/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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anonymous 07/17/2019 (Wed) 20:38:05 [Preview] No. 1640
Gender Bender memes

anonymous 07/19/2019 (Fri) 18:17:13 [Preview] No.1643 del
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Boy > octo girl

anonymous 07/21/2019 (Sun) 06:09:43 [Preview] No.1668 del
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anonymous 07/21/2019 (Sun) 06:20:07 [Preview] No.1669 del
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*Boy transforms to older girl*

Sorry I kept you waiting!
Geh-! Hey, why don't you have female clothes?!

Eh, but my normal clothes fit me, so isn't ift fine

More importantly let's get going!
Don't hang your boobs on me!

anonymous 07/21/2019 (Sun) 06:30:18 [Preview] No.1673 del
(1007.83 KB 3203x2226 not at all.jpg)
Next I want to go to that store!"

"Eh?! Shopping again?"

"Hey, try wearing this too!"

"I guess it cannot be helped...."

(Not at as dissatisfied as she acts)

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