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(6.17 KB 150x150 Soros Scared.jpg)
Anonymous 04/02/2018 (Mon) 18:05:34 [Preview] No. 307 [X]
Post censored/deleted/banned files or documents from other boards here!

Anonymous 04/02/2018 (Mon) 18:06:11 [Preview] No.308 [X] del
+ News 04-02-18.tar.xz

Anonymous 04/09/2018 (Mon) 16:28:45 [Preview] No.832 [X] del

"Nothing stops a government or ISP that enforces Internet censorship to block all peer-to-peer traffic within it's jurisdiction. Bittorrent was easy, i2p is too. Most of current p2p networks are just an extended academic projects larp or cypherpunk circlejerks. Yes, some of them provided server/user anonymity, others give content distribution, but in the end they all rely on wires put by your ISP and heavily monitored by your government. If you are afraid of spooks, you'll have to lay your own physical networks from the scratch. I talk about underground meshnets and things like that."


Anonymous 05/23/2018 (Wed) 16:31:24 [Preview] No.1065 [X] del
+ news 05-22-18.tar.xz

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