/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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anonymous 05/24/2017 (Wed) 23:57:22 [Preview] No. 587
It's like having another set of pockets.
Boobs are convenient

anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:00:06 [Preview] No. 588 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:16:53 [Preview] No. 589 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:18:56 [Preview] No. 590 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:21:09 [Preview] No. 591 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:21:42 [Preview] No. 592 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:22:20 [Preview] No. 593 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:23:22 [Preview] No. 594 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:25:11 [Preview] No. 595 del
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anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 00:26:07 [Preview] No. 596 del
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