/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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(145.70 KB 650x920 JGH1 tsf endchan.jpg)
Banner submission thread! Sensualaoi 11/11/2016 (Fri) 12:31:27 [Preview] No. 12
I don't know what the limit is on size, but 300 width x 100 height is the max on 8chan so I'm using that for now.

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 09:57:41 [Preview] No. 814 del
(56.40 KB 299x100 1478864556790.gif)
(29.49 KB 300x100 1478868171018.jpg)
(30.67 KB 300x100 1479065696090.jpg)
(47.40 KB 758x140 1479065790190.jpg)
(66.14 KB 758x140 1479065836884.jpg)
Here are the current banners, but feel free to share more. I should get rid of the big ones eventually.

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 09:59:29 [Preview] No. 815 del
(42.69 KB 398x144 1479066565060.jpg)
(70.25 KB 900x248 1479096495485.jpg)
(43.53 KB 319x183 1479096507517.jpg)
(72.28 KB 640x240 1479096583292.jpg)
(19.69 KB 399x119 1479096777321.jpg)
A few of these were just put in as placeholder banners.

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:01:42 [Preview] No. 816 del
(44.39 KB 643x119 1479096863308.jpg)
(46.83 KB 490x280 1479097162332.jpg)
(88.65 KB 396x373 1479097374781.png)
(41.98 KB 480x270 1479183198891.jpg)
(39.21 KB 307x173 1479183457144.jpg)
I wonder: How many tg'd characters do you recognize?

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:03:57 [Preview] No. 817 del
(43.54 KB 300x225 1479183981196.jpg)
(101.40 KB 679x343 1479184505310.jpg)
(42.14 KB 352x211 1479184937253.jpg)
(41.75 KB 517x180 1479465057362.jpg)
(31.89 KB 427x218 1479465712637.jpg)

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:05:55 [Preview] No. 818 del
(26.74 KB 424x139 1479509290927.jpg)
(389.38 KB 400x225 1480472753645.gif)
(69.17 KB 488x240 1480927691232.jpg)
(50.22 KB 390x203 1480928143639.jpg)
(45.51 KB 413x249 1480928528964.jpg)

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:07:30 [Preview] No. 819 del
(45.51 KB 413x249 1480928528964.jpg)
(62.75 KB 594x233 1501617297513.jpg)
(116.56 KB 1152x647 1501617307664.jpg)
(77.11 KB 572x658 1501617377731.jpg)
(1.26 MB 1920x1178 1501617526876.jpg)

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:08:36 [Preview] No. 820 del
(29.05 KB 443x192 1509530011898.jpg)
(29.05 KB 443x192 nekomasu banner.jpg)

anonymous 11/01/2017 (Wed) 10:26:39 [Preview] No. 821 del
(51.72 KB 320x224 extremecaps.gif)
(41.23 KB 186x257 lolivampirehunger.jpg)
(26.75 KB 228x125 kiminonabanner.jpg)

anonymous 12/11/2017 (Mon) 07:43:47 [Preview] No.869 del

anonymous 01/22/2018 (Mon) 13:33:01 [Preview] No.1059 del
I can't think of some better text right now.

anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 02:35:19 [Preview] No.1066 del
Every time Ayu gave a speech, she sounded like Martin Luther King Jr.

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