/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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Mida love anonymous 12/24/2017 (Sun) 00:48:21 [Preview] No. 886
What's you stance on this manga

anonymous 12/25/2017 (Mon) 00:55:32 [Preview] No.889 del
I haven't read it yet.

TheLoliWantsYuri 12/25/2017 (Mon) 03:06:22 [Preview] No.893 del
The manga is funniest at the beginning. a downer is the addition of divine events that take place outside of the original scope.
The MC is thrust around by a rather high paced and demanding environment where his original self has been forced to "disappear" while his girl-self takes over his position in life (for now)

there is a fun plotline to follow but its still possible for the whole premise to become a washed up failure depending on just how good the author is (I don't really know this myself :S)

TheLoliWantsYuri 12/25/2017 (Mon) 03:13:11 [Preview] No.894 del
the MC's original self does make appears but its always planned with the premise of whether or not he has his helpers around, else he may be stuck in an awkward situation when his girl/boy self doesn't reappear when they should.

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