Catalog of /32/


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R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 1

Welcome to /32/, Endchan's psychopolitics board. This board is a remaking, rethinking, and hopefully rebirth of 8chan's /32/ board.

The goal of this board, like the original /32/, is to study the ways that the mind, society, and politics influence and interact with one another. Subjects can include:
* Government propaganda
* Culture jamming
* Education and indoctrination
* Media narrative framing
* Subliminal messaging

The main goal of this board, just like the last, is to learn to detect, resist, analyze, and apply coercive techniques.
Among the aspects of that goal are:
*Analyze media for ideological messages
*Decompose of statements so as to show their true meaning
*Study memes, from their creation to their final effect. Possible experiment with meme creation.
*Discuss the ethics of psychopolitics
*Develop techniques for resisting coercion
*Find ways for those without media control to wage psychological warfare
*Unveil the inner workings of the media

If Sniffles from the original /32/ would like this board, he can email me at the address given above.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 1

The dangers of "Occultism"

For many on the *chans the allure of the occult is strong for numerous reasons /bmw/ sought initially to use it as a metaphor for the production of dank propoganda memes, 4/pol/ sought to use it as a mask to trigger liberals by tricking africans into believing the west was spreading ebola among them for their own profit, 8/32/ sought to analyse the root of the metaphor.

While all of these approaches are collectedly logical and rational there was still the seed of a greater issue sat there, following a discussion on telecomix and the derision of a discordian tumblrite from /bmw/ they came like a great unwashed horde, the "genuine" occults, no metaphor did they use or accept as anything but literal truth, the reason ebola-chan (inconclusively and ostensibly) had an effect on ebola rates was forgotten instead the "plague princess" stopped being a meme and started being real to an ever growing crowd of mouthbreathers on a shortbus. Not one bit did the use of memes to manipulate media and peoples into acting in accordance with our will matter, instead to circlejerk the meme itself without adapting it for normie Netspace to be consumed and assimilate them from within, no such an idea was ludicrous, memes changing people's minds?! How insane! No our memes change peoples minds indirectly through the channelling of a level 79 lesser demon. At this stage it became apparent anyone capable of discussing memetics as a potential school of propoganda was lost. 8/pol/'s braindrain complete.

R: 7 / I: 7 / P: 1

Tension and the Ties that Bind

Tension and the Ties that Bind

This post was inspired by a conversation I saw on 8chan's /pol/ regarding another right-wing-oriented site, The Right Stuff, adopting an openly gay moderator and creating controversy. Many disapproved, viewing him as watering down the far right. I, personally, took a different view. Perhaps the person that brought up the topic, and many of those involved (including the rather enthusiastic person that posted over 150 times in the thread) were honest. I doubt they all were. Regardless, the lines of thinking that I saw there could have a drastically negative effect on the movement as a whole.

My view on the matter revolves around tension, and the role of it in shifting the Overton window. When I say tension, I don't mean it within the sense that common parlance does, to mean stress or a heightened state of emergency. I mean it to be in the physical sense, in which two forces pull at an object from opposite directions, creating a strain upon that object and keeping it rigid.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

On Memetics and /pol/

Memetics is a field that was initially attempted to be research on at least one 8chan board, namely /BMW/, whether or not /32/ at the time was working on a parallel line of research is unknown to me at current.

The results never were collected because at every turn discussion of memetics as a potential vector for disseminating information pertinent to halting the current social decline was derailed by at best genuine occultist believers and at worst malicious subversives.

To begin memes are potentially a groundbreaking way to communicate many messages in a concise, compact and most importantly of all, humourous way. indeed the same meme may contain numerous messages, for example the (by anon standards) ancient Pedobear meme, this conveys a huge number of meanings, depending on minor changes and additions to the meme itself, so when depicted with a person with normal expression this clearly indicates of course that the pictured is a pedophile, when alone or in an approval seal it is simultaneously a warning to anons to not go into the thread, and a call to the mods for removal of the thread.

The chans actually hold a major advantage in this medium of information dissemination as old media or even new media who are late gen X or early millenials for some reason do not quite have the required ability to read the subtle nuances of a meme, perhaps it's a matter of age, perhaps a matter of left-leaning offence and elitism, some combination of the two or neither. however it does stand as a significant advantage to the various chan boards most notably /pol/ in getting information out to people beyond normal social media and bloggers etc's speed of adaptation, a fantastic example of this being the meme and slur "dindu" or "dindu nuffin" which evaded media call outs for the hilariously racially charged epithet it truly is for more than a year and indeed most people until the /k/-baltimore altercation would not have known what you meant had you said it but those who looked it up or who paid attention to context.
