/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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You should bookmark the most important TSF forum on the internet:

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forum down? femanon 11/17/2016 (Thu) 09:13:36 [Preview] No. 97

femanon 11/17/2016 (Thu) 11:30:01 [Preview] No. 98 del
It probably had too much traffic for the free host to handle. The difference here is that endchan is an offshoot of /tech/ with an established community that's also devoted to free speech.

(I like it because you can upload images anonymously with Tor and no captcha. And if there's ever a need for donations to keep the server running, the chan's owner is familiar with bitcoin and you can donate without it being tied to the TG porn.)

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