/32/ - Psychopolitics

It's all in your head

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MrSaturday 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:32:14 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /32/, Endchan's psychopolitics board. This board is a remaking, rethinking, and hopefully rebirth of 8chan's /32/ board.

The goal of this board, like the original /32/, is to study the ways that the mind, society, and politics influence and interact with one another. Subjects can include:
* Government propaganda
* Culture jamming
* Education and indoctrination
* Media narrative framing
* Subliminal messaging

The main goal of this board, just like the last, is to learn to detect, resist, analyze, and apply coercive techniques.
Among the aspects of that goal are:
*Analyze media for ideological messages
*Decompose of statements so as to show their true meaning
*Study memes, from their creation to their final effect. Possible experiment with meme creation.
*Discuss the ethics of psychopolitics
*Develop techniques for resisting coercion
*Find ways for those without media control to wage psychological warfare

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Edited last time by MrSaturday on 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:33:08.

MrSaturday 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:56:12 [Preview] No. 2 del
In the interest of ensuring that this /32/ doesn't go down the same downward spiral that the old one did, there will be a few rules for this place.

1. Keep post quality high. Proper English and well-framed arguments and questions will be necessary, since this is what /32/ was built upon. This will be enforced.
2. Reaction images and macros should only be used when they're pertinent to the discussion.
3. Stay on topic. Meta discussions and arguments which ideology's better can be done on other boards, though if they somehow play into the realm of psychopolitics, they can be allowed.
4. Stay rational. Using the occult to explain something on here, unless the topic's explicitly discussing the occult, isn't okay.

That being said, I'm aware that my role isn't one of a leader, but one of a caretaker and public servant to the community, should one form. If the people that post here see any changes that should be made, I will be more than happy to listen, and may adjust even my vision for the board as the users see fit.

MrSaturday 01/16/2016 (Sat) 15:39:57 [Preview] No. 20 del
New email address, with the revelations that cock.li is compromised and may be shuttered eventually.

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 19:08:02 [Preview] No. 27 del
I thought Cock.li was only taken down, it's up now isn't it?

The dangers of "Occultism" Anonymous 01/08/2016 (Fri) 23:08:06 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
For many on the *chans the allure of the occult is strong for numerous reasons /bmw/ sought initially to use it as a metaphor for the production of dank propoganda memes, 4/pol/ sought to use it as a mask to trigger liberals by tricking africans into believing the west was spreading ebola among them for their own profit, 8/32/ sought to analyse the root of the metaphor.

While all of these approaches are collectedly logical and rational there was still the seed of a greater issue sat there, following a discussion on telecomix and the derision of a discordian tumblrite from /bmw/ they came like a great unwashed horde, the "genuine" occults, no metaphor did they use or accept as anything but literal truth, the reason ebola-chan (inconclusively and ostensibly) had an effect on ebola rates was forgotten instead the "plague princess" stopped being a meme and started being real to an ever growing crowd of mouthbreathers on a shortbus. Not one bit did the use of memes to manipulate media and peoples into acting in accordance with our will matter, instead to circlejerk the meme itself without adapting it for normie Netspace to be consumed and assimilate them from within, no such an idea was ludicrous, memes changing people's minds?! How insane! No our memes change peoples minds indirectly through the channelling of a level 79 lesser demon. At this stage it became apparent anyone capable of discussing memetics as a potential school of propoganda was lost. 8/pol/'s braindrain complete.
4 posts and 3 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 16:45:41 [Preview] No. 8 del
8chan's /pol/, /bmw/ and /32/ boards also suffered extensively from this issue. A major problem was that although /32/ is politically neutral its findings would have been of massive interest to 8/pol/ in her early days, this combined with the founding of /bmw/ which at the time sought to be a /pol/ friendly /32/ clone led /32/ into a world of trouble eventually, the beautiful thing about occultism is the whole idea itself is a trap, those who see it for what it typically is, that is to say a useful form of trickery to hide useful memes in plain sight and have it dismissed as bullshit is actually two sided because the people who look for a deeper meaning often labour under the grave delusion that "magic" itself is real rather than a metaphor for influences caused by the ideas themselves, this further convinces the sceptical everyman that occultism is utter rot due to the inane and delirious ravings of the "believers" in occultism this also allows for discussion of memetics which could be argued as it is the evolutionary cornerstone of knowledge of ideas itself to be derailed with an amazing speed. Where once people were dangerously close to having the tools to subvert every detail, now, they're stuck at the idea that repetition creates reality and argue viciously against anyone daring to attempt to retrieve the core of the idea from the abyss into which the new "believers" plunge it.
My reason for this thread is actually as much a warning against that which polluted our original incarnation and multiple other boards, something we must remember going forward, for we must not become they who do not know their own history. Such people as those people are doomed.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 01:23:30 [Preview] No. 21 del
You realise these image boards are all riddled by people paid to undermine and fracture them?

As for occultism, to me it seems smart to develop an occult interest upon learning of the occult dimension in power; the secret societies and their supernatural claims. The knowledge can be surprisingly useful, while a degree of experimentation with beliefs is healthy, if it is still reconcilable with reason.

Btw there was a guy in 8pol with an 'ama' claiming to be some think tank lobbyist, peddling defeatist thoughts and nothing new. He was accompanied by a couple of more erudite anons, one of which claimed to have a degree in psychology, saying what a rare pleasure it is to get someone of that OP's calibre in pol. Is that to be the ideal of this board? Rehashed college studies and circlejerking each other over being the 'right crowd', with a marked tone and worldview that world events are as they are in media? If so, no thanks.

Anonymous Board owner 01/19/2016 (Tue) 06:08:50 [Preview] No. 24 del
>Btw there was a guy in 8pol with an 'ama' claiming to be some think tank lobbyist, peddling defeatist thoughts and nothing new. He was accompanied by a couple of more erudite anons, one of which claimed to have a degree in psychology, saying what a rare pleasure it is to get someone of that OP's calibre in pol.
How long ago was this? The last I heard of him was in September. He was involved in GG for a while, but dropped out then, and I kind of got the idea it was for OpSec reasons. I honestly haven't been on 8/pol/ since New Year's unless I'm linked there.

>Is that to be the ideal of this board? Rehashed college studies and circlejerking each other over being the 'right crowd', with a marked tone and worldview that world events are as they are in media? If so, no thanks.
There will be no enforced worldview, and I hope that it doesn't become as shallow as you say. Honestly, if you want to see something here? Contribute. We're 21 posts in. There isn't a defined culture or anything here yet. Hell, OP's contributed two of the threads, and I personally wrote up the third. The threads don't have to be essay threads, they could be info dumps, interesting links you find with a short little analysis, stuff like that.

I don't have the rules in place for this to be a MENSAfag circlejerk, I just don't want to see the post quality nosedive like it did in 8/32/.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 19:30:40 [Preview] No. 25 del

It must be a few of months ago by now, but I don't think it's the same guy you may be thinking of. This 'insider' wasn't related to that grand multipost screencap incorporating Syria, Ukraine, GG etc, in fact he said anything to do with GG was more or less stupid and didn't think 911 was a false flag.

Anonymous Board owner 01/19/2016 (Tue) 22:18:13 [Preview] No. 26 del
Sounds like a fan of his trying to imitate him.

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Tension and the Ties that Bind Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:08:12 [Preview] No. 12 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Tension and the Ties that Bind

This post was inspired by a conversation I saw on 8chan's /pol/ regarding another right-wing-oriented site, The Right Stuff, adopting an openly gay moderator and creating controversy. Many disapproved, viewing him as watering down the far right. I, personally, took a different view. Perhaps the person that brought up the topic, and many of those involved (including the rather enthusiastic person that posted over 150 times in the thread) were honest. I doubt they all were. Regardless, the lines of thinking that I saw there could have a drastically negative effect on the movement as a whole.

My view on the matter revolves around tension, and the role of it in shifting the Overton window. When I say tension, I don't mean it within the sense that common parlance does, to mean stress or a heightened state of emergency. I mean it to be in the physical sense, in which two forces pull at an object from opposite directions, creating a strain upon that object and keeping it rigid.
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Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:18:07 [Preview] No. 15 del
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86ing the 27

While it may be low hanging fruit to bring up GamerGate, it's an easy example to digest, both in terms of its simplicity, its appeal to anons, and for me personally to discuss. GamerGate was beset by both internal and external pressures from the beginning. Among the external pressures inflicted on it were Breitbart, the gaming industry itself, and the men's rights movement. Perhaps the most insidious of all of them were e-celebrities from within gaming, the worst of which was Total Biscuit. Having had so many of their former heroes betray them, GG was waiting for someone, anyone to take their side. Enter John Bain. He viewed it as a consumer revolt, and was seemingly willing to take up their mantle and attack those that were fighting against gamers within the industry.

However, he did his fair share of concern trolling, as well. Among his most popular pieces of "advice" to GG was to separate the moderates from the extremists, and he would fight along side the moderates, letting the extremists be shunned. This didn't happen immediately, and he parted ways from within GG. However, the advice was eventually heeded as GG lost steam, and was desperately searching for more establishment approval. Purges to this day are still happening within the community, weeding out "extremist" elements to ensure that they appear presentable to the masses.

This has left GG without a brain or a heart. There is now literally no reason for it to exist, nothing for it to fight for, nothing being created or done. The outside world is no longer impacted in any way by GamerGate. Even the press that GG vowed to fight to the bitter end has moved on towards savaging the alt-right, viewing it as a threat and GamerGate as completely pacified. Without the ideological anchor holding GamerGate in place and its creators and thinkers, GamerGate is a cause adrift, patting itself on the back for existing without having a reason to exist at all. Such is the power of severing ties and exploiting tension.

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:22:30 [Preview] No. 16 del
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Catching Flies with Honey

Similarly, the Tea Party also suffered a rather similar fate. It originally started as an anti-tax, anti-bailout, right-wing movement. The protestors were rather obnoxious, reminiscent of old hippies from the 1960s trying to relive their flower child days in ways that weren't quite so embarrassing to them, at least to themselves. Lots of American flag shirts, tea bags hanging from hat rims, things like that. However, the voice was clear: no corporate bailouts with taxpayer dollars. Companies that chose to engage in risky behaviors and prey on the masses deserve to die rather than have Americans' money, especially in the time of recession, helping them stay afloat.

However, there were also extremist elements from within it. Being a right-wing group, it tended to attract support from groups desperately looking for something to cling onto, such as the Klan. Racists would show up to rallies and start to make it about Obama's race rather than the government-financial complex. This led to much derision from outside, casting them as hold white extremists, similar to the kind of treatment that Trump supporters get today. That group was only tentatively involved at best, though.

Their poison pill, however, didn't seek to sow dissent from within, but to bring the Tea Party within the establishment fold. Dick Armey and Sarah Palin, both rendered irrelevant by failed political ventures, chose to use their celebrity to create two wings of the Tea Party that were largely indiscernable from one another. There was no anchor, only groups seeking to co-opt it for their own ends, which made this type of co-opting rather easy. The Tea Party then became about standard fare conservative ideals, with a dash of libertarianism added. The original intent, in which corporate malfeasance was rewarded with taxpayer dollars, was lost, and while the Tea Party remains an ideological force to this day, it has completely lost its way. It was pulled into the bubble, rather than pulling the bubble to it.

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:22:55 [Preview] No. 17 del
Weak Links

As we are seeing now, not all breaks need be harmful. Case in point, Donald Trump's presidency. Much has been said about his unorthodox campaign, how he's rethinking the entire art of politics and creating a new path to the presidency, one the likes of which hasn't been seen for years and years. What I find interesting is that both parties seem very angry at the idea of him ascending. The left, naturally, is scared of the right becoming further polarized and becoming a credible threat to them and their cause. However, the right is seeing the formula that they thought would win thrown in their faces by the electorate. People are rejecting the watered down Tea Party line of low taxes and free markets, and the neo-conservative hegemonic attitude toward foreign policy. He has severed ties with this crowd and created a beast that they neither know nor understand, and the people have rallied behind him.

If it was simply the stereotype, the "angry white racists," it would be impossible for him to have the numbers he has. What I believe it is, is that he's rewriting what it means to be right-wing, taking the ideas that are popular with the people on the right today and applying them, while rejecting the dated ideologies of the right that define the establishment. In this end, he has drawn people to embrace him that would otherwise only tepidly vote for a Republican frontrunner, if at all. The establishment right's ties to the people have been broken, and their ties to a Trump-like politician, one unfrightened to speak his mind, one that pitches the ideas of placing the people first rather than big-money donors or abstract ideologies, have drawn new ties that strengthen his bonds. In this regard, breaking or refusing ties to dead weight that has found itself incapable of success can be beneficial.

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:23:33 [Preview] No. 18 del
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The Tangled Web We Weave

The lessons that can be learned from this are fourfold. First, if you are a movement on the outside looking in, be mindful and understanding to those more extreme than you, and be firm, and yet understanding to those more moderate than you. You desperately need one another far more than you think. The risk of losing any sort of impetus due to infighting, especially when acting outside of the establishment's wishes, are far greater than the rewards of purity or the attempts at rapid shifts of the Overton bubble. Tension, after all, can cause ties to break as much as act to hold two entities together.

Second, if you wish to exploit the tension between extremists and moderates, then you must find a fracture point within their ideologies and exploit it. In the case of /pol/ and TRS, the fracture point was the acceptance of homosexuality within the alt right. Within GamerGate, the fracture point was whether or not developers should be embraced or boycotted. If you can separate the outward pull from the moderates, you can twist them to your cause, or leave them adrift and pacified. Often, angering the extremists against the moderates is a very effective strategy at shattering the will of a movement. After all, the extremists tend to be rather emotional, while moderates are more self-absorbed and interested in self-promotion.

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:24:53 [Preview] No. 19 del
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>muh 2048 characters

Third, the desire to be loved is a very strong one. It killed both GamerGate and the Tea Party. If it's possible to bring someone from within the establishment to create a pressure or fracture point, then this is ideal for turning the moderates against the extremists and causing them to shed the compass that keeps them oriented. It's very easy for people to grow starstruck, and when someone they respect and idolize gives them attention, they tend to listen, even if it's against their own self-interest.

Fourth, if you find yourself from outside of the Overton bubble, be mindful of other "allies" that seek to attach themselves to your cause. Having weak causes attach themselves can be harmful, and having too many connections to your little part of the web can create enough tension to the point where there is no direction. Too many friends can cause you become a locus of influence for hangers-on to attach themselves to you, attempting to gain relevance, and in the process diluting your message and lessening your pull on the window. Too many anchors in too many directions keeps you from pulling or going anywhere, and if you can't pull at those from within the bubble because of those on the outside pulling at you, then what good are you?

On Memetics and /pol/ Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 17:27:47 [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Memetics is a field that was initially attempted to be research on at least one 8chan board, namely /BMW/, whether or not /32/ at the time was working on a parallel line of research is unknown to me at current.

The results never were collected because at every turn discussion of memetics as a potential vector for disseminating information pertinent to halting the current social decline was derailed by at best genuine occultist believers and at worst malicious subversives.

To begin memes are potentially a groundbreaking way to communicate many messages in a concise, compact and most importantly of all, humourous way. indeed the same meme may contain numerous messages, for example the (by anon standards) ancient Pedobear meme, this conveys a huge number of meanings, depending on minor changes and additions to the meme itself, so when depicted with a person with normal expression this clearly indicates of course that the pictured is a pedophile, when alone or in an approval seal it is simultaneously a warning to anons to not go into the thread, and a call to the mods for removal of the thread.

The chans actually hold a major advantage in this medium of information dissemination as old media or even new media who are late gen X or early millenials for some reason do not quite have the required ability to read the subtle nuances of a meme, perhaps it's a matter of age, perhaps a matter of left-leaning offence and elitism, some combination of the two or neither. however it does stand as a significant advantage to the various chan boards most notably /pol/ in getting information out to people beyond normal social media and bloggers etc's speed of adaptation, a fantastic example of this being the meme and slur "dindu" or "dindu nuffin" which evaded media call outs for the hilariously racially charged epithet it truly is for more than a year and indeed most people until the /k/-baltimore altercation would not have known what you meant had you said it but those who looked it up or who paid attention to context.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 17:28:29 [Preview] No. 10 del
as such memes have two particularly beautiful applications, one of which being pseudo-cryptography, in which multiple layered meanings on a meme allow it to be used in different settings via posters or some such to communicate something about a place or group frequenting it, or as this piece seeks to explore for disseminating a trail to be followed, a notable example of which would be "with open gates" and its eclipsed but in many ways more skillfully executed with less opsec violations "cinder to cinder". memes can also be used to draw people insidiously into spaces where one may want them, in a twist upon the (also ancient) summerfag meme, what one ought to do is create a particularly innocuous seeming but also completely hilarious meme that leads exactly where one wishes such a thing to go, so in the case of /pol/ create something leading to their world view, /r9k/ effectively still uses pepe to this end with varying implications. the applications of memetics as being able to lead people without preaching is in and of itself an art that was lost to 8ch before it could even come to be due to the "meme magicians" who thought that ebola chan was real and the reason it worked had nothing to do with african paranoia at westerners as a whole being exacerbated but instead was because ebola-chan is "an egregore" suffice to say while an amusing and useful lie, when widely held as truth by the community crafting the memes that are supposed to in some way in the case of /pol/ resist social degeneration and the spread of islam into the west and into every european woman they can get their hands on's crotch, it prevents the spread of the idea, now thankfully for /pol/ trump has already figured this out and it is scaring the media, it is scaring the establishment. and they will do anything to shut him down as a result.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 17:28:42 [Preview] No. 11 del
The problem with this knowledge is how dangerous it is, the left is unable to craft humourous and effective memes since they have run out of any material that isn't seen as the same old unfunny tripe that is simply shitting on what everyone wants, a stable society where their children do not run the risk of being blamed for their own rapes at the hands of foreigners as seen in germany. as such with the lefts inability to have a real sense of humour about anything the art of memetics remains forever partially closed to them, to grasp it successfully they would have to change their entire goals to not amount to western civilisation's devastation and replacement.

That said /pol/ is currently unable to grasp it properly too, /pol/ seems since to instead of prefer thinking about memetics rationally believe the meme magic lies and seem unable to get beyond it. if however they somehow do get beyond it, unfortunately with the voraciousness of the media's hawkish gaze upon us, they will attempt to destroy all attempts to capitalise on such advances. the situation as such remains in a seemingly perpetual stalemate with neither side able to gain the upper hand in this battlefield.