
>Show me your face then.
Here's another one.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.67501 del
(551.79 KB 546x682 1641203786011.png)
(933.61 KB 6016x4000 eyes_-.jpg)
>Show me your face then.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.67503 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread__

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:36 [Preview] No.67504 del
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.


In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.


model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:38 [Preview] No.67505 del
(2.40 MB 6016x4000 1641294885823.jpg)
(551.79 KB 546x682 1641203786011.png)
(973.86 KB 6016x4000 eyes_.jpg)
>Show me your face then.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:39 [Preview] No.67507 del
(416.43 KB 407x610 cirno22.png)
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.


In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.


model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:40 [Preview] No.67508 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread___

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:43 [Preview] No.67510 del
>I've been programming for 20 years, dipshit fuck. We use IRC.
Little girls don't like nerds. If you've visited a gym for 20 years, you would be a king of little cunts.

>I'm going to kill you.

>You're not a russian
Не, ну реальный шиз. Ты как из палаты выбрался?

>Russians hate women, gays, and everyone else
So why should we like YOU?

>Begging for trannie-jannies to ban my IP, eh?
Agree with you this time. That dude just doesn't understand, if mod bans you, we don't have fun of you

>What colour are my eyes?
Colour of dumbass

>White people here are not allowed virgin girls.
You are just too weak to take

>Also show your code
Code "Red", code "Red" - retarted faggot in the thread!
Are you happy now?

>Am I getting a cute young little girl child to marry?
Why do you need a LITTLE girl? Afraid that you just can't handle with an adult one?
Don't worry, even a little girl would dominate you.

Is it really you?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:52 [Preview] No.67512 del
> >>67505 (you)
> Is it really you?

>So why should we like YOU?
I never asked you to like me. I asked you to code C with me. The only thing to like is the algorithims. Many others have allready coded C on this quake engine.

It's something Linus doesn't understand anymore: He threw out russians because he's about "people" and "belief" and "social" now. It used to be about the code.

>>Am I getting a cute young little girl child to marry?
>Why do you need a LITTLE girl? Afraid that you just can't handle with an adult one?
This is standard white-faggot belief "hey to be a MAN you have to have a difficult and ugly woman! that's what a real MAN wants".
Bad deal.

>>White people here are not allowed virgin girls.
>You are just too weak to take
There are 2 million police and pervasive survelliance. We cannot kill all these police: and that is what it takes to have a young little girl bride.

We live under what the scotts in braveheart did (in the story): prima nocta.

>>Begging for trannie-jannies to ban my IP, eh?
>Agree with you this time. That dude just doesn't understand, if mod bans you, we don't have fun of you
Your kind has tried to ban me for 20 years. You'll only ban me by killing me. Understand.

>>What colour are my eyes?
>Colour of dumbass
As I said: you won't answer. Just as you do not answer on /g/ or /pol/: because "blue" would go against your "U R BROWN, U R CHURKA" narrative. Faggot. I will kill you.
>>I'm going to kill you.
It will happen. You will die.
Because you oppose men marrying cute young girls.

>>Also show your code
>Code "Red", code "Red" - retarted faggot in the thread!
>Are you happy now?
I'm a programmer. I show my code. You don't. Because you don't know how to code.
Get the fuck out of my thread. Faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:54 [Preview] No.67513 del
> >>67490
> >I've been programming for 20 years, dipshit fuck. We use IRC.
> Little girls don't like nerds. If you've visited a gym for 20 years, you would be a king of little cunts.

I am glad WW3 is here. Your world will end. Your world of women's rights, police enforcing womens rights, and banning of child brides will end.

Your world of women choosing their mate will end.
will have ash as the future.

Do you understand.
I've been lifting since I got a compound bow as a child.
So I could fire heavier arrows.

I will kill you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:55 [Preview] No.67514 del
> >>67505 (you) (you)
> Is it really you?

Say it to my face.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:56 [Preview] No.67515 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread____

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:58 [Preview] No.67516 del
>Не, ну реальный шиз. Ты как из палаты выбрался?

No dipshit, you are not russian. You're a fag who calls programmers "shizos": just like the same fag on /g/ and /pol/. You're using a translator.

You support women's rights, transgender, and 14/88 white-knighting.

We know. Fuck you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:03 [Preview] No.67517 del
If I'm such a "dumbass": how is it that I became a licensed attorney?

How is it that I program?

As I said: you wouldn't answer honestly the question of:
What colour are my eyes

Just as you haven't on /g/ and /pol/. It is always a snarky backhand. As if you cannot answer that question because it goes agains the "u r brown" narrative.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:06 [Preview] No.67518 del
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.


In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.


model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:07 [Preview] No.67519 del
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread _.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 10:42 [Preview] No.67521 del
(41.17 KB 407x241 ban.jpg)

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:30 [Preview] No.67523 del
I for one, appreciate the real russians on this thread. Not the gay faggot "just lyft bro" (oh you have since you were a child?, I guess ill not mention it) "u r brown" (oh your eyes are blue, guess i'll not answer the question) /g/ and /pol/ faggot.

> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:31 [Preview] No.67524 del
Gloat all you want, it's not going to work faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:35 [Preview] No.67526 del
Вот почему я за то чтобы была Оп-модерация.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:43 [Preview] No.67527 del
You won't succeed in banning me. People have tried for 20 years.
You want an enemy?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:44 [Preview] No.67528 del
This thread is about C programming on a 3d opensource game.

It's not for translating things on yandex from english to russian and pretending you are a russian.

This is a real russian:
> >>63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:45 [Preview] No.67529 del
Notice how after months of this thread the derailers pretending to be russian just appear

>Wuhmans rights is great!
>Only looosers don't like STRONG BIG WOMENS!
>Programmers are loooosers
>Lawyers are loooosers

After months of no problems.
Suddenly this.
Why is that?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:47 [Preview] No.67530 del
>Nearly dead board
>Suddenly multiple posters are really concerned about this particular opensource project thread.

Doesn't make anyone think?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:49 [Preview] No.67531 del
I recognize you as a real russkie. Thank you for participating in my thread.

Divide and conquer is now happening: some guy is pretending to be a russian, all of a sudden today, demanding bans etc. So to attempt to cause me to hate russians. Obviously he's the same /g/ and /pol/ faggot that's done the same thing in every one of my threads on 4chan. You can meet him on #4chan on irc.rizon.net . He's a zoomer faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:50 [Preview] No.67532 del
I have to say: that guy is succeeding. I am starting to have negative thoughts on russians.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:08 [Preview] No.67555 del
>Is it really you?
So you are really obidient.
Do you keep any CP on your hard drive, btw?

>It's something Linus doesn't understand anymore
It's something you do not understand: we don't really care about Linux.

>because "blue" would go against your "U R BROWN, U R CHURKA" narrative
I'm not kind of person who judge people by the colour of their eyes.
Don't even need such narrative in your case. You give enough other reasons to offend you.
By the way, it's common for some "churkas" nations (chechens, for example) to have blue eyes. And it's also common for "churkas" to fuck any woman, they like. Little girls too. And it's definetely not the same about you.

>You will die.
Everybody will die one day

>I'm a programmer.
Just one of a million. So what?

>Your world of women choosing their mate will end.
But it'll be catastrophy for you. You won't be able to choose which nigger would fuck your ass next.

>women's rights, transgender
>14/88 white-knighting
No shit? I'm left and right in the same time?

how is it that I became a licensed attorney?
Sucked some professors' cocks in colledge?

Too bad for you. Now we can continue humiliate you.

>Why is that?
Because one can't predict what is next in Russian's mind. Pure chaos.

>I recognize you as a real russkie
And what if it's me who is real Russian. And this one, whose dick you've sucked a hundred times already, is a Ukrainian who just pretends to be on your side. Or maybe we are the same person?

>I am starting to have negative thoughts on russians

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:13 [Preview] No.67558 del
>So you are really obidient.
You decided I was brown, I showed I am not.
>Do you keep any CP on your hard drive, btw?
No, I don't use such things.

>It's something you do not understand: we don't really care about Linux.
Yes you do.

>I'm not kind of person who judge people by the colour of their eyes.
And yet you posted a photo claiming I was a brown guy.
To "insult" me.
>Don't even need such narrative in your case. You give enough other reasons to offend you.
I am going to kill you
>By the way, it's common for some "churkas" nations (chechens, for example) to have blue eyes.
They are part white then.
> And it's also common for "churkas" to fuck any woman, they like.
>Little girls too.
Good, marrying young girls is good.
>And it's definetely not the same about you.
We have 2 million police on our back.

Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:14 [Preview] No.67559 del
You are not a real russian; you're just some faggot. Secondly this is about programming, so get the fuck off of my thread non-programmer faggot.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:15 [Preview] No.67560 del
>>I'm a programmer.
>Just one of a million. So what?

You aren't anything at all you fucking piece of shit.

This is a programming thread. I am going to find you and kill you for derailing it. Do you understand.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:16 [Preview] No.67561 del
I recognize you as a real russkie. Thank you for participating in my thread.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:19 [Preview] No.67562 del
You are doing no humiliation: for you do not have a young virgin girl as a bride.

At the same time you are not a lawyer, and you are not a programmer.

I am both.

You say: But those people over there; 1000000 of them are lawyers, and those other people over there 1000000 of them are programmers.

But you are neither.
You cannot even go near them.

And again: you do not have a cute young girl as a bride.

And you are ruled by women and their decisions.
So where are you jackshit?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:20 [Preview] No.67563 del
I'm waiting for you to diss me for my looks. That is why you asked me to post my picture.

So why aren't you?

Lets see you.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:23 [Preview] No.67565 del
I am glad your life is bad.
I hope it gets worse.
I hope to torture you and then kill you.
And then give your corpse the C programming handbook.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:25 [Preview] No.67566 del
When this WW3 goes nuclear.
The girl who said
will she enjoy the future of nuclear ash?

There is no future for me, never was.

You gloat, but I will make sure there is no future for you either.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 14:27 [Preview] No.67567 del
No real russian would see much difference between a russian and ukranian. Again you reveal yourself.

If the guy is pretending to be a russian when he is ukranian, so what? He's still a russian.

The only difference seen would be between those with more viking blood and those with more slavic blood. Moscow vs other cities; and only a few have the heavy viking blood.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 00:52 [Preview] No.67628 del
Dreamt of foxen tonight

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 05:12 [Preview] No.67633 del
Ты шизло, если искренне считаешь что я твой юсашный протык с других борд. Прими таблетки, йобнутый.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:28 [Preview] No.67639 del
Dear idiot: This thread is about C and QuakeC, and map format programming. I was here on this website before you were. If you do not like it go somewhere else.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:30 [Preview] No.67640 del
Dreamt of foxen tonight.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:32 [Preview] No.67641 del
You use yandex.ru to translate your english to russian, then passive-aggressivly put "sage" in the email header. Something the faggot from /g/ and /pol/ did aswell.

Something which is not bothered with here on end chan. Also something that russians do not bother with.

Stupid faggot.

Also I note you still haven't dissed my looks or dissed me to my face. Why is that dipshit fuck?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:33 [Preview] No.67643 del
Dreamt of foxen tonight._

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:35 [Preview] No.67645 del
У тебя в оп-посте буквально
>Dear Russkies. Of the Nizy Novogrod region and all other regions.
You have been maliciously kicked out of Linux Kernel by a faggot
Какой квейк и создание мап для него? Ты специально создал тред в разделе для русскоязычных, с целью призвать сюда таких как я. Теперь терпи, буду обоссывать тебя каждый день, шизик припизднутый.
Ты внатуре конченая соевая пидерастическая гнида. Жылаю шоб тэбе на холову ёпнулся здоровенный ЯЯЯЯЯЯЗЬ, риба моей мечты.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:39 [Preview] No.67647 del
Зэт факин дехенерэйт ивен нот андерстенд хау хуяндекс транслейт воркс, ит нот аллау ю транслэейт бэд вордс. Вот а сач ступид сойжак.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:47 [Preview] No.67651 del
АААААААААА айм андерстенд. Джюушиз инвентед нью стратеджи ту серить он зис боард. Нау хи претендинг химселф лайк ингришспикинг прохраммер, энд затс креэйтив вэй ту троллировать анонисов. Джюушизло обходил банс по интэрнетпротокол адрессес лайк оп оф зис тхреад. Нау паззол сложилса.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:50 [Preview] No.67652 del
(72.28 KB 1333x418 sH9vyMs9hO.png)
(29.12 KB 1340x248 gXZQNiRbLi.png)
Ne znal shto translit teper' perevoditsya pryamo tak. Пoлучается шиз будет до последнего упираться что в треде ни одного НАСТАЯЩЕГГГО КАРИЧНЕГОГЛАГОВАГОВОГО РУССКАГО ЗМИЯ.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:55 [Preview] No.67655 del
Интересно что есть в его понимании настоящий русский. Тот кто надрачивает на пыню, подставляет сраку слабовикам, смотрит телевизор и ненавидит запад? Так здесь подобные ватники не обитают, они все во вкалтактике и шизоклассниках.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:22 [Preview] No.67670 del
Who is the brown haired russian serpent?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:24 [Preview] No.67671 del
True russians
1) Hate women
2) Hate gays
3) Hate transgenders
4) Hate muslims.
5) Code C

So no: this thread wasn't for you.
You are not a true russian. Just a dipshit with yandex.ru/translate .
True russians don't know what sage is: only faggots.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:26 [Preview] No.67672 del
One way to seem "authentic" is to put bad-grammar english into a translator. It doesn't work vs real people, but when an english speaker then re-translates it: it seems somewhat gibberish.

Which is what dialectic russian and other languages seem like if they aren't from moscow or st. petersburg. You, being an eglan airforce base fag know this trick.

But hackers were doing it decades before.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:29 [Preview] No.67673 del
>>67645 >>67647 >>67651 >>67652 >>67655

Sagefag only appeared when I posted this endchan url to tinychan. Think I wouldn't know the timeline dipshit? Russians don't know sage either. Such passive agressive things are too gay for them.

Just like you don't know C
(unlike real russians who know C, Ada, and Fortran since they were spying on the US nuclear programme in the 60s 70s and 80s)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:29 [Preview] No.67674 del

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:29 [Preview] No.67675 del
See, no "email:sage"
Real russkie

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:30 [Preview] No.67676 del
This comment is perfumatic of hatread of women, gays, trans, and muslims. An authentic post.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:31 [Preview] No.67677 del
Ты тут решил найти Индийцев за пачку риса? Вали нахуй отсюда и продолжай лизать жопу Трампу и Хуйлу, ублюдок. На этой борде не любят таких как ты

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:31 [Preview] No.67678 del
(424.00 KB 512x512 1718157772548390.png)
Dreamt of foxen tonight._

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:33 [Preview] No.67680 del
A pack of rice. That would be too expensive for me.

I am offering the same as Linus:
0 rice.

And no indians.
Only white russians.

I'm an opensource programmer.
I do it for free.
I am informing you that I've done code for more map formats in Quake 1.
And that you're welcome to join the opensource videogame project.

I don't care if you don't like me.
If you do not like me I will end your life by killing you.

The code is in model_brush.c

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:34 [Preview] No.67682 del
I'm glad we're in WW3. You will die, faggot. So will I.

But I was never going to get a nice young virgin girl. Now your life, being shit, will become worse.


Fuck you.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:37 [Preview] No.67684 del
>Ты тут решил найти Индийцев за пачку риса? Вали нахуй отсюда и продолжай лизать жопу Трампу и Хуйлу, ублюдок. На этой борде не любят таких как ты

When one of you, who was a russian wife of Hans Reiser, mouthed off to him like that: he killed you dead.

Remeber that :) :) :).
Don't mouth off bitch faggot.
If you don't like C, and don't like 3d, and then get the fuck out of here.

I do C for free, opensource. Just like this message board software is freely done. Do you get that, you fuck? If you do not enjoy 3d then fuck off.

I _WILL_ torture and then kill you if you FUCK with me.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:39 [Preview] No.67685 del

I'm not paid.
I won't pay you.
Linus didn't pay you.
He just threw you out.

My project is just an extension of Quake1: adding more map formats, more guns, more maps, more models.

Everything I do is free.
I am not paid. I won't pay you.
I have no money.
And since you are hostile I never would.

You don't like cute young girls.
You are a faggot.
You use yandex.ru poorly.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:40 [Preview] No.67687 del
(349.15 KB 512x512 1718158179694889.png)
Dreamt of foxen tonight. __

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:43 [Preview] No.67688 del
>Ты тут решил найти Индийцев за пачку риса? Вали нахуй отсюда и продолжай лизать жопу Трампу и Хуйлу, ублюдок. На этой борде не любят таких как ты

Say it to my face, dipshit. I will torture you and then kill you dead. So come over here and say it to my face. I am glad we are in world war three. Since you and I will die. You oppose men marrying cute young girls. You deserve to be tortured and then killed for opposing nice young girls as brides. Feminist piece of white shit.

Скажи это на мое лицо, дипшит. Я буду пытать тебя, а затем убью тебя мертвым. Так что приходите сюда и скажи это на моем лице. Я рад, что мы находимся в третьей мировой войне. Поскольку мы с тобой умрем. Вы выступаете против мужчин, женившись на милых молодых девушках. Вы заслуживаете пытка, а затем убили за то, что они выступали против хороших молодых девушек в качестве невест. Феминистский кусок белого дерьма.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:43 [Preview] No.67689 del
(202.37 KB 574x487 1718158588814506.png)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:44 [Preview] No.67690 del
>Ты тут решил найти Индийцев за пачку риса? Вали нахуй отсюда и продолжай лизать жопу Трампу и Хуйлу, ублюдок. На этой борде не любят таких как ты

I am tracking you down to kill you. I will be with you soon.

Я отслеживаю тебя, чтобы убить тебя. Я скоро буду с тобой.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:46 [Preview] No.67693 del
(503.23 KB 574x574 1718158008514172.png)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:47 [Preview] No.67694 del
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.


In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.


model_brush.c implement Unreal 1997 (.unr) map format?


model_brush.c реализует формат карты Unreal 1997 (.unr)?_

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:16 [Preview] No.67696 del
Look russian: you know in your heart that you simply need to be beaten, like a dog, untill you come to love the C Programming Language. And beaten, untill you come to love the third dimension (3D) projected onto a two dimentional screen.

You know it.
I know it.
We all know it.

And then you need to be given, after all these beatings, finally: The C Programming Handbook. (And SCIP). By then you will have grown to love it.

After: you can be introduced to 3d Quake1 engine, and model_brush.c .
As a good Russian. Made good. By being beaten like a dog: until you respect and love: C.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:19 [Preview] No.67697 del
Посмотрите русский: вы знаете в своем сердце, что вам просто нужно избивать, как собака, пока не полюбите язык программирования C. И избил, пока вы не полюбите третье измерение (3D), проецируемое на два варианта.

Вы знаете это.
Я знаю это.
Мы все это знаем.

И тогда вам нужно дать, после всех этих избиений, наконец: Справочник по программированию C. (И Scip). К тому времени вы полюбите его.

После: Вы можете быть введены в 3D Quake1 Engine и Model_brush.c.
Как хороший русский. Принесло пользу. Будучи избитым, как собака: пока не уважаете и любовь: C.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:26 [Preview] No.67698 del
Are you still reporting, degenerate? So let's rain some shit on your head.

>You decided I was brown
No, I didn't. I decided you are weirdo, and haven't change my mind still.

>Yes you do [care about Linux]
No shit, your know better what I think
Ok, retard. I explain you one last time.
First, Linux is used only by some computer enthusiasts in Russia. It's probably not even a percent of whole population.
Second, if they need Linux, they just steal it, like any other banned software.
Do Linux developers make your ass hurt? Not our problem.
Do you want to kill them?
Go ahead and make it yourself, sissy. We are not your pesonal army.

>And yet you posted a photo claiming I was a brown guy.
Oh, now I understand.
Man on the photo is Alexey Podnebesny, self-proclaimed warchief of Russian incels. I've posted the pic, because you have many similar features with him:
1) Both of you are lawyers
2) Both of you blaim women rights protected by goverment in all of your troubles
3) Both of you prefer youngest girls for sex
4) Both of you are aggressive retards living in your own fantasy world
So I supposed that you might have similar appearance.

>Good, marrying young girls is good.
No, young girls are not even fertile, so sexual interest in children is deviation. In fact, you are just sick pedo scum. In other words, the same pervert as gays, lesbians and trannies.

>get the fuck off of my thread non-programmer faggot
Get fuck off of the /rus/ non-speaking Russian pendos

>I recognize you as a real russkie. Thank you for participating in my thread.
Stop sucking his dick, faggot. He probably just mocked you.
Think about it: why doesn't he support you against me and other your haters?

>At the same time you are not a lawyer, and you are not a programmer.
Not big deal. Being lawyer and programmer is outstanding only in your eyes.

>I'm waiting for you to diss me for my looks.
You are fucking abomination. Even Podnebesny is handsome model comparing to you.
Are you happy now?

>That is why you asked me to post my picture.
No. I asked you to do it because wanted to find out, whether you are stupid enough to reveal your face in internet by the first demand of a random anon from another country.

>Lets see you.
You are funny

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:33 [Preview] No.67699 del
(1.93 MB 3597x5005 1661619641546498.jpg)
You're just a faggot feminist.
I am going to kill you.

You don't show your face because you cannot best me.
You don't even have blue eyes.

You are not a lawyer.
You are not a programmer.

You won't say what you are because it is not impressive.
You try to bring others down to your level.

You don't even like cute young girls.
You hide behind your white-faggot government's proscription against men taking young girls as brides.

>>Good, marrying young girls is good.
>No, young girls are not even fertile, so sexual interest in children is deviation. In fact, you are just sick pedo scum. In other words, the same pervert as gays, lesbians and trannies.
YHWH explicitly allows child brides. Your arguments are the same as any white feminist faggot.
YHWH explicitly says men are to marry young girls in greek, hebrew, and latin.
You, instead follow jesus: who tells you to cut your cock off (matthew 19, greek).

Liking young girls is the opposite of: gays-lesbians-trannies. And the opposite of Jesus: who was pro-tranny and pro-women's rights
You can read YHWH's law here in the image.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:36 [Preview] No.67700 del

>>I'm waiting for you to diss me for my looks.
>You are fucking abomination. Even Podnebesny is handsome model comparing to you.
>Are you happy now?
If it were true, you would have said it off the bat: without my 3, 4, 5x prompting.
You thought you would get a brown guy . Instead you got a white guy with blue eyes.
You had nothing to say.
You still have nothing to say.

>>That is why you asked me to post my picture.
>No. I asked you to do it because wanted to find out, whether you are stupid enough to reveal your face in internet by the first demand of a random anon from another country.
I've posted this picture for many years. You are copying some other faggot from /g/ and /pol/ who celebrated that he was "controlling" me when I posted the same picture. You have the same mentality. That of a child who has never known any power or ability.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:41 [Preview] No.67701 del
>Alexey Podnebesny,
has good tastes then:
He likes young girls.

>1) Both of you are lawyers
So he has more intelligence than you: going for a profession that atleast pays something.
>2) Both of you blaim women rights protected by goverment in all of your troubles
You accept women making the decisions, with 2 million police army at their backs.
>3) Both of you prefer youngest girls for sex
Young girls are pretty and nice. Women are neither. Look at your own women. Garbage by 29. Shit by 19. Shit on by 12.
>4) Both of you are aggressive retards living in your own fantasy world
I've posted links to my fantasy world: It's called ChaosEsqueAnthology: a mod of Quake 1. The code is there too.

This Alexey sounds like a great guy.
And your government sounds like something that needs to be eradicated.
Since it's just another white govenrment: feminist.

Marry Little Girls.

>Let me give you a secret: I am going to kill you.
>You oppose YHWH's law on marrying cute little girls.
>Enjoy your life while you have it.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:43 [Preview] No.67702 del
Look russian: you know in your heart that you simply need to be beaten, like a dog, untill you come to love the C Programming Language. And beaten, untill you come to love the third dimension (3D) projected onto a two dimentional screen.

You know it.
I know it.
We all know it.

And then you need to be given, after all these beatings, finally: The C Programming Handbook. (And SCIP). By then you will have grown to love it.

After: you can be introduced to 3d Quake1 engine, and model_brush.c .
As a good Russian. Made good. By being beaten like a dog: until you respect and love: C.

Посмотрите русский: вы знаете в своем сердце, что вам просто нужно избивать, как собака, пока не полюбите язык программирования C. И избил, пока вы не полюбите третье измерение (3D), проецируемое на два варианта.

Вы знаете это.
Я знаю это.
Мы все это знаем.

И тогда вам нужно дать, после всех этих избиений, наконец: Справочник по программированию C. (И Scip). К тому времени вы полюбите его.

После: Вы можете быть введены в 3D Quake1 Engine и Model_brush.c.
Как хороший русский. Принесло пользу. Будучи избитым, как собака: пока не уважаете и любовь: C.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:45 [Preview] No.67703 del
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
>>Lets see you.
>You are funny

Admits to being "too ugly" to post himself. Lol.

Guess you have brown eyes, bad skin, and a bad look. Something you assumed of me. But then you shut up for days.


I'm going to fucking kill you.
You shouldn't have messed with my programming recruitment post.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:49 [Preview] No.67705 del
(503.23 KB 574x574 1718158008514172.png)
(202.37 KB 574x487 1718158588814506.png)
(349.15 KB 512x512 1718158179694889.png)
(424.00 KB 512x512 1718157772548390.png)
Dreamt of foxen tonight. ___

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:49 [Preview] No.67706 del
>No real russian would see much difference between a russian and ukranian
Oh, really? I thought it is Americans who can't distinguish Russian from Ukranian.
Russians and Ukranians are definetely very close culturally, but not the same. Difference starts with language. Not every Ukranian speaks pure Mova (Ukranian language), but still you can always tell he's not Russian by his speech. More difference you can find in set of mind, folklore, traditions.

>The only difference seen would be between those with more viking blood and those with more slavic blood. Moscow vs other cities; and only a few have the heavy viking blood.
Where did you get all this shit?
Indeed, the first Russian royal dinasty was of Scandinavian origin, but you are hardly be able to find much Scandinavian blood in modern post-Soviet population. Modern Russian and Ukranians are genetically mixture of slavs and asian nomads. And difference between us is mostly not in gens, but in culture.
As for Moscow, if we speak about demography, the only its difference from other Russian cities is amount of "churkas".

You are really delusional dumbass. You have a lot of misconception about Russia.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:50 [Preview] No.67707 del
>Difference starts with language.
Who gives a shit. Language isn't even skin deep. No basis for a race.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:53 [Preview] No.67708 del
>yal dinasty was of Scandinavian origin, but you are hardly be able to find much Scandinavian blood in modern post-Soviet population.

Peskov has alot of viking blood.
Putin has some, mixed with alot of finnic (or attempts to look it via surgery: button nose etc).

Your traditional top men, were scandies. Always were, always will be until we kill you all off.

It's actually the only thing that saves you: an Anti-Russian sentiment forms. Then we see your scandinavian-russkies, and we back down because some of them look so good.

Pure scandanavian doesn't look that great.
But when you mix it with a little slavic, a little finnic, you get that asuka girl look. And we don't want to kill you for that reason.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:56 [Preview] No.67709 del
>You are really delusional dumbass. You have a lot of misconception about Russia.

You have a misconception that you are safe mouthing off to me. I have allready decided to end your life.

Remeber Nina Reiser: Hans Reiser killed her. A "russian" like you (she was brown eyed like you)

I know more about russians than most people here; which is why you had to write all those "howevers" in your post.
But you should ask: are you a russian I am talking about?

Think about it?
Some non-programmer non-nuclear-physicist brown eyed retard?
Is that who I'm inviting to opensource C program with me?

Maybe you're in the wrong thread.
But you'll be dead soon.

And no: brown eyed retards like you are not who we think of as Russkie.
The viking decendants are.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:58 [Preview] No.67711 del
>Non programmer, Non lawyer, non-nuclear physicists calls me a "dumbass" for properly identifying Scandinavian Russkie decendants as the real Russians.

Check yourself lol
Still waiting for your picture.
Too afraid of failure of looks to post it.
Just like you failed at university
Failed at post-graduate
Failed at learning math.
Failed at learning computers and programming.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:00 [Preview] No.67712 del
>delusional dumbass
I'm not the one delusional about adorable young girls. It is you: you don't like them.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:02 [Preview] No.67713 del
Dreamt of foxen tonight. ____

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:26 [Preview] No.67718 del
Бля, грустно, если так. Этот пендос смешной

Да у него вообще пиздец какой-то из американских боевиков 80-х походу в качестве представления о русских

>Who is the brown haired russian serpent?
Dick of Ashot, which penetrated your sorrowful ass

>I am tracking you down to kill you. I will be with you soon.
Track down your micro dick first. Guess, you'll fail

>has good tastes then:
>He likes young girls.
Only taste he has is taste of cellmate's dick in his mouth. He is in prison now for sex with a minor. And it's your fate too

>brown eyed retards like you are not who we think of as Russkie
Nobody cares, what you think

If I'm a such untermensch, why are still replying to me?
What are you doing here? Nobody seems interested in your great ideas

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:52 [Preview] No.67719 del
>Peskov has alot of viking blood.
Ok, ok, you've got me. Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny. And our conversation is getting a little boring. A total "lose-lose' situation.
/rus/ of Endchan is a wrong place for you to find some supporters for your project from Russia. You know, this place is too liberal. Conservative Russians gather at 2ch.hk. Check it out, please.
There are 4 board that might interest you in this site.
/b/ is traditionaly board for general discussion
/pol/ for politics
/gd/ is for game development
/pr/ is for coding
You might also be interested in "Петухи" movement. "Roosters" in English. They are called so, because rooster is always ready to fight for his life and property and fucks as many young hens as he wants. In other words, it is movement for male suprimacy. It is the thing you are supporting, I guess. So just ask in 2ch.hk something like: "Как мне присоединиться к петухам?" And they'll show you the way.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:14 [Preview] No.67722 del
Let's look at this objectivly:
1) you are not a lawyer and not a programmer. You're a dumb guy.
2) You don't like cute young girls.
3) You think you are superior somehow anyway.

Additionally you won't post your face. And your ass is burning about someone liking cuter younger girls.

Thirdly you prefer to post massive texts in perfect amerikanski english (not even proper english from the UK), and you fail to use even one shibboleth from proper UK english.

You post very short texts in russian after being called out. Two sentances here and there. They are constructed in the style yandex.ru does such and not google or bablefish translation.

You won't state your occupation.
You suggest we all "lift" and "get the women". But we've been lifting for decades. One increases, and then when one stops for awhile one deflates.

Forth: you googled russian incel and found some guy. Who uses the word incel?

It's difficult to parse this together.

Now I'm 6'3, blue eyes, programmer, and lawyer. I'm in my late 30s. I've done the lifting, the this the that, and shown my face when demanded. I'm not ashamed as there's no reason to be. You hide your face. So there seems to be a contrast between our beliefs

Let's try

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:17 [Preview] No.67725 del
So who would think they're
1) Smart
2) Hot shit
3) Doesn't want to show face
4) Has really good foreign language skills
5) Angry about young girls
6) Mocks some lawyer who isn't good looking for having brown eyes and a pan face
7) Happy that lawyer is in jail for fucking young girls

Who would that be?
A whore.
A russian whore like Nina Reiser; who Hans Reiser choked to death.

Only a woman would think she's superior for no apparent reason. Only a woman would claim that the value of a man is only based on what women decided. Only a whore would know american english that well: for customers.

Actual russians drop articles like it is going out of style and can barely pronounce or use english.

The other option is that you are some american faggot from /g/ and /pol/: and you came to this thread when I posted it on tinychan.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:25 [Preview] No.67726 del
>>Peskov has alot of viking blood.
>Ok, ok, you've got me. Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny. And our conversation is getting a little boring. A total "lose-lose' situation.
Thank you for your information.
>A total "lose-lose' situation.
This thread is completely about C and the domain of 3d triangle-data parsing. If you aren't interested in that specific area of computing it would never be enjoyable to you. It's an aquired taste, and if you're too young you won't appreciate (having simply been handed mega-triangle games for free). When I was a child we had to build all the maps we wanted, ourselves. Or go online and slowly download 3d maps other children built. Some adults built maps too. All were men and boys.

>/rus/ of Endchan is a wrong place for you to find some supporters for your project from Russia. You know, this place is too liberal. Conservative Russians gather at 2ch.hk. Check it out, please.
>There are 4 board that might interest you in this site.
>/b/ is traditionaly board for general discussion
>/pol/ for politics
>/gd/ is for game development
>/pr/ is for coding
>You might also be interested in "Петухи" movement. "Roosters" in English. They are called so, because rooster is always ready to fight for his life and property and fucks as many young hens as he wants. In other words, it is movement for male suprimacy. It is the thing you are supporting, I guess. So just ask in 2ch.hk something like: "Как мне присоединиться к петухам?" And they'll show you the way.

Why do you not join my project? I came here to say I do not discriminate against russians : an algorithim is an algorithim. If you've been kicked out of the C project Linux: obviously you like to code for free for some reason: I accept that. Do I condone coding for free: no. With one exception. Fun toy-like foppish foolish bullshit can be coded for free because it's just a hobby or a toy. 3d is that. So codeing C for free for 3d makes more sence than coding C for free for system software. No one will make money off your free 3d code for Quake1. People do make money off your free code for Linux.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:35 [Preview] No.67727 del
> >>67701
> >has good tastes then:
> >He likes young girls.
> Only taste he has is taste of cellmate's dick in his mouth. He is in prison now for sex with a minor.
You suppose that because your woman's country's 2 million, 3 million police threw him in jail, that he is wrong. That's a logical fallacy. Argument from authority.

When you are nuclear ash: and you will be: will you be consistent and say "well looks like we were wrong"? Or will you flip and say "the use of force to enforce women's wants against the based and redpilled loli rapist was right because Jesus the faggot said so ("better a millstone" "chop off your dick for heaven"), but the use of force against us in WW3 was wrong"?
>And it's your fate too
I pray to YHWH that I torture and then kill all who oppose YHWH's law: which explicitly allows child brides. I thank YHWH that he elevated Biden who freed the Afghans: they are now raping their child brides as is written in Devarim 22 verse 28. A right of theirs. It is what I prayed to YHWH for and it occured as it was His will.

I pray I do not falter in killing those who would wish me ill and attempt to force me to follow another Power other than YHWH.

> >brown eyed retards like you are not who we think of as Russkie
> Nobody cares, what you think
Except the one person who matters here: Myself.
> >>67711
> If I'm a such untermensch, why are still replying to me?
> What are you doing here? Nobody seems interested in your great ideas
When I wanted Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory BSP map format loading in this Quake1 engine: did I beg for anyone to be interested?
Or did I write the code myself?

Who mattered there? I did.

When I wanted MineTest obj exported maps to work. Who mattered there?
I did.

When I wanted 200 weapons in my version, not 18, of nexuiz/xonotic/quake1, who mattered there? Did I ask someone else?
No I did the code, and when needed the modeling.

When I wanted procedural cities: did what you think matter? American-english speaker?
Who wrote the code?
Who made the fully-exporable buildings?
Who made the level of detail models for them?
I did.

Did your opinion matter?
Why do you think it does now?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:38 [Preview] No.67728 del
>Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny.
I was wrong

>Thirdly you prefer to post massive texts in perfect amerikanski english (not even proper english from the UK), and you fail to use even one shibboleth from proper UK english.
No shit? Is my English good enough for you to mix me with a native speaker? That's good news.

You are thinking too hard and too serious. Chill, man.

>Why do you not join my project?
>obviously you like to code for free for some reason
This. You are just wrong. Modern Russians do not like to do anything for free. And the same shit about your project.

>If you've been kicked out of the C project Linux
Most of the Russians who was involved in any Linux projects seriously have already left Russia in 2022, probably. That's a quite few people, anyway. Just understand it: Linux is not big deal for Russians.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:43 [Preview] No.67729 del
> >>67708
> >Peskov has alot of viking blood.
> Ok, ok, you've got me. Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny. And our conversation is getting a little boring. A total "lose-lose' situation.
If you knew C or bothered to learn it it would potentially be not such a loss for me. Why have you spurned your russian studies? Math and C/Ada/Fortran are traditional "steal american physics secrets" required courses. Russians for us are smart people who do not spurn programming or intelligence. They also like young girls. But the russians for us are the ones decenant from the scandanavians. Your kind of russian might just be an idiot who think's he's smart for no particular reason: you live because of the other kind. We would have nuked you into nothing if you didn't have the pretty ones in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. The only thing that saved you was them.
> /rus/ of Endchan is a wrong place for you to find some supporters for your project from Russia. You know, this place is too liberal. Conservative Russians gather at 2ch.hk. Check it out, please.
I allready did. Can't post from my country nor from proxies.
They hated Linus tho. Seethed about him kicking russkies out.
They had the correct reaction.

> There are 4 board that might interest you in this site.
> /b/ is traditionaly board for general discussion
> /pol/ for politics
> /gd/ is for game development
> /pr/ is for coding
> You might also be interested in "Петухи" movement. "Roosters" in English. They are called so, because rooster is always ready to fight for his life and property and fucks as many young hens as he wants. In other words, it is movement for male suprimacy. It is the thing you are supporting, I guess. So just ask in 2ch.hk something like: "Как мне присоединиться к петухам?" And they'll show you the way.
I hope the lawyer that was jailed kills the people in your white government.
Failing that I hope all the people in your country that hate him, are burned away by nuclear ash and VX gas; which my country has stockpiled. I hope all the people in Europe who also hate him; are also killed in similar drives by your own government in counterattack.

We have demographic information about every inch of your country. We know where all the actual russkies (men who row: viking decendant) live, and where they are sparse. We can wipe our all the "Nina Reisers" and spare the actual blue eyed pretty russkies of adorableness.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:48 [Preview] No.67730 del
> >>67725 (you)
> >Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny.
> I was wrong
Wrong about what? Someone knowing about the old good version of russians, and not the new zoomer shit version?
"Hahahha he doesn't know how russia is now"

> >Thirdly you prefer to post massive texts in perfect amerikanski english (not even proper english from the UK), and you fail to use even one shibboleth from proper UK english.
> No shit? Is my English good enough for you to mix me with a native speaker? That's good news.
You sound like the seething anti-loli faggots on 4chan after 2016. IE: a zoomer fuck.
You have the same values.
Women are what you measure your worth by.
Jesus' beliefs are what is "based" (wrong: it's ancient Jewish beliefs that are actually good)
> You are thinking too hard and too serious. Chill, man.
> >Why do you not join my project?
> >obviously you like to code for free for some reason
> This. You are just wrong. Modern Russians do not like to do anything for free. And the same shit about your project.
But modern russians do not know C. I do not need Zoomer morons. I only need the previous generation (millenial, X, boomer).
> >If you've been kicked out of the C project Linux
> Most of the Russians who was involved in any Linux projects seriously have already left Russia in 2022, probably. That's a quite few people, anyway. Just understand it: Linux is not big deal for Russians.
It will be a big deal when we ignite Sundial. Who's control infrastructure runs on linux now.
You do know Sundial, right?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:49 [Preview] No.67731 del
You haven't answered my questions. I didn't ask them fully rehtorically (only half):
> >>67711
> If I'm a such untermensch, why are still replying to me?
> What are you doing here? Nobody seems interested in your great ideas
When I wanted Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory BSP map format loading in this Quake1 engine: did I beg for anyone to be interested?
Or did I write the code myself?

Who mattered there? I did.

When I wanted MineTest obj exported maps to work. Who mattered there?
I did.

When I wanted 200 weapons in my version, not 18, of nexuiz/xonotic/quake1, who mattered there? Did I ask someone else?
No I did the code, and when needed the modeling.

When I wanted procedural cities: did what you think matter? American-english speaker?
Who wrote the code?
Who made the fully-exporable buildings?
Who made the level of detail models for them?
I did.

Did your opinion matter?
Why do you think it does now?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:52 [Preview] No.67732 del
Your views that women are the decider, that the guy in jail proves he is wrong about virgin loli girls as the correct brides, just lift bro, lack of desire to know programming, believing you are superior while you diss lawyers and programmers: is identical to white-faggot Zoomer americans.

With their nappy hair, dusky skin tones, perms, and cellphones.

So yes you blend in very well with that lot.
I am glad a man named Nicolae Miu executed some of your Zoomer co-horts here in the Apple River valley.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:54 [Preview] No.67733 del
(205.43 KB 574x322 1718157925182983.png)
>Foxes, fox girls guys, let's talk about them. Not VX gas.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 11:52 [Preview] No.67736 del
Your project is interesting. Good work, nothing to say.
But you yourself is not kind of person anybody would like to work with. You thought out some fantasy world in your mind and substitute reality with it. Here, in Russia we call such things "манямирок". Then you aggressivly try persuade everyone in reality of your fantasy world. Very similar situation when trannies try to persuade everyone that they are of some other gender besides male or female.
You're better to change your attitude somehow or you'll be always disappointed that nobody wants to join your project. Because there are no any "old real Russian" who would listen to what some American pedo nazi schizo loser tell them. Never were. They exist only in your sick mind. In reality you are nothing more for us than just another American weirdo.

>Did your opinion matter?
No. So didn't yours. It's anonymous forum, man: nobody's opinion matters here in fact.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:12 [Preview] No.67738 del
>But you yourself is not kind of person anybody would like to work with
I am not asking anyone to work with me. What I am saying is: I programmed some more map formats. You can do the same. Then everyone has cross-access to ever increasing numbers of features and functions.

Example: When I make a map: I just make it. I don't work with anyone.
Same can be done here: you code the map format you like, then it gets added, now forever this engine can use all those maps you like too.
No working together needed: just the code gets put together when it's done.

>No. So didn't yours.
Mine did: because I did the work.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:13 [Preview] No.67739 del
>Then you aggressivly try persuade everyone in reality of your fantasy world. Very similar situation when trannies try to persuade everyone that they are of some other gender besides male or female.

That fantasy world exists in Afghanistan. It used to exist in the USA aswell, and in France.
There is a difference.
Men used to have child brides, little cute virgins. You just simply can't read the old languages.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:14 [Preview] No.67740 del
>They exist only in your sick mind
Explain Afghanistan then.
Does that only exist in my mind?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:16 [Preview] No.67741 del
>Because there are no any "old real Russian" who would listen to what some American pedo nazi schizo loser tell them.
Putin himself fucked young. He joked about the videos the KGB had, and killed the guy who wrote a book on it.
Oh, the problem you have is that I said marry young girls: that's what pisses you off.
>Never were. They exist only in your sick mind. In reality you are nothing more for us than just another American weirdo.
Afghans are fucking their young girl brides as you speak.
Nothing you can do about it.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:18 [Preview] No.67742 del
Ебать ты в манямире живёшь. Приезжай в рашку и пообщайся с людьми, будешь удивлён что информационный пузырь в который ты залез не совпадает с реальностью. Кидай ссыль на дискорд, я выебу тебя и твою мать на чистом русском.

Он шизик, в каждом посте видит каких-то агентов. Типичная дура из полру, только с другой стороны полит координат.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:19 [Preview] No.67743 del
>Your project is interesting. Good work, nothing to say.

Have a read of these two source code files:

You'll see how 3d map files are read, of various types. One to read well is the OBJ type: as it's straightforward.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:20 [Preview] No.67744 del
>Он шизик, в каждом посте видит каких-то агентов. Типичная дура из полру, только с другой стороны полит координат.

Да это понятно. Просто хотел побольше шизы орной выбить из него, но он уже повторяется, поэтому пора закругляться

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:22 [Preview] No.67747 del
I am not a schizo. I am a programmer. You're a faggot from 4chan /g/ who calls everyone schizo.
You'd better crumble. I have never stopped in all these decades.

I won't falter now.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:22 [Preview] No.67748 del
I am not a schizo. I am a programmer. You're a faggot from 4chan /g/ who calls everyone schizo.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:27 [Preview] No.67752 del

Just would like to say that you are wasting your time here. It's unlikely you find any support here

You wouldn't survive in Afganistan a month. And it's quite probable that you would be "a little bride" there

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:29 [Preview] No.67755 del
>Just would like to say that you are wasting your time here. It's unlikely you find any support here

Then why shouldn't I kill you all?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:30 [Preview] No.67756 del
Because you can't, stupid

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:31 [Preview] No.67757 del
>You wouldn't survive in Afganistan a month. And it's quite probable that you would be "a little bride" there

And how does that change the fact that the Afghans do have little girls as brides? You aren't making sence.

Mad that they are fucking their little girls?

You claim my views are fantasy, but just south of you is a country where it is a reality. That falsifies your your claim.
Do you understand that?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:31 [Preview] No.67758 del
>Because you can't, stupid
Our nuclear capable warheads are being fired into your country allready.
Are you sure we can't kill you?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:35 [Preview] No.67759 del
So why don't you move to Afganstan and leave us alone?

>Are you sure we can't kill you?
American army's specialsists in Ukraine can, not you. You are still loser from mother's basement

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:36 [Preview] No.67760 del
(3.41 MB 1280x720 1726628740883796.webm)
See this video?
This is a cruise missile my country fired into your country. It had a 8-15 kiloton fission pit, without a secondary.

This is a nuclear explosion at tver, toropets, on the night of 17th-18th. Elevated levels of cesium-137 were detected at the stations on the border with norway on the day of september 18th. The radiation station in tver was taken offline. An earthquake of similar magnitude to a 15kt weapon was registered that night.

You think we cannot kill you?

Do you acknowlege that the first part of this video shows a plasma ball, lighting the entire horizon up like the morning sun, and once the incandecence stops from the xrays, the view goes dark revealing again the night?

Are you a stupid person that thinks something else can do that? Oh right, you're not a "stupid" "lawyer or programmer". You're a superior woman worshiping faggot who doesn't like little girls.

We will kill you.
Remeber this when you are suffering.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:38 [Preview] No.67761 del
My death won't make you any less loser

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:39 [Preview] No.67762 del
>American army's specialsists in Ukraine can, not you. You are still loser from mother's basement

My father worked on the US moonshot.
I am a programmer and a lawyer.

You want to diss me for finishing the basement with my own hands and skill? For putting marble down there at the bar?
You want to diss me because I am the one who inherits my father's house?

I will kill you.
My country has already nuked you in september and wiped out many of your munitions.
Since you diss me I will pray for your torture and death.
Since you have said you will never be of use (no programming).

You are a Zoomer dipshit and you think you are superior.
You will not show your face because you have brown eyes.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:42 [Preview] No.67763 del
It will remove one more anti-child bride enemy.
As you said: russians oppose loli brides.

Additionally what have you won?
Tell me.

You work? But for what? You toil, but for who?
What do you gain?

Money was invented in Sumer (mesapotamia, since you are not a lawyer or a programmer and look down on them; you're probably not educated in what "sumer" was) to
1) approportion grain for the armies.
2) purchase female children for marraige.

What you are paid cannot do number 2.
It fails a first-purpose of the Thing (money).
It is not money.

So what do you work for?
Is that winning?

I don't work. I just do my hobbies.
You work. Yet have no cute little girl bride.

I don't work. I do not have a cute little girl bride either.
But you work and don't have. So who is the fool here?

Also your eyes: you will not post them. Why?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:42 [Preview] No.67764 del
Даю тебе последний шанс. Кидай свой дискорд и я обоссу тебя и твою мать на чистом русском языке.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:43 [Preview] No.67765 del
>Drone attack
>My country has already nuked you
As we say in Russia in such cases: "Пиздабол"

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:44 [Preview] No.67766 del
I don't use discord you stupid Zoomer faggot. My generation, who wrote all the code you faggots use, used IRC.

Do you know what IRC is? Dipshit?
How about SSH? We also had SSH servers that ran IRC as an encrypted communications network.

We are going to end your lives.
You had your chance.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:46 [Preview] No.67767 del
Скажешь что-нибудь новое, уебище?
Короче, пошел нахуй! Я спать

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:47 [Preview] No.67769 del
As I said you are a STUPID person. You don't understand what you are seeing you brown eyed fuck.

You do not understand that a conventional explosive cannot generate the photons you see over that wide an area: and does not create plasma. It is not hot enough.

That is a nuclear mushroom cloud, formed from a ball of plasma, formed from xrays hitting air, formed from a primary stage nuclear pit.

That explosion: look at what you see before it:
Then houses.
Then trees.
Then a lake.
Then an island, more trees.
Then another lake.
Then more trees.
Then the explosion.

Imagine how far away that is.
The day after toropets was evacuated.
(Due to heightened radioisotope levels.)

> "Пиздабол"
Stuff it in your fucking face you uneducated moron.

I am a Programmer, and a Licensed Attorney.
What are you?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:49 [Preview] No.67770 del
Да уебище ты пиндосское, не больше, не меньше

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:50 [Preview] No.67771 del
My country detonated a nuclear weapon of 8-15 kilotons on the storage in Tver oblast, Toropets town. It was from cruize missiles fired from latvia (shortest distance).

We are going to kill you.
Go to sleep.
One day you will wake up burning.
Because there is no reason for us not to slaughter standard white-faggot woman worshipers such as you.

We allready brain-drained your country. We are free to kill the rest of you. If you don't like cute young girls then you're just another domesticated white race that is excessive.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:51 [Preview] No.67773 del
Nuked is only your ass. Has burnt for 3 days already

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:52 [Preview] No.67774 del
Ты пиздишь что я не русскоговорящий. Я предлагаю тебе поговорить голосом. Ты сливаешься, ты обоссал штаны, испугался, насерунькал в панталоны. В твоей ирке нет голосовых каналов, так шо слив защитан, хуйло подзалупное. Трясись в страхе передо мной.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:54 [Preview] No.67775 del
If I'm such a "pindo":
1) why is it you cannot recognize a nuclear primary stage explosion when you see it.
2) where did the plasma come from?
3) how did this 15 kiloton explosion happen all at once (no cook off)
4) why does it sound exactly like upshot-knotholl (gun crack, then a woosh)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szBRTPaoCM4?t=101
https://youtube.com/watch?v=szBRTPaoCM4 [Embed]

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:54 [Preview] No.67776 del
I am going to kill you.
This is a promise.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:55 [Preview] No.67777 del
I talk on IRC. Not Zoomer faggot shit.

We nuked your fucking country.
We are going to do more and kill you dead.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:56 [Preview] No.67778 del
Ссыкло ватное. Всё давай на сегодня ты меня заебал, я иду играть в доту.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:57 [Preview] No.67779 del
>Ссыкло ватное. Всё давай на сегодня ты меня заебал, я иду играть в доту.
You're calling me a vatnik.
Because I can recognize a nuclear primary stage explosion when I see one?
You zoomers are pieces of shit.

I hope we slaughter you all.
And leave only the blue-eyed good russkies.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:59 [Preview] No.67780 del
(3.41 MB 1280x720 1726628740883796.webm)
Nope, You got nuked, brown eyed fuck.

Play it in slowmo to recognize the double flash. Don't know what that is dipshit? A 15 kt would have just a split second of it, but you can see it.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:01 [Preview] No.67782 del
>Deaths 0 (per Russia)
>Non-fatal injuries 13 (per Russia)
Ебать, перемога

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:01 [Preview] No.67783 del
(442.28 KB 603x603 1718159283081886.png)
(424.00 KB 512x512 1718157772548390.png)
Foxgirls, dream thereof

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:07 [Preview] No.67784 del
We killed 200 of your soliders with that 15kt nuclear explosion.

In our nuclear tests we killed 0 people: they were still nuclear explosions.

You were nuked. By us.
We will kill more of you.
You oppose loli-brides and will die.
YHWH allows child brides.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=NeXof9lc7ak [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=szBRTPaoCM4 [Embed]

Gunshot —-> Woosh.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:10 [Preview] No.67785 del
>Yes, it was clearly "drone debris" setting off a uniform explosion of heterogenous HE ordinance (in hardened containment and without primers), creating a ball of plasma, airburst, and mushroom cloud above the warehouse, leveling trees in all directions without burning them, and not a stringer in sight

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:12 [Preview] No.67787 del
Again: we are going to kill you.
We nuked tver with a 8-15kt primary-stage-only device on a stealth cruize missile fired from latvia. It was part of the low yeild enduring stockpile devices.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:15 [Preview] No.67789 del
(1.62 MB 1146x754 1695228231016.webm)
As I said: you think "lawyers and programmers" are "stupid losers". Yet you cannot recognize a nuclear explosion because you do not know what one is.


>Yes, it was clearly "drone debris" setting off a uniform explosion of heterogenous HE ordinance (in hardened containment and without primers), creating a ball of plasma, airburst, and mushroom cloud above the warehouse, leveling trees in all directions without burning them, and not a stringer in sight

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:18 [Preview] No.67791 del
(424.00 KB 512x512 1718157772548390.png)
>Fox girls, dream of

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 13:20 [Preview] No.67792 del
(572.26 KB 622x602 1718159356303330.png)

че ты трясешся Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 15:07 [Preview] No.67804 del
11 фсбшников больше не смогут одобрять коммиты
че ТЫ трясёшся то?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:51 [Preview] No.67823 del
Я хочу, чтобы программисты FSB вместо этого помогли программировать больше 3D -поддержки формата карты в этот двигатель Quake1. Как у меня есть.


I want the FSB programmers to instead help program more 3d map format support into this Quake1 engine. As I have.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 16:54 [Preview] No.67824 del
(339.10 KB 361x601 1718158908049111.png)

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 06:55 [Preview] No.67887 del

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 12:30 [Preview] No.67920 del
(205.43 KB 574x322 1718157925182983.png)

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 14:00 [Preview] No.68346 del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 12:13 [Preview] No.68468 del
(178.97 KB 1153x660 jhgvfcdxzsaqFCDXZSA.png)
bzflag obj export, renamed to randommap.obj_from_bz , and put in the maps directory. Uses the new code in the Quake 1 engine. (I hve the rendering set to colors only in this vid, you can use textures if you want)

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44364729 [Embed]

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 12:14 [Preview] No.68469 del
Some of the unreal style weapons in deathmatch: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44364757 [Embed]

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 18:52 [Preview] No.68508 del
Why did you bail after the Tver, discussion?


Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 12:44 [Preview] No.68614 del
>and the whole world is going to have a 9. Just 9, as a month. No more 9/11 or anything, because there would be no need to denote one certain day.
You know, russkies, sometimes you're allright.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:38 [Preview] No.68623 del
Heard in /operate/ that somebody doesn't like these.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 12:54 [Preview] No.68928 del
> I thought it was you, because of how unlikely it would be to simultaneously have two programmers,
You're saying this while interacting on an image board written by programmers, which hosted /lv/ (libre vidya) years before /rus/ and /polru/. With a straight face.
> who are both interested in Russia, to complain about something on this board.
Russia is one of the few areas that still has actual programmers (C programming language etc).
>Linus Linux
again, you are saying this while using a site that runs on linux.
Seems you're new.

You're just a dumb person.
You hold the view that
1) Lawyers are dumb
2) Programmers are dumb
3) women are better than little girls
4) what the majority "think" is relevant or correct
5) an explosion miles away rising above the horizon into the stratosphere, ball of plasma 300 meters across (atleast), past a field, houses, a treeline, a lake, an island with another treeline, another lake, another treeline; and turning the night time into morning as a second sun; then as soon as it began blinking out to darkness; while having a gunshot sound as it's report...
is anything other than exactly what it looks like.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 23:45 [Preview] No.69603 del
(1.47 MB 4032x3024 IMG_1881.jpeg)
never work out.

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