/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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anonymous 10/03/2017 (Tue) 10:30:00 [Preview] No. 772
Fake tg translations/rewrites.

This one is kind of hot, but I think anon quit working on this rewrite.

anonymous 10/03/2017 (Tue) 10:30:35 [Preview] No. 773 del
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anonymous 10/03/2017 (Tue) 10:31:05 [Preview] No. 774 del
(1.19 MB 1044x2300 pg 2 rewrite.jpg)
(858.38 KB 1056x1498 pg 1 rewrite.jpg)
He started working on another one but either he quit or I only saved 2 pages.

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