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TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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French(?) comic request Zagoodabah 09/27/2018 (Thu) 05:54:47 [Preview] No. 1446
Looking for a comic I read once or twice on exhentai or e-hentai. A french(?) comic about a woman who invites her sexist boss over to her place with the pretense of dinner and sex, only to drug him with some mind-controlling gender bending drug making him her slave.

The details I can remember are that in her backstory the witch doctor who sold it to her did a shit job so she ends up with a dick she can't get rid of, he's forced to live life as her maid and she's investigated in his missing person's case. It was a decently long comic, maybe 50+ pages? Something like that. There was this great page where right as she puts it in him, he just goes "OH!" and then it cuts to the outside of the apartment

any help would be fantastic, haven't been able to find it since

Sensualaoi 10/02/2018 (Tue) 03:20:50 [Preview] No.1448 del
You're thinking of this one:

Coincidentally, I've been considering attempting to translate at least the first chapter of it into Japanese just for fun. If anyone wants to help me do so, I could use help. I'd like someone to help correct my Japanese/make certain phrases sound more feminine/formal/natural. We can upload it to e-hentai. I just think its one of the better Western works, and that it might be cool to give back to the Japanese TSF community.

On that note, if you speak French and see problems with the English translation then let me know before I work on it. I don't think I'll do the whole thing, but it's too early to say for sure. (It might amuse you that the artist is now selling what appears to be the English scanlation, good for him.)

Zagoodabah 10/05/2018 (Fri) 07:25:15 [Preview] No.1449 del
Yes, that's it! Thank you!

French TG comic Edea 10/07/2018 (Sun) 09:19:58 [Preview] No.1450 del

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