/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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(922.33 KB 1066x708 bj.png)
(1.06 MB 977x800 bj2.png)
(1.49 MB 1064x800 darling.png)
(1.14 MB 1066x800 C203a.png)
(1.05 MB 1065x800 C203b.png)
tg captions femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:30:17 [Preview] No. 42

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:33:22 [Preview] No. 43 del
(1.08 MB 1064x800 C203c.png)
(1.10 MB 1059x799 C203d.png)
(1.26 MB 1061x800 C203e.png)
(856.54 KB 1020x785 dildo in shower.png)
(706.03 KB 728x799 not slutty enough.png)
These are from Rauk22, imo his he was the best captioner until he burned out and started writing poetry, and then retired.

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:38:12 [Preview] No. 44 del
(973.88 KB 1062x800 C319 Identity death.png)
(1.05 MB 1064x800 like what you see.png)
(825.51 KB 1064x800 skank.png)
(1.10 MB 1063x800 focus.png)

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:44:28 [Preview] No. 45 del
(932.07 KB 1064x799 one little finger.png)
(805.48 KB 1064x800 dumb whore.png)
(1.17 MB 1063x800 pretty pink pussy.png)
(818.14 KB 856x800 just slipped 1.png)
(738.31 KB 860x800 just slipped 2.png)

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:46:19 [Preview] No. 46 del
(855.54 KB 840x800 C256a.png)
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(1012.97 KB 839x800 C256c.png)
(1.02 MB 804x800 C244.png)
(683.83 KB 801x800 C248.png)

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:49:03 [Preview] No. 47 del
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(888.27 KB 858x800 C239c.png)
(1.22 MB 1064x800 C236.png)
(1.03 MB 1064x800 C234.png)
Sometimes he writes lesbian, sometimes hetro, sometimes masturbation, sometimes sissies, sometimes identity death. There's something for everyone.

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:51:33 [Preview] No. 48 del
(846.11 KB 725x800 fuck or be fucked.png)
(879.92 KB 1064x800 204a.png)
(870.65 KB 1065x800 204b.png)
(963.87 KB 1063x800 204c.png)
(877.44 KB 1064x800 204d.png)

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:55:39 [Preview] No. 49 del
(793.63 KB 960x800 supposed to be mad.png)
(810.24 KB 1006x800 another serxy friend.png)
(754.58 KB 985x800 C181.png)
(671.49 KB 977x799 hey boy.png)
The earlier you go the the more lesbian and dominating girlfriends they are.

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:56:40 [Preview] No. 50 del
(668.87 KB 823x778 C77.png)
(971.76 KB 946x800 C79.png)
(718.47 KB 802x800 C86a.png)
(729.45 KB 820x800 C86b.png)
(541.45 KB 742x800 C172.png)

femanon 11/13/2016 (Sun) 22:59:09 [Preview] No. 51 del
(847.52 KB 971x795 C69.png)
(802.61 KB 900x799 worship me.png)
(763.90 KB 922x800 C74.png)
(851.98 KB 980x800 C167.png)
(792.20 KB 1066x748 C73.png)

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 01:02:38 [Preview] No. 52 del
I will try not to just post Rauk22's work.
I like femslut21's favorites.

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:06:48 [Preview] No. 61 del

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:06:50 [Preview] No. 62 del
(189.21 KB 1100x733 381_NikkysLatestFavor.jpg)
(193.01 KB 1051x800 cravings 1.jpg)
(592.94 KB 900x1195 craving 2.jpg)

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:23:38 [Preview] No. 63 del
These are from rachel's haven.

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:32:28 [Preview] No. 64 del
I really can't share many Rachel's Haven captions. They're low resolution, and when they're part of a series I usually only saved one of them.

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:33:29 [Preview] No. 65 del

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:43:28 [Preview] No. 67 del
These 4 are part of some big galleries that I lost the links to.

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:51:06 [Preview] No. 68 del
(447.59 KB 1100x1065 portal1_dr1.png)
(674.81 KB 1100x1065 portal1_dr2.png)
(624.17 KB 1100x1065 portal1_dr3.png)

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 02:51:35 [Preview] No. 69 del

femanon 11/14/2016 (Mon) 05:34:50 [Preview] No. 72 del
OOOOOOHH! The white moderate. I get it.

femanon 11/15/2016 (Tue) 05:47:30 [Preview] No. 81 del
I neither remember what I wrote in most of the captions, nor wish to.

femanon 11/29/2016 (Tue) 22:35:33 [Preview] No. 268 del
(1.30 MB 800x2158 1412617787914-1.jpg)
(169.94 KB 874x708 1412617787914-3.jpg)
(1.14 MB 1000x1400 1412617910733-0.jpg)
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(290.17 KB 700x780 1412617910733-2.jpg)

anonymous 03/16/2017 (Thu) 07:18:48 [Preview] No. 522 del
(175.32 KB 1600x642 tg 2 pals.JPG)

anonymous 04/27/2017 (Thu) 03:38:09 [Preview] No. 549 del
(942.83 KB 1200x950 1493246640056.png)
Love me some Rauk.

anonymous 11/29/2017 (Wed) 00:01:11 [Preview] No.852 del
(164.07 KB 585x452 05.jpg)

anonymous 12/17/2017 (Sun) 01:30:38 [Preview] No.874 del
Anyone here have access to rachel haven's gallery? There was this one caption site Melanie's tg fantasy that I really liked, but all the captions vanished when they closed their blog down. I'd like to think there are some posted on rachelshaven.

Sensualaoi 12/17/2017 (Sun) 06:35:49 [Preview] No.875 del
I can check because Rachel once gave access to anyone who had made captions at the old Transformation Media website (TFmedia) when TFguy closed it down. Unfortunately, Rachel's Haven has always been a mess to navigate or search. I don't know Melaine's username there and even if I could it would be hard, and all I could find are captions other members made for someone named, "Melanie the fabulous." (I'll post a few of them now.)

As an aside, I haven't been to Rachel's Haven for a while, I gave up on making or reading captions after TFmedia closed (TWICE), Amy's Ecirava site closed, and I lost hundreds of bookmarks which discouraged me. Especially when most of the good captioners like Rauk22 finally threw in the towel.

TFmedia used to get 1000 views and have good criticism, with mechanisms to search by rating. The admin blocked a couple of my uploads for "being too short/bad writing." TFmedia was one of the only captioning websites that tried to maintain some standards, and quality control fell hard after the admin decided he just couldn't afford to maintain the website.

Rachel's Haven is very much the opposite, and is inclusive to the worst of captions with no mechanisms to boost quality. You're lucky to get 50 views, and nothing is banned, so most of the captions are one paragraph or just one sentence. There is no rating system that I'm aware of and most members seem to take pride in not ever hurting each others' feelings. I gave up on it because it was too hard to find anything that was actually arousing.

Sensualaoi 12/17/2017 (Sun) 06:44:15 [Preview] No.876 del
(110.45 KB 954x636 rachels haven rules.png)
Here's another thing I don't like. The rules were designed to please snowflakes.

No rape, no lolicon, no incest, no racial epithets in stories with racial fetishism. Years ago a captioner named OneEyedPirate complained about being turned off by the "holier than thou" nature of some captioners in the TG community, and this must have been what he was alluding to.

anonymous 12/17/2017 (Sun) 07:12:41 [Preview] No.877 del
Its hilarious how the front page says you should come if you have an open mind and an open imagination, and then restricts you with all of these "progressive" rules on what you can write in your stories. She even had to link to wikipedia because the list was so long. These people don't mind sharing stories where trailer trash calls a woman a slut, but you absolutely can't share a story where a guy calls someone who turned into a Chinese girl a "chink," or anything else that might cause someone to have hurt feelings. It annoys me that most TG fetish websites are unironically maintaining a very hypocritical politically correct status quo and trying to enforce thought crime.

Anyaway, to understand the average quality at the Haven, there is one prolific captioner named MissChinaGirl/"Miss Zagros" who uploaded 529 captions. They looked like this and it was always a pain for me to weed through them for the handful that were actually arousing rather than her posting a simple caption to explore "what if."

anonymous 12/17/2017 (Sun) 18:45:38 [Preview] No.878 del
Damn I didn't know. Melanie's caps often had rape involved, so I doubt their stuff got uploaded on Rachel's Haven. I remember seeing Zagros caps occasionally and I found them boring every single time.

tivanenk 12/20/2017 (Wed) 01:29:34 [Preview] No.881 del
Wuh? Incest is molestation? Molestation will be reported to authorities? Wuuuuuuuh? I didn't think SJWs were that crazy...

anonymous 03/17/2018 (Sat) 13:06:15 [Preview] No.1157 del
Do you know where his blog is nowadays? I used to follow him years ago too but haven't found seen him or his stuff around since he moved his blog for the umpteenth time.

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