/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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femanon 11/15/2016 (Tue) 04:54:23 [Preview] No. 76
I'd like to ask, femanon (founder of this board right?), why do you like TSF?

Personally nothing turns me on more than imagining myself being the kind of beautiful lose bitch I despise IRL. Maybe if I had a normal (sex) life I wouldn't care for it. Bad case of autogynophillia I guess. Also because I really hate my life the idea of becoming a free succubus appeals.


femanon 11/15/2016 (Tue) 04:56:52 [Preview] No. 77 del
NVM I guess 'femanon' is just the default anon here. Why you like TSF thread start!

femanon 11/15/2016 (Tue) 05:33:40 [Preview] No. 80 del
Becoming a girl and masturbating with a pussy was the first thing I ever masturbated to, so it got etched pretty deeply pretty early on. The fetish developed from a general transformation fetish around when I hit puberty. I was originally interested in the perspective of another person's life and body, or an animal's, but when you add gender to that it becomes more complicated and exciting, you can't go back, and it's addictive enough to just forget about animals or inanimates.
There is a set of branching pet fetishes that the TSF genre can hit for me, and I've become so used to its quirks that (as with anime) I can be entertained while overlooking the shortcomings.


femanon 11/16/2016 (Wed) 01:11:20 [Preview] No. 91 del
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Well the first thing I masturbated to would have to be my mother. I was like 11 and I was home alone... and doing homework on my mom's bed when I got the idea to try on her undergarments... I guess I was masturbating to having sex with her, and becoming a woman at the same time. How weird is that? For many years the best self sex I had was when I imagined myself turning into a foxy lady. It's still the case, but now a lot more complicated emotions are involved.

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