12/07/2023 (Thu) 09:10
No.783557 [X]
Its telling how Nuro, thinking of himself as a successful, intelligent bohemian gainfully milking his workshop niche lifestyle, is still so ardently inclined to try and punch down on the hovel dwelling mental case that he describes IGA to be. His forced persona of superiority melts away as soon as you meet it, terribly arrogant when you see its audience.
Why would anyone pretend to be a winning normie, in a pond of small NEET fish? Does he fail to reason that if his grandiose delusions are indeed true, he should upsize the pond, or does his ego simply block the realisation that the leap is impossible, resulting in an endless writhing in the slime, so he can beat his gills pridefully for years in a perverted game of pretend. Like a frog in a long forgotten oyster shaped children's pool full of muck and filth.