/32/ - Psychopolitics

It's all in your head

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MrSaturday 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:32:14 [Preview] No. 1
Welcome to /32/, Endchan's psychopolitics board. This board is a remaking, rethinking, and hopefully rebirth of 8chan's /32/ board.

The goal of this board, like the original /32/, is to study the ways that the mind, society, and politics influence and interact with one another. Subjects can include:
* Government propaganda
* Culture jamming
* Education and indoctrination
* Media narrative framing
* Subliminal messaging

The main goal of this board, just like the last, is to learn to detect, resist, analyze, and apply coercive techniques.
Among the aspects of that goal are:
*Analyze media for ideological messages
*Decompose of statements so as to show their true meaning
*Study memes, from their creation to their final effect. Possible experiment with meme creation.
*Discuss the ethics of psychopolitics
*Develop techniques for resisting coercion
*Find ways for those without media control to wage psychological warfare
*Unveil the inner workings of the media

If Sniffles from the original /32/ would like this board, he can email me at the address given above.
Edited last time by MrSaturday on 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:33:08.

MrSaturday 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:56:12 [Preview] No. 2 del
In the interest of ensuring that this /32/ doesn't go down the same downward spiral that the old one did, there will be a few rules for this place.

1. Keep post quality high. Proper English and well-framed arguments and questions will be necessary, since this is what /32/ was built upon. This will be enforced.
2. Reaction images and macros should only be used when they're pertinent to the discussion.
3. Stay on topic. Meta discussions and arguments which ideology's better can be done on other boards, though if they somehow play into the realm of psychopolitics, they can be allowed.
4. Stay rational. Using the occult to explain something on here, unless the topic's explicitly discussing the occult, isn't okay.

That being said, I'm aware that my role isn't one of a leader, but one of a caretaker and public servant to the community, should one form. If the people that post here see any changes that should be made, I will be more than happy to listen, and may adjust even my vision for the board as the users see fit.

MrSaturday 01/16/2016 (Sat) 15:39:57 [Preview] No. 20 del
New email address, with the revelations that cock.li is compromised and may be shuttered eventually.

Anonymous 03/15/2016 (Tue) 19:08:02 [Preview] No. 27 del
I thought Cock.li was only taken down, it's up now isn't it?

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