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The news nobody reads because they'd rather let jews lie to them
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California's Billion Dollar Bailout To Homeless People Ends With MORE Homeless People Reader 04/16/2024 (Tue) 13:35 Id: 51ad8e [Preview] No. 22482 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
California's Billion Dollar Bailout To Homeless People Ends With MORE Homeless People

California spends an astounding amount of money to "combat homelessness". Presumably.

California has failed to adequately monitor the outcomes of its vast spending on homelessness programs, according to a state audit released Tuesday, raising questions about whether billions of dollars meant to thwart the crisis has been worth it as the number of people living unsheltered has soared.

A new report from the California State Auditor’s Office found that a state council created to oversee the implementation of homelessness programs has not consistently tracked spending or the outcomes of those programs.

“The state must do more to assess the cost-effectiveness of its homelessness programs,” California State Auditor Grant Parks said in a letter sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers Tuesday accompanying the audit.

I know this is a crazy question to ask, but does all that spending actually do anything to reduce the amount of homelessness?

California has spent $20 billion over the past five years dedicated to the state’s homelessness crisis, including funneling money toward supporting shelters and subsidizing rent. Still, homelessness grew 6% in 2023 from the year prior, to more than 180,000 people, according to federal “point in time” data. Since 2013, homelessness has grown in California by 53%.

The California Interagency Council on Homelessness — created in 2016 to oversee the state’s implementation of programs dedicated to the worsening crisis — has not ensured the accuracy of the information in a state data system and has not evaluated homelessness programs’ success, according to the state auditor.

Out of five state programs analyzed, auditors found that two were likely cost effective: Project Homekey — Newsom’s COVID driven project to convert hotels into housing — and the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, which offers financial assistance and other services to low income residents. The others analyzed, including a state rental assistance program, could not be reviewed because “the state has not collected sufficient data on the outcomes of these programs,” according to auditors.

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Reader 04/16/2024 (Tue) 13:38 Id: 51ad8e [Preview] No.22483 del
As anyone with a functioning brain will conclude, there has been massive amounts of fraud, money laundering and corruption. This is massive grift and questionably a ponzi scheme exploiting taxpayer money.

“California is facing a concerning paradox: despite an exorbitant amount of dollars spent, the state’s homeless population is not slowing down,” Sen. Roger Niello (R-Roseville) said in a statement. “These audit results are a wake-up call for a shift toward solutions that prioritize self-sufficiency and cost effectiveness.”

Assemblymember Gregg Hart (D-Santa Barbara), chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, said Tuesday he plans to conduct an oversight hearing to “further investigate” the audit results.

“San José and San Diego identified hundreds of millions of dollars in spending of federal, state, and local funding in recent years to respond to the homelessness crisis. However, neither city could definitively identify all its revenues and expenditures related to its homelessness efforts because neither has an established mechanism, such as a spending plan, to track and report its spending,” the audit states. “The absence of such a mechanism limits the transparency and accountability of the cities’ uses of funding to address homelessness.”

It appears that some pressure has been put on cities to show their work. Los Angeles reportedly has agreed to a large-scale audit of its own homelessness programs after spending hundreds of millions of dollars on them.

But the question remains: Why hasn’t this data been tracked if California officials are serious about curbing homelessness, a problem that has mushroomed in LA and many other California cities?

Why is it that an endless supply of taxpayer money flows toward homelessness regardless of outcome?

Poverty programs in California appear to be increasingly just pure redistribution of wealth. That’s probably fine with the Golden State’s ruling powers that be. Our society certainly has become more accustomed to the idea of permanent entitlements.

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FLASH ALERT: Avoid All Travel To The Middle East! Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 14:12 Id: e0c749 [Preview] No. 22456 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
FLASH ALERT: Avoid All Travel To The Middle East!

The Foreign Ministry of Russia has issued a stark warning to its citizens: Avoid travel to Middle East.

The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly recommends that Russians refrain from traveling to the Middle East region, especially Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, unless absolutely necessary" Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told media outlets.

Russia's warning its citizens to not travel to the Middle East is yet another indication of how unstable and dangerous the situation between Israel and Iran has become.


UPDATE: International and local companies have suddenly cancelled flights to and from Iran tonight. Turkish mediation to prevent escalation was rejected by Tehran.

All active Iranian army units are on alert and all officers have been called to duty. All vacations have now been cancelled.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has canceled the leave of its members and stated it has "entered a state of war."

Iran has stopped all air traffic around Tehran from now until 05:00, local time.

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Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:28 Id: e0c749 [Preview] No.22460 del
It's getting worse over there. Some news updates.

Assassination Attempt Against Syrian President

Iran CONFIRMS Large-Scale Attack in Retaliation Against Israel Coming


Biden Promises Israel 'Ironclad' Support Against Iran, Walks Back Call For Unilateral Ceasefire

If anyone has plans to go to the Middle East anytime soon it would be very wise to cancel those plans. If I must state the obvious, do not be cannon fodder for ZOG wars. Let governments make fools out of themselves, sit back and enjoy the popcorn for what it's worth.

Reader 04/13/2024 (Sat) 07:09 Id: 45ccfd [Preview] No.22471 del
Wow you mean the middle east is one big steaming shithole after all? Who could've guessed!

Reader 04/14/2024 (Sun) 19:16 Id: dab9b9 [Preview] No.22478 del
And one on /pol/ was claiming Biden was doing a good thing by "threatening to not support Israel". I'm getting too old for the naive hopes of the youth.

Reader 04/15/2024 (Mon) 16:45 Id: 3cc34b [Preview] No.22479 del
Honestly one of the ONLY issues I can agree with Joe Biden on. 99.9% of the other things he has done has only exacerbated America's demise. So I will give credit where it is due on this one issue.

Reader 04/16/2024 (Tue) 03:19 Id: dab9b9 [Preview] No.22481 del
Yeah, but he was full of shit and walked back the ceasefire. My point was Biden is a lying piece of crap. Like all politicians.

US Fake 'Economy' Will Continue To Collapse As Lying Propagandists Will Tell You Everything Is Fine Reader 04/15/2024 (Mon) 17:40 Id: c8a2f8 [Preview] No. 22480 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
US Fake 'Economy' Will Continue To Collapse As Lying Propagandists Will Tell You Everything Is Fine

One idea has become abundantly clear over the last four years: You can’t add 41% to the money supply and expect inflation to remain “transitory.”

But that’s exactly what the Fed did over two years, after which President Biden picked up the ball in January 2021 and ran with it.

The result has come to be known in the online media as “Bidenomics,” and it hasn’t worked out very well for most Americans. In fact, according to a Redfin survey, people are making major financial sacrifices just to live at a basic level. Economics Research Lead Chen Zhao said:

“Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs.”

Even worse, some Americans have resorted to skipping meals just to afford their overly-inflated mortgage payments:

“Nearly one in five homeowners and renters reported skipping meals to afford housing in Biden’s economy, according to a new survey conducted by Redfin. The median asking rental price increased from less than $1,700 when Biden took office in January 2021 to nearly $2,000 as of February, according to Redfin’s data.”

But it’s not just housing prices and mortgage payments that have apparently inflated out of control under the Biden regime.

Grocery prices have become a heavy financial burden for many families, with prices overall rising over 40%. Some items cost 50-80% more today than four years ago.

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Second Big Insurance Carrier Excludes War Related Injuries From Insurance Coverage Reader 04/14/2024 (Sun) 16:02 Id: 8c1f24 [Preview] No. 22477 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Second Big Insurance Carrier Excludes War Related Injuries From Insurance Coverage

Policyholders with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies are receiving notices about coverage changes pertaining to the threat of full-scale war.

Dr. Ben Tapper (@DrBenTapper1) shared an image on X – see below – showing policy changes that "include a war exclusion."

"Your Commercial Inland Marine Coverage will include a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Hazards Exclusion," the notice further reads.

Earlier this year, we warned that insurance companies were altering their policies to exclude coverage for injuries or sickness caused by war, rioting, insurrection: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-02-06-health-insurance-exclude-coverage-sickness-war-insurrection.html

Though war exclusions are technically nothing new for insurance carriers, they do have ominous implications for what is soon expected.

In the spring of 1937 when German bombs fell on Guernica, Spain, flattening 70 percent of the town's buildings in less than three hours, property insurers were completely unprepared because they were not expecting such a thing to happen.

"They soon realized it wouldn't take many Guernicas to wipe out the balance sheets," CFC says. "They responded by adding exclusions to policies for acts of war – a move reflected in contracts to this day."

"This time the concern is cyber war – specifically, attacks so catastrophic that they cripple a nation’s ability to function," CFC says. "Lloyd's of London have mandated the exclusion of such scenarios from March 31st of this year. Some in the market are resisting the move."

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Price Inflation In The USSA: $1 Items Now Costing Up To $7 Reader 04/09/2024 (Tue) 14:24 Id: 12538c [Preview] No. 22440 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Price Inflation In The USSA: $1 Items Now Costing Up To $7

Remember when those crazy conspiracy theorists warned that creating too much governmental debt would end up devaluing the US dollar and thus cause price inflation, making the cost of living more expensive for average people? Well...

Discount retailer Dollar Tree has sparked a revolt among some of its customers after increasing the price cap of items to $7 across thousands of stores nationwide.

"If it were really going to go up like $7 … that'd be too much. I'd rather just get everything at Walmart," Scott Kolack, a Dollar Tree regular, told WPTV-TV.

On March 13, Dollar Tree CEO Rick Dreiling told investors during a conference call, "This year, across 3,000 stores, we expect to expand our multi-price assortment by over 300 items at price points ranging from $1.50 to $7."

Dreiling said the higher costs would include food, pet, and personal care items, though not all items will reach the $7 mark.

"Over time, you will also see us fully integrate multi-price merchandise more into our stores so our shoppers will find $5 bags of dog food next to our traditional $1.25 pet treats and toys, and our $3 bags of candy will be found in the candy aisle," Dreiling said.

Dollar Tree's CEO also pointed out that the company's fastest-growing demographic is consumers making around $125k a year. This comes as Bidenomics fails what's left of the middle class. There really is something amiss with the economy when budget retailers can no longer supply customers with low-cost items.

Meanwhile, all 99 Cents Only stores across the nation are closing for good. Dollar Tree is closing nearly 1,000 Family Dollar stores, citing theft & inflation.

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Reader 04/13/2024 (Sat) 14:53 Id: aa1ca5 [Preview] No.22472 del
Biden America fucking sucks

Reader 04/13/2024 (Sat) 15:35 Id: eb03ad [Preview] No.22473 del
The sad thing is the financial crisis will only get worse over time, even if Trump were to get into office and start to reform things. The US national debt is completely unsustainable and insolvent. Outside a massive debt default or debt jubilee they really are only postponing an inevitable financial collapse/hyperinflation. When that happens all hell breaks loose: riots, social unrest, armed standoffs, etc.

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METEOR SMASHES INTO OCEAN NEAR MADAGASCAR, 80' WAVES REPORTED! MASS FLOODING TO HIT COASTAL AREAS! Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 23:56 Id: 175fd5 [Preview] No. 22462 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

An unexplained "anomaly" is now visible on Ventusky.com ocean monitoring system. A strange "burst" of 80 foot waves has emanated from Antarctica and is showing as moving north.

I have never seen anything like this. Did a huge chunk of ice fall into the water causing a massive Tsunami? Did a Meteor Hit the ocean from space? Did some major earthquake take place that no one registered?

If the video below is correct, these 80 foot waves are now smashing into the southwest coast of the Africa Continent, and +20' tall waves will make it into the Atlantic ocean, to the USA and to Europe, within the next few days.

The video below lays out the current situation. Beneath the video, this story continues with word I got BEFORE the April 8 eclipse, warning me there was an inbound meteor. I did *NOT* publish the story over credibility concerns. Here. Watch the video:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TnmvjOHeJW8 [Embed]

Meteor headed for impact with earth. IMPACT near Madagascar on April 8, an object about the size of Camel Back Mountain in Arizona.

"Mean distance = 29.3018
Eccentricity = .98153
Inclination = 4.35684

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Reader 04/12/2024 (Fri) 16:51 Id: 544c94 [Preview] No.22465 del
The last time were was some 80 foot waves, some surfers got a new record for riding them
Put me in the screenshot

Reader 04/12/2024 (Fri) 16:53 Id: 544c94 [Preview] No.22466 del
But more seriously, if this turns out being something artificial and not just the usual result of geological activity, I would rather suspect some underwater nuke crime, rather than a meteor

Reader 04/12/2024 (Fri) 17:06 Id: 544c94 [Preview] No.22467 del
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The nigger wave leaves suddently as it came

(these forecasting sites are so pure shit, anyone remembers the sulphur oxide levels off the charts in china during the pandemic which made some think there were some mass corpse burning going on? yeah, like that)

Reader 04/12/2024 (Fri) 19:14 Id: 175fd5 [Preview] No.22469 del
Wow lol. Was that a test submarine nuke that was quickly covered-up or something? How does something like that just suddenly disappear?

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European Parliament Approves White Genocide, Plans To Flood Europe With Foreigners Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 14:43 Id: 2f51af [Preview] No. 22457 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
European Parliament Approves White Genocide, Plans To Flood Europe With Foreigners

The European Parliament has approved the controversial EU "Asylum and Migration Pact", which will see countries forced to accept their fair share of new arrivals into the bloc or pay a fine for every illegal 'migrant' they reject.

Nationalist politicians across Europe expressed their anger at the passing of the pact, which they claim cedes sovereignty to an ever-centralized European Union.

“The Migration Pact organizes the tutelage and control of nations, the legal impunity of NGOs complicit with smugglers,” tweeted Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally.

She further vowed to “put an end to the accelerated pursuit of policies to encourage and organize mass immigration,” on June 9 at the EU elections in which her party is expected to win the most French seats.

In the parliamentary debate that preceded the vote, Le Pen’s party leader Jordan Bardella confirmed that those within the Identity and Democracy (ID) parliamentary group would be voting down the legislation.

“Countries will be forced to welcome thousands of migrants into their towns and villages or pay dearly to be spared!” Bardella told the chamber, warning that Brussels wants to redistribute new arrivals while nationalist politicians want to “send them back.”

After the vote, Bardella took to social media to denounce the “terrible European Migration Pact” that seeks to “impose the distribution of migrants in our municipalities under penalty of financial sanctions.”

Voting was briefly suspended on Wednesday evening due to a protest from inside the chamber from left-wing activists who urged those of their political persuasion to vote down the bill on humanitarian grounds.

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Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 15:20 Id: d2f817 [Preview] No.22458 del
This will also result in thousands more niggers dying, as they stab and shoot eachother to be the next nigger with a white woman (yes, brown women are that fucking ugly)

Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:22 Id: 2f51af [Preview] No.22459 del
I hate to say it but Europe is going to be a very dangerous place to live in the near future. Probably just as dangerous as any big American city. If Europe does not throw these treasonous rats out the European Parliament and scrap this crap soon Europe is going to end up a steaming pile of third world backwards shit like much of America has become.

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Europe Is Bypassing US Sanctions By Buying Russian LNG, LOL! Reader 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:27 Id: 79459f [Preview] No. 22450 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Europe Is Bypassing US Sanctions By Buying Russian LNG, LOL!

Russia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports gained over 4% in the first quarter of this year as it increased output to replace sanctioned pipeline gas exports to Europe, Russia’s Kommersant newspaper reported on Monday.

Citing a 4.3% (8.7 million metric ton) increase in unsanctioned LNG exports in Q1 2024 based on data from Kpler, Kommersant.ru said exports to the European Union were rising, while those to Asia were declining. Russia’s LNG exports to Asia for the first quarter of the year saw a 7% decline, which was made up for by a 4% increase in exports to Europe, which received some 5 million tons of Russian LNG during that time period. The bulk of LNG production in Russia comes from the Yamal LNG project, run by Novatak, and the Sakhalin Energy project, run by Gazprom.

In late March, Moscow moved to sell Shell’s minority stake in the Sakhalin LNG project to state-run Gazprom for $1 billion. Initially, Moscow was planning to give the stake to Novatek in the wake of Shell’s move to abandon the project after Western regimes sanctioned Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. According to Russian newspaper Vedomosti, Novatek has deemed its participation in the Sakhalin project to have high legal risks.

The new data showing the rise in Russian LNG exports to the European Union indicates that Europe has replaced piped Russian gas from its eastern ports with Russian LNG at its western ports as the bloc becomes the biggest buyer of Russian LNG, clocking in half of all Russian LNG export volume this year so far, followed by China, which scooped up 21% as of February data.

Reuters data analysis in February also showed that the EU has replaced Russian piped gas flows with Russian LNG imported primarily to Spain, Belgium and France.


Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 10:23 Id: 3ab5ba [Preview] No.22454 del
Just removed someone's post who typed just the letter "C". Anyway. At least Europe's economy could recover, even if their leadership never completely pulls their heads out of their ass. Europe might be where Americans will move to in the coming hyperinflation.

Reader 04/11/2024 (Thu) 12:51 Id: 1fef72 [Preview] No.22455 del
>At least Europe's economy could recover

True, if Europe can accept the loss of a proxy war and stop being vassal states of the US Empire they could recover and eventually thrive economically. There would need to be some political reforms in Europe for sure though, including securing their borders.

>Europe might be where Americans will move to in the coming hyperinflation.

I would not move to Europe in the state they are currently in today for several reasons. #1 they have next to no free speech, you can be jailed for having different opinions over there. #2 no right to self-defense or gun ownership. #3 the illegal migration invasion problem is worse over there than the US simply because Europe is far smaller and those countries cannot absorb all those foreigners making Europe far more dangerous if SHTF. As of right now preppers in America are still far better off especially if they have the skills to become more self-sufficient and rely less on corporations and government.

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Hyperinflation Hits Alaska: Shocking New Grocery Prices! Reader 04/10/2024 (Wed) 20:16 Id: ab4007 [Preview] No. 22452 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hyperinflation Hits Alaska: Shocking New Grocery Prices!

$8 For Canned Food. $10 For Bread. $18 For Ketchup. $26 Potatoes. $27 For Water. $47 For Steak.

Video below from Alaska shows the prices people in Dillingham are being asked to pay for food.


Is THIS what's coming to the lower 48 contiguous United States? Looks like a massive hyper-inflationary Great Depression is near!

Folks, remember, you have been warned this was coming for many years by real economists, historians and many survivors from other collapsed nations! You have been warned over and over again that governmental spending is out-of-control and financially insolvent! When Congress is spending One Trillion Dollars every 100 days to fund the "too big to fail" bloated waste-ridden bureaucracy that is a sign of third world national decay. You have been told to get yourselves and families prepared. I just hope you all have, for your sake.


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Insolvent: Fitch Downgrades China's Debt Reader 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:02 Id: a61f84 [Preview] No. 22449 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Insolvent: Fitch Downgrades China's Debt

Ratings agency Fitch said on Wednesday (Apr 10) it had downgraded China's sovereign credit outlook to negative, citing increased risks to the country's public finances, in a move Beijing swiftly called regrettable.

Chinese officials have struggled for months to kickstart economic growth as they battle a range of headwinds, particularly a prolonged property sector crisis that has fueled fears of wider contagion. The draconian covid-19 lockdowns also contributed heavily to this economic crisis, although governments rather this not be mentioned.

Policymakers have announced a series of targeted measures as well as the issuance of billions of dollars in sovereign bonds (debt), aimed at boosting infrastructure spending and spurring consumption, but analysts have said much more needs to be done.

Fitch said its outlook revision "reflects increasing risks to China's public finance outlook" as the country "contends with more uncertain economic prospects". "Wide fiscal deficits and rising government debt in recent years have eroded fiscal buffers from a ratings perspective," the agency warned. It said "fiscal policy is increasingly likely to play an important role in supporting growth in the coming years which could keep debt on a steady upward trend". Fitch added that projected lower economic growth "exacerbates challenges to managing high economy-wide leverage".

Real estate companies that "need to go bankrupt should go bankrupt, and those that need restructuring should be restructured", Housing Minister Ni Hong told a news conference on the sidelines of a major political meeting.

Back in 2023, Fitch also downgraded the US credit rating for a similar reason, bailouts and increasing national debt: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/business/fitch-downgrade-us-credit-rating.html
