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TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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Back up old scanlations Sensualaoi 11/18/2017 (Sat) 23:20:09 [Preview] No. 833
Repost old stuff here that is in danger of being deleted from the web.

For starters, I will try to post the stuff Taruby translated now that his website is down and probably gone for good. (He was piggybacking off server space of a Spanish fansubber who had stopped hosting years before that.)Taruby translated all of this gender bender: https://www.mangaupdates.com/groups.html?id=527

I don't have all of it but here goes. I'll start with "Gacha Gacha - Secret" (which might have been his first scanlation.)

anonymous 11/18/2017 (Sat) 23:33:46 [Preview] No.834 del
Gacha Gacha - Secret

Hatsushiba Akira, an awkward high school senior boy, has a strong crush on classmate Sakuraba Yurika. But when he gets close to her, he always says or does something stupid.
At the suggestion of his best friend, Kikuchi, Akira enters the GachaGacha machine to play a game, but the machine fritzes out and malfunctions. That night, he sneezes while going to bed, and when he wakes up, he looks like the female avatar he saw in the GachaX2. He soon learns that sneezing will change him back and forth from his normal self to a female form. As a girl, Akira-chan is able to get close to Sakuraba and to become her friend.

(55 chapters long)

anonymous 11/19/2017 (Sun) 01:14:25 [Preview] No.845 del
>Boukun Tyrano-san

Ralph, the Tyrannosaurus, is the king of the dinosaurs. However, because of a meteorite's impact, Ralph is sent 60 million years into the future only to possess the body of a honours student, Mikobayashi Kana.

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