/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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Hidden TG work femanon 11/11/2016 (Fri) 22:19:11 [Preview] No. 13
Meta thread for work that has been deleted at the usual sources like e-hentai. Try to obscure the downloads a little so copyright holders can't search by hash or something.

Starting with...
"1 4m 4 5uccubu5 by f_75f (3n6l15h)"

anonymous 06/04/2017 (Sun) 21:50:19 [Preview] No. 609 del
Does anyone have a copy of the raw for boku wa succubus? It seems to have been removed from sadpanda, and I can only find it in english or shit quality.

anonymous 06/05/2017 (Mon) 00:15:10 [Preview] No. 610 del
He is a faggot and I try to save everything before it gets deleted or soft-deleted.

anonymous 06/12/2017 (Mon) 07:23:02 [Preview] No. 614 del
Lmao someone retranslated ch 1. Down with Fakku.

If someone wants me to find the raws though, I could still dig them up...

anonymous 06/22/2017 (Thu) 17:14:33 [Preview] No. 629 del

anonymous 10/06/2017 (Fri) 02:11:36 [Preview] No. 785 del

good thing about rapidgator is they usually don't care about DMCA request or being the slowest in processing them

anonymous 10/06/2017 (Fri) 06:59:26 [Preview] No. 786 del
Anyone have the english versions of chapter 2 or 3? Been looking for months with no luck. Even those massive Fakku dumps on Pantsu and Nyaa.si don't have them.

anonymous 10/10/2017 (Tue) 20:04:50 [Preview] No. 790 del
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I don't know, I've been disappointed by the quality enough of his stories and his unoriginality enough times to stop caring about him or his memery.

anonymous 10/16/2017 (Mon) 16:38:15 [Preview] No. 802 del
In that case, see it this way:
The autor will get mad if his content gets pirated, don't you want him to get mad?

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