/32/ - Psychopolitics

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The dangers of "Occultism" Anonymous 01/08/2016 (Fri) 23:08:06 [Preview] No. 3
For many on the *chans the allure of the occult is strong for numerous reasons /bmw/ sought initially to use it as a metaphor for the production of dank propoganda memes, 4/pol/ sought to use it as a mask to trigger liberals by tricking africans into believing the west was spreading ebola among them for their own profit, 8/32/ sought to analyse the root of the metaphor.

While all of these approaches are collectedly logical and rational there was still the seed of a greater issue sat there, following a discussion on telecomix and the derision of a discordian tumblrite from /bmw/ they came like a great unwashed horde, the "genuine" occults, no metaphor did they use or accept as anything but literal truth, the reason ebola-chan (inconclusively and ostensibly) had an effect on ebola rates was forgotten instead the "plague princess" stopped being a meme and started being real to an ever growing crowd of mouthbreathers on a shortbus. Not one bit did the use of memes to manipulate media and peoples into acting in accordance with our will matter, instead to circlejerk the meme itself without adapting it for normie Netspace to be consumed and assimilate them from within, no such an idea was ludicrous, memes changing people's minds?! How insane! No our memes change peoples minds indirectly through the channelling of a level 79 lesser demon. At this stage it became apparent anyone capable of discussing memetics as a potential school of propoganda was lost. 8/pol/'s braindrain complete.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 04:49:48 [Preview] No. 4 del
In other words, something similar to this picture.

There are principles in occultism that can be discerned via an observation of life. Things operate in cycles; things have opposites; basic principles carry through all reality which itself suggests a fundamental indivisible medium of reality; et cetera. These principles are surprisingly effective in application and can be composed to explain more complex phenomena in many fields.

Because it is so tantalising, many people are led to it. They may try to spread it. Perhaps the gatekeepers of the information or people who otherwise don't want this kind of useful knowledge spread present misnomers and red herrings, to sort the men from the boys, and ensure that only the people privy to critical thought can figure them out. Perhaps it's simply the way that truth becomes diluted over time and becomes dogma as it filters through the hierarchy of people from the smart to the dumb. It's difficult to prove on cue, so it would be modest to think that it's likely a combination of these two things (trapping and dilution).

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 04:57:09 [Preview] No. 5 del
(327.44 KB 1247x493 occult misuse.png)
>>4 (2)
What's more, there is a chance, however slim, that malign forces could use that difference between the nuanced usage of the occult and the literal worship of it to drive a wedge into any productive efforts, spurring the corrupted elements further into the fray.

Because *chans are decentralised, they lack honest and simple methods for quality assurance and regulation, which makes it even easier for the subversion to take root as well.

You could see this, in an exaggerated way, on 8/fringe/ as time went by.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 05:04:51 [Preview] No. 6 del
(340.73 KB 1024x768 132895223555.jpg)
You're taking an awful lot of words to tell us what we already know: that /x/ is retarded.

Don't stop, though.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 11:10:06 [Preview] No. 7 del
/32/ was purpose built with surgical precision in mind; your phrase is too broad to provide much more than a cursory insight into the matter.

That said, the thread was more or less a foregone conclusion and I exhausted my own relevant contributions within two posts; we should discuss the worth and demonstrable effect of occultisms to make our understanding more robust.

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 16:45:41 [Preview] No. 8 del
8chan's /pol/, /bmw/ and /32/ boards also suffered extensively from this issue. A major problem was that although /32/ is politically neutral its findings would have been of massive interest to 8/pol/ in her early days, this combined with the founding of /bmw/ which at the time sought to be a /pol/ friendly /32/ clone led /32/ into a world of trouble eventually, the beautiful thing about occultism is the whole idea itself is a trap, those who see it for what it typically is, that is to say a useful form of trickery to hide useful memes in plain sight and have it dismissed as bullshit is actually two sided because the people who look for a deeper meaning often labour under the grave delusion that "magic" itself is real rather than a metaphor for influences caused by the ideas themselves, this further convinces the sceptical everyman that occultism is utter rot due to the inane and delirious ravings of the "believers" in occultism this also allows for discussion of memetics which could be argued as it is the evolutionary cornerstone of knowledge of ideas itself to be derailed with an amazing speed. Where once people were dangerously close to having the tools to subvert every detail, now, they're stuck at the idea that repetition creates reality and argue viciously against anyone daring to attempt to retrieve the core of the idea from the abyss into which the new "believers" plunge it.
My reason for this thread is actually as much a warning against that which polluted our original incarnation and multiple other boards, something we must remember going forward, for we must not become they who do not know their own history. Such people as those people are doomed.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 01:23:30 [Preview] No. 21 del
You realise these image boards are all riddled by people paid to undermine and fracture them?

As for occultism, to me it seems smart to develop an occult interest upon learning of the occult dimension in power; the secret societies and their supernatural claims. The knowledge can be surprisingly useful, while a degree of experimentation with beliefs is healthy, if it is still reconcilable with reason.

Btw there was a guy in 8pol with an 'ama' claiming to be some think tank lobbyist, peddling defeatist thoughts and nothing new. He was accompanied by a couple of more erudite anons, one of which claimed to have a degree in psychology, saying what a rare pleasure it is to get someone of that OP's calibre in pol. Is that to be the ideal of this board? Rehashed college studies and circlejerking each other over being the 'right crowd', with a marked tone and worldview that world events are as they are in media? If so, no thanks.

Anonymous Board owner 01/19/2016 (Tue) 06:08:50 [Preview] No. 24 del
>Btw there was a guy in 8pol with an 'ama' claiming to be some think tank lobbyist, peddling defeatist thoughts and nothing new. He was accompanied by a couple of more erudite anons, one of which claimed to have a degree in psychology, saying what a rare pleasure it is to get someone of that OP's calibre in pol.
How long ago was this? The last I heard of him was in September. He was involved in GG for a while, but dropped out then, and I kind of got the idea it was for OpSec reasons. I honestly haven't been on 8/pol/ since New Year's unless I'm linked there.

>Is that to be the ideal of this board? Rehashed college studies and circlejerking each other over being the 'right crowd', with a marked tone and worldview that world events are as they are in media? If so, no thanks.
There will be no enforced worldview, and I hope that it doesn't become as shallow as you say. Honestly, if you want to see something here? Contribute. We're 21 posts in. There isn't a defined culture or anything here yet. Hell, OP's contributed two of the threads, and I personally wrote up the third. The threads don't have to be essay threads, they could be info dumps, interesting links you find with a short little analysis, stuff like that.

I don't have the rules in place for this to be a MENSAfag circlejerk, I just don't want to see the post quality nosedive like it did in 8/32/.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 19:30:40 [Preview] No. 25 del

It must be a few of months ago by now, but I don't think it's the same guy you may be thinking of. This 'insider' wasn't related to that grand multipost screencap incorporating Syria, Ukraine, GG etc, in fact he said anything to do with GG was more or less stupid and didn't think 911 was a false flag.

Anonymous Board owner 01/19/2016 (Tue) 22:18:13 [Preview] No. 26 del
Sounds like a fan of his trying to imitate him.

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