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lean Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 16:02 [Preview] No. 5020 [X]
Leant probalok csinalni es a kodein mar megvan viszont antihisztaminom csak lordestin van (dezloratadin). Van itt olyan aki probalta mar igy? Ha igen, akkor mennyit kellene beleraknom belole?

lean Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 16:06 [Preview] No.5021 [X] del >>5025
I'm trying to make some lean and i already got the codeine but for the anti-histamine part i only have desloratadine. Is there anyone here who've done it this way? If so, do you have any advice on the dosage?

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 16:20 [Preview] No.5022 [X] del
Ne csináld, le fogod robbantani a tetőt a kéróról.

sage Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 19:14 [Preview] No.5024 [X] del >>5025
If you really wanted to do it you'd need promethazine, but mixing opioids and histamines with tranqualizing side effects is just unfun and irresponsible, you won't remember anything post-trip, and you might just fall asleep and spontaneously stop breathing without actually noticing it, which is quite unhealthy, so trust me, you do not want to do this.

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 19:20 [Preview] No.5025 [X] del
Miért angolul beszéltek?

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.5026 [X] del >>5028
Nem tudtam hogy tilos.

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.5027 [X] del
Ki itt belépsz hagyj fel minden angollal.

Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 19:59 [Preview] No.5028 [X] del
Nem az csak furcsállom.

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