10/31/2024 (Thu) 20:57
No.109459 [X]

>>109398I'm not a dentist nor a miracle worker. Fixing her is beyond my capacity.
>>109406I am funny in my own way, it's not my fault if your sense of humor is at the same lvl as a family guy joke.
Maybe if I just told Cewl to kill herself over and over again like a butthurt 8th grader instead of psychologically scarring her in the most overtop way possible you'd find me funny. I'll try that next time, because as you know I care immensely about the approval of internet randos such as yourself <3
>you fucked up pretty much every threadIdk what you're talking about.
Cewl getting tricked into exposing herself repeatedly and destroying any credibility or recognition she had until she left from all the bullyng and her simps missing her and speculating on her current status is improvement from some vapid narcissist seeking validation and calling men she dislikes pedros ad infinitum, but what do I know? maybe her nudes really meant that much to you. you want one of her masturbation videos or something? I think I still have th eone where she squirts lmao(it's actually pretty weak)
I've talked to Vamp like two or three times. Once was just some kind and practical advice on 4chan and I don't think either of us realized who the other was until ppl starting pointing it out, and once on here reiterating my point, and than once more to point out that the Doom/cyanide who was saying creepy and legally questionable shit to her wasn't me. I can't help that ppl like to steal my likeness and do/say stupid shit. That's half the fun of namefagging and why I don't tripfag tbh.
Iris isn't even worth talking about, what other threads have I "ruined"?