/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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(1007.33 KB 1125x1500 lolika0 later.jpg)
SuccubusLoliKa ~Ore Bitch dawa... → Iie Succubus desu~ (English Translation and patch) Sensualaoi 09/21/2018 (Fri) 22:50:18 [Preview] No. 1440
[An An Shokudou (Parts, ASTRE)] SuccubusLoliKa ~Ore Bitch dawa... → Iie Succubus desu~

"I'm a Bitch...no, a succubus."
It's a game with audio and you can download the translation at the link below as an executable, or you can unzip it to see gallery. I deleted the old version of the thread because it's not a work in progress anymore.)


Special thanks to Paff44 for decensoring it, and FuxkingFunny for typesetting it.

anonymous 09/22/2018 (Sat) 11:51:07 [Preview] No.1441 del
You were the one asking on /tech right? Glad you got this done. What did you use to unpack it in the end?

anonymous 09/22/2018 (Sat) 21:09:27 [Preview] No.1442 del
In the end I had to record the sounds with Audacity.

anonymous 09/25/2018 (Tue) 19:55:36 [Preview] No.1445 del
Wow, dedicated work. Just played, works great. Well done.

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