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You will learn to lick it, and never forget her name.

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(186.42 KB 1061x1280 IMG_20220920_150921_141.jpg)
NEET General #884 - Seagull Attack Edition NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 22:37 [Preview] No. 898539 [X] >>898572
Have any of you NEETs ever been attacked by a seagull or seagulls?
I had half a pie taken right out of my hands once. The seagull was never caught.

Old Thread: >>897558

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:24 [Preview] No.898567 [X] del >>898569>>898573>>898601>>898607
(1.05 MB 996x358 32131231.PNG)
Fuck all mushroom hatemongers.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:24 [Preview] No.898568 [X] del >>898601

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:25 [Preview] No.898569 [X] del
Mushrooms are the future.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:26 [Preview] No.898570 [X] del
This is the worst bit about mushrooms, the only people interested are space cadets.
It's a whole branch of the evolutionary tree. Like someone being scared of fauna, in general. There are some plants that are stingy or spikey.. not all of them are.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:26 [Preview] No.898571 [X] del >>898574
I ate some mushrooms that someone else had picked and given to my mother. Before I cooked them I asked her if her friend who picked them knew what he was doing and that she was sure they were safe.

She got very offended and said yes of course. After eating the mushrooms I got very sick and had bright green poos.

I will never eat wild picked mushrooms again.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:26 [Preview] No.898572 [X] del
(135.31 KB 1128x668 thanks neet.jpg)

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:29 [Preview] No.898573 [X] del >>898575
(39.47 KB 640x480 images-32.jpeg)
I want to tty these
>chicken of the woods
You can marinade it and deep fry it, stew it and it keeps its shape.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:31 [Preview] No.898574 [X] del
Sounds like user area. Theres a lot more interest in it now, and people know.
Get some wild lions mane and shallow fry a few slices.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:48 [Preview] No.898576 [X] del >>898578
Cool. We have similar sites here for id ing them.
One thing I've never seen is anything on where they originate and whether they're indiginous. I dont think anyone studies that.
Mycelium will take over the world, it is the true dominant species. It'll survive humans.

NEET 09/15/2024 (Sun) 23:57 [Preview] No.898578 [X] del >>898579>>898580
Mushroom being god chosen, is intriguing. Were there abos in tasmania? I wonder if they were more advanced than the ones on the main island, due to them eating amanita muscaria and other psychedelic mushrooms.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:00 [Preview] No.898579 [X] del
They were the opposite. Isolated for so long that they forgot how to harness fire. Returned to monke.
I dont know of any black fellas eating them on any sort of wide scale.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:01 [Preview] No.898580 [X] del
I am partial to the 'stoned ape' theory though.
We are machines, fueled by drugs.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:04 [Preview] No.898581 [X] del >>898631
Too early to fuel up.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:16 [Preview] No.898582 [X] del
I like mushrooms but would ne afraid to rat any picked ones

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:47 [Preview] No.898583 [X] del >>898584>>898589
(2.99 MB 4032x3024 IMG_0962.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:48 [Preview] No.898584 [X] del >>898585
Boong dogs cant read

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:50 [Preview] No.898585 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:51 [Preview] No.898586 [X] del >>898587>>898588>>898591>>898593>>898608>>898632>>898635
How do I survive until Friday with 60$?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:51 [Preview] No.898587 [X] del
Suimin noodle cups
Toast and vegemite

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:52 [Preview] No.898588 [X] del
Potatoes and free bread. Splurge out on some marjarine and sauce.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:18 [Preview] No.898589 [X] del
Hope it's not a jury summons.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:24 [Preview] No.898591 [X] del
If it was me and if I had soy sauce etc in the cupboard I would simply buy chicken boobies 1.4kg (coles at the moment for 13.30) and what ever noodles you like, and get whatever veges are cheap and make stirfrys for the week.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:26 [Preview] No.898592 [X] del
Been sitting at my compooda for almost 24 hours. 7.5h more and I can go land of nod

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:33 [Preview] No.898593 [X] del
Dried beans soaked in water the one you like the most, and beef cube stock or bullion for flavor when you cook them, if budget allows cheap smoked meat.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:55 [Preview] No.898595 [X] del >>898600
looks dry

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:56 [Preview] No.898596 [X] del >>898599>>898617
Collected the car. Had a Subway for lunch. Black cherry Jolt and an original Mother for drinks.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 01:59 [Preview] No.898597 [X] del
forgot to eat drinking instead

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:05 [Preview] No.898599 [X] del >>898605
>Black cherry Jolt
any good?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:06 [Preview] No.898600 [X] del
you look dry

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:08 [Preview] No.898601 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:08 [Preview] No.898602 [X] del
she looks dry

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:11 [Preview] No.898603 [X] del >>898604
she mogs me with her broad manly shoulders

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:14 [Preview] No.898604 [X] del
they're not particularly manly

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:14 [Preview] No.898605 [X] del
Better than the root beer. Still a little bit like medicine.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:31 [Preview] No.898606 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:50 [Preview] No.898607 [X] del
I used to like frying some up and adding to sausage on bread.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:54 [Preview] No.898608 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:55 [Preview] No.898609 [X] del
Women are aliens.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 02:58 [Preview] No.898610 [X] del >>898611
Where's the best sort of place to buy trifle?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:04 [Preview] No.898612 [X] del >>898613
A hot spew for lunch

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:08 [Preview] No.898613 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:10 [Preview] No.898614 [X] del
Can someone buy me the cannon please.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:15 [Preview] No.898615 [X] del
Weber was known as the fun guy on campus once.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.898616 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:27 [Preview] No.898617 [X] del >>898618>>898620
Italian teriyaki on rye?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:29 [Preview] No.898618 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:33 [Preview] No.898619 [X] del >>898623
Looking forward to the new deals from KFC tomorrow.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:48 [Preview] No.898620 [X] del >>898621>>898622
Chicken classic on white. Lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, salt, pepper.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:49 [Preview] No.898621 [X] del
a white man's choice, good on you

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:59 [Preview] No.898622 [X] del >>898625
Imitation chicken

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:00 [Preview] No.898623 [X] del
please post the details here tomorrow, highly relevant to my interests

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:04 [Preview] No.898624 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:05 [Preview] No.898625 [X] del
mock chicken

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:11 [Preview] No.898626 [X] del >>898628>>898640

HJ's has removed the two whoppers for 11.95 deal from the latest voucher sheet.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:11 [Preview] No.898627 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:11 [Preview] No.898628 [X] del >>898629
he never gave the second one to webby anyway

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:19 [Preview] No.898629 [X] del
Real men kill their prey with sharpened sticks!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:20 [Preview] No.898631 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:22 [Preview] No.898632 [X] del
Salvo food packs

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:25 [Preview] No.898633 [X] del >>898643
(53.49 KB 700x700 865722.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:28 [Preview] No.898634 [X] del
The pork mince was surprisingly lean so I added some beef dripping.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:34 [Preview] No.898635 [X] del >>898737
$15 a day that is not even hard.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:50 [Preview] No.898638 [X] del >>898642
I hope it tasted out. That tomato paste quantity has me concerned.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 04:51 [Preview] No.898639 [X] del >>898642
It looks good. Well cheesed.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.898640 [X] del >>898644
The new one comes out today, where did you see this?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:06 [Preview] No.898641 [X] del
Targetting advertisements, in NEETform.
They pay that one that uses the Dan flag.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:07 [Preview] No.898642 [X] del
That fresh mozz is so much better than the pre-shredded. Cheaper too.

It was about 3 tablespoons worth because I wanted to use it up. Put some sugar in to counter the acidity and Italian dried herb mix. Greased the alfoil with beef dripping too. This was one moist pixxa.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:07 [Preview] No.898643 [X] del
There you are!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:12 [Preview] No.898645 [X] del
So that's how he got those leg injuries.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:13 [Preview] No.898646 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:13 [Preview] No.898647 [X] del
(18.43 KB 200x167 x-con-logo.png)
There should be a Weber boig flag

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:14 [Preview] No.898648 [X] del
Delicious. Kept getting better and better.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:15 [Preview] No.898649 [X] del >>898653

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:17 [Preview] No.898650 [X] del >>898699
https://youtube.com/watch?v=22E-AJ4wqWg [Embed]

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:20 [Preview] No.898651 [X] del >>898652
One hand on the wheel. The other on the bitch's lap!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:29 [Preview] No.898652 [X] del
>bitch's lap

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:33 [Preview] No.898653 [X] del >>898655
Nigga need a pair of tongs

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:40 [Preview] No.898654 [X] del
Now playing

I’m 50 years old Japanese man struggling with midlife crisis. I regret every decision I’ve made.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:42 [Preview] No.898655 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:44 [Preview] No.898656 [X] del >>898657>>898659>>898661
Just a big ole drunk baby.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:46 [Preview] No.898657 [X] del >>898658

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:59 [Preview] No.898659 [X] del >>898660>>898667
You better have gone to work today, Monk.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 05:59 [Preview] No.898660 [X] del >>898662

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:00 [Preview] No.898661 [X] del
(82.01 KB 565x621 1980.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:02 [Preview] No.898662 [X] del >>898665>>898669
Sorry, I know that could be considered insulting.
Regardless, he better have fucking gone.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:05 [Preview] No.898663 [X] del
Does babby need bottle?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:07 [Preview] No.898664 [X] del
(615.35 KB 889x592 1726435222335640.png)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:07 [Preview] No.898665 [X] del
What are you, his mother?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:08 [Preview] No.898666 [X] del
(80.74 KB 504x643 Falcon.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:14 [Preview] No.898667 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:17 [Preview] No.898668 [X] del >>898670
I can smell you.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:22 [Preview] No.898669 [X] del >>898671
you're a rather nasty neet towards monk

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:24 [Preview] No.898670 [X] del >>898673>>898676
all I can smell is unwashed neet penises

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:24 [Preview] No.898671 [X] del
I am not.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:25 [Preview] No.898672 [X] del >>898747
Having a redtop and thinking about my mate Monk.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:27 [Preview] No.898673 [X] del
(25.68 KB 645x773 d7c.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:28 [Preview] No.898674 [X] del >>898675>>898677>>898680>>898693
(304.18 KB 1000x1492 line_of_fire1.jpg)
(173.16 KB 1150x1715 usual_suspects1.jpg)
Ok, to appease a certain neet this Saturday's movie will be In The Line Of Fire (1993), with Clint Eastwood and John Malkovich, and on Sunday The Usual Suspects (1995)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:29 [Preview] No.898675 [X] del
Well done ProjectionistNEET. Thank you.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:31 [Preview] No.898676 [X] del
There's a certain dampness to this stench.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:32 [Preview] No.898677 [X] del >>898678
>Five manlets

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:36 [Preview] No.898678 [X] del >>898682
(40.23 KB 1280x531 sicario5.jpg)
four manlets and benecio del toro

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:38 [Preview] No.898680 [X] del >>898683
Looking forward to it.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.898682 [X] del >>898688
That's him in the middle? Didn't even put his name at the top along with the others FFS.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.898683 [X] del >>898685

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.898684 [X] del
They should have just let him pass on. The midlife meltdown is not pretty.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.898685 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.898686 [X] del >>898689>>898691
Home from wage. Neck hurts from pillow. Woe.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:40 [Preview] No.898687 [X] del
He's a broken man.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:40 [Preview] No.898688 [X] del >>898698
he's a spic, immigration was probably looking for him in the 90s and he didn't want to use his real name

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.898689 [X] del
Sleeping on the job again?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.898690 [X] del >>898692>>898694
Australian tradition of letting mad dogs loose. By all rights he should be in court ordered inpatient rehab. He can do the bingo night in the loony bin.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.898691 [X] del >>898697
Welcome home. You need to buy a new pillow.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:42 [Preview] No.898692 [X] del
I do wonder how many more chances he'll get.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:42 [Preview] No.898693 [X] del >>898695
Good choices again

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:42 [Preview] No.898694 [X] del
>He can do the bingo night in the loony bin.
Sounds comfy.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:45 [Preview] No.898695 [X] del >>898696
Stop replying to your own posts.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:45 [Preview] No.898696 [X] del
Poorly bantered.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.898697 [X] del >>898700
I did, but it's worse than the old one

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.898698 [X] del >>898702
Ben Davis Thornton

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:46 [Preview] No.898699 [X] del >>898701
That's sick. Like a skin nick cave, gorillaz feature when? Refuses to sing properly, and the rhythm is rock steady.
If he sang it clean

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.898700 [X] del
(181.21 KB 654x649 bp.png)
You need to get a boobie pillow.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:51 [Preview] No.898701 [X] del
Literal gibberish at the start. Still better than any nigger mumble rap.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.898702 [X] del >>898703
(11.05 KB 300x430 resize.webp)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:59 [Preview] No.898703 [X] del >>898704
an inferior laughing negro

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:02 [Preview] No.898704 [X] del >>898705
i can hear the wind whistle through your gaping bussy

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:03 [Preview] No.898705 [X] del
the wind echos your name

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:06 [Preview] No.898706 [X] del
The echo inside webby's hole

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:11 [Preview] No.898707 [X] del >>898709
post-ironic humour

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.898708 [X] del
slenderman gangnam style

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.898709 [X] del
(158.02 KB 1024x576 1726405703529544m.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.898710 [X] del >>898711
5 drunken drawves and a cavernous hole

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.898711 [X] del >>898724

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:16 [Preview] No.898712 [X] del >>898723
best brand of baked beans?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:17 [Preview] No.898713 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.898714 [X] del >>898717
(79.17 KB 1280x660 vlcsnap.jpg)
And then there were 3(three). Rest in piece my brother from another mother.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.898715 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:21 [Preview] No.898717 [X] del
annie are you okay

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:22 [Preview] No.898718 [X] del
(73.95 KB 474x474 69b35411938020.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:23 [Preview] No.898719 [X] del >>898721>>898722>>898725
My feet hurt and i still havent carrired anything down the stairs. Worst part will probaböy be the 40 or so kg crt tv

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:24 [Preview] No.898720 [X] del
The echo inside of a disabled dunny.


NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:24 [Preview] No.898721 [X] del
i'd massage your feet for you

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:26 [Preview] No.898722 [X] del >>898732
You had people willing to help you.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.898723 [X] del >>898726>>898728
The Coles ones are shit house

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.898724 [X] del
Underwear gnomes, drawer dwarfs.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:28 [Preview] No.898725 [X] del >>898731
Are you 50 years old?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:29 [Preview] No.898726 [X] del
You're an anti-Coles Woolies shill.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:30 [Preview] No.898727 [X] del >>898735>>898740
Just saw this on /rus/, made me think of you fellas.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:30 [Preview] No.898728 [X] del >>898729
didnt asnwer my queastion

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:32 [Preview] No.898729 [X] del
He did reduce the set of baked beans brands by one though.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:32 [Preview] No.898730 [X] del >>898746
we need cool dude names, weber could be skorpion or something dangerous like that

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:35 [Preview] No.898731 [X] del >>898734
No im a NEET that has barely walked the past decade or so.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:36 [Preview] No.898732 [X] del
People are helping me. Just not helping me carry the heavy shit

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:37 [Preview] No.898733 [X] del
One person guards the door. One person guards my loot. And then i carry pretty much everything

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:37 [Preview] No.898734 [X] del >>898831
hyperbolic or is there a reason for that?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:39 [Preview] No.898735 [X] del
Chicken Burgah!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:39 [Preview] No.898736 [X] del >>898738>>898742
Forgot the video.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:47 [Preview] No.898737 [X] del >>898741
He could have an entire COLES roast chook each day ($12) + 500g pack spaghetti ($1) + a Freddo frog ($2). What more does a non-alcoholic NEET need?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:49 [Preview] No.898738 [X] del >>898743
Great speech.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.898739 [X] del >>898744
(134.28 KB 735x797 319ec811938020.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.898740 [X] del
Mong haka

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.898741 [X] del >>898748
>COLES roast chook
They're DRY

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:52 [Preview] No.898742 [X] del >>898745
He's happy and everyone around him is always happy.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:54 [Preview] No.898743 [X] del
I agree with him 💯

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:54 [Preview] No.898744 [X] del
Fifo and Cruisey take it in turns pushing her around.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:55 [Preview] No.898745 [X] del
i'm envious of downies because of that

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 07:58 [Preview] No.898746 [X] del
Weber was known as The Virtua Cop Killa™ in uni.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:00 [Preview] No.898747 [X] del
Only beer I'll drink now

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:01 [Preview] No.898748 [X] del >>898749
Sick of your constant negativity.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:03 [Preview] No.898749 [X] del
it's the truth

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:14 [Preview] No.898750 [X] del >>898751>>898752
May have made a mistake.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:14 [Preview] No.898751 [X] del
We all do sometimes.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:14 [Preview] No.898752 [X] del >>898753
What have you done NEET?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:15 [Preview] No.898753 [X] del >>898754>>898755>>898756>>898760>>898762
I ate an entire chicken and family size chips from Red Rooter.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:18 [Preview] No.898754 [X] del
That's alright NEET. Its what your body needed at the time.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:19 [Preview] No.898755 [X] del
family of 1

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:19 [Preview] No.898756 [X] del
It'll do you well.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.898757 [X] del >>898759>>898761
Gone in Sixty Seconds
8:30PM - 11:00PM
A retired car thief revives his team of professionals as he is compelled to steal fifty top-notch vehicles in one night if he wishes to see his brother alive.
Action | USA | 2000 | M

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.898758 [X] del >>898764
He accidentally the launch codes.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:21 [Preview] No.898759 [X] del
it's the remake though not the original

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:25 [Preview] No.898760 [X] del
So long as you didn't eat any of those disgusting pineapple fritters you may still post here.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:26 [Preview] No.898761 [X] del >>898765
A blowie from '99 Jolie and I'd be done in 6!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:30 [Preview] No.898762 [X] del
A good solid NEET feed.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:31 [Preview] No.898763 [X] del >>898766
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EWZaLhfpI1E [Embed]

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.898764 [X] del
we're all failure to launch here

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:40 [Preview] No.898765 [X] del
what she did to herself was criminal

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:44 [Preview] No.898766 [X] del
ugly gook

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.898767 [X] del
Long neck of Victoria Bitter.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:52 [Preview] No.898769 [X] del
Quite nice.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.898770 [X] del
In Haiti, a hungry sight I see,
Eating cats for food, it's not easy to be.
But hunger strikes, and they must survive,
In a world where food is hard to arrive.

It may seem strange, it may seem cruel,
But in their shoes, what would you do?
Desperate times call for desperate measures,
When hunger pains are hard to treasure.

Let's not judge, let's not condemn,
For their struggle, we can try to comprehend.
Instead, let's lend a helping hand,
And support them in a way that's grand.

For hunger knows no boundaries, no race,
Let's show compassion, let's embrace.
Together, we can make a difference, you see,
And help those Haitians live more comfortably.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 08:57 [Preview] No.898771 [X] del
Indians are smart, that's what I say,
Their knowledge grows more every day.
They work hard, with passion and care,
Their talents shine, beyond compare.

From science to art, they excel,
Their skills and wisdom, they always tell.
They value their culture, traditions so strong,
Their history and heritage, they proudly belong.

Don't believe the stereotypes, they're not true,
Indians are amazing, through and through.
So let's celebrate their brilliance and grace,
Let's appreciate their unique place.

So next time you hear someone say,
That Indians are stupid in every way,
Remember this poem, remember the truth,
Indians are smart, that's the proof.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:03 [Preview] No.898772 [X] del
In all honestly I would eat a good looking boong to survive.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:07 [Preview] No.898773 [X] del >>898776>>898785
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PdilFXoB3RM [Embed]

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:13 [Preview] No.898774 [X] del >>898775>>898778
Garn sleepies.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:13 [Preview] No.898775 [X] del
Good night NEET.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:14 [Preview] No.898776 [X] del >>898779
there is a storm building up inside of me

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:14 [Preview] No.898777 [X] del >>898781>>898783
(65.53 KB 487x572 emo hag.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:14 [Preview] No.898778 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:15 [Preview] No.898779 [X] del >>898780
Stay close to the toilet.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:18 [Preview] No.898780 [X] del >>898782
in my shitting chair

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:21 [Preview] No.898781 [X] del >>898784
Guess that girl didn't see the show Tattoo Nightmares

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:22 [Preview] No.898782 [X] del >>898784
So in a normal armchair

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:23 [Preview] No.898783 [X] del
Women are fucked. Absolutely fucked

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:23 [Preview] No.898784 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:29 [Preview] No.898785 [X] del
Travel is one thing I'd have done if I had my time over.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:34 [Preview] No.898786 [X] del
(1.09 MB 1199x1047 developing.png)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.898787 [X] del >>898788>>898790
Going to drop to 1 degree overnight in Lizbef

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:41 [Preview] No.898788 [X] del >>898789
(153.27 KB 766x1032 possomskin.jpg)
(153.27 KB 766x1032 possomskin.jpg)
Better dig out that Possum skin.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:42 [Preview] No.898789 [X] del
It still has the tire marks.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:43 [Preview] No.898790 [X] del
Just when it looked like things were warming up.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:01 [Preview] No.898791 [X] del >>898793>>898797>>898843
deadpool and wolverine was alright

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:08 [Preview] No.898792 [X] del >>898844
Learning to play civ 4 - it's a lot like civ 3, to the point where I wonder why people bothered paying for a new game.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:09 [Preview] No.898793 [X] del >>898794>>898795>>898843
Another neet who saw it said he didn't laugh once, so I didn't bother playing it on womboflix.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:12 [Preview] No.898794 [X] del >>898796
Can you add Rounders (1998) to the list please?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:12 [Preview] No.898795 [X] del >>898799
I only laughed once. When they said let's get shwarma but it wasn't funny. The villian was a bit interesting and the cameos were ok.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:16 [Preview] No.898796 [X] del
Ok. I've also added North By Northwest because I was so impressed by that hitchcock film the other night.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:20 [Preview] No.898797 [X] del
Its a very normie movie, not the worst Ive seen though

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:22 [Preview] No.898798 [X] del
A lot of people getting hit in the balls and gay jokes, but Im glad there were jokes taking the piss out of woke culture

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:24 [Preview] No.898799 [X] del
You loved the arse slapping scene.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:29 [Preview] No.898800 [X] del >>898801
(27.05 KB 296x263 me rn.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:30 [Preview] No.898801 [X] del
You are looking well.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:32 [Preview] No.898802 [X] del >>898860
nbn co hires curry munchers

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:35 [Preview] No.898803 [X] del >>898804
(79.24 KB 748x721 802eea11938840.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:38 [Preview] No.898804 [X] del >>898846
Tug shop website versus the face-to-face experience.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:39 [Preview] No.898805 [X] del >>898807
(66.10 KB 843x533 682daa11939865.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:46 [Preview] No.898806 [X] del
(73.88 KB 1200x408 b916e28227705.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:48 [Preview] No.898807 [X] del
Classic reddit.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:54 [Preview] No.898808 [X] del >>898822
cum in my bum

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 10:58 [Preview] No.898810 [X] del >>898812
What does graham hancock mean when he claims that the ice age atlanteans had a culture that was more spiritually/psychically advanced than ours?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:01 [Preview] No.898812 [X] del >>898815
>he doesn't know

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:01 [Preview] No.898813 [X] del >>898814
i want to fuck greta so hard

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:04 [Preview] No.898815 [X] del >>898817
I don’t know either, care to enlighten us?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:04 [Preview] No.898816 [X] del >>898818
consent ruins the fun

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:05 [Preview] No.898817 [X] del >>898823
you have to have at least some atlantean ancestry and wait for the knowledge to come to you in a dream to fully comprehend it

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:05 [Preview] No.898818 [X] del >>898819
Women have been banging on about consent for years now and now that guys are taking it seriously, the women are upset.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:07 [Preview] No.898819 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:16 [Preview] No.898820 [X] del
(7.42 KB 226x223 pol_grets.jpeg)
based grets

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:20 [Preview] No.898821 [X] del
women want victimhood, not escape from victimhood

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:44 [Preview] No.898822 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:45 [Preview] No.898823 [X] del >>898824>>898835
Kek. But really what race where the atlanteans are supposed to have been?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 11:58 [Preview] No.898824 [X] del >>898839>>898924
madam blavatsky wrote about a race of giant possums, they all had psychic powers and could shoot energy beams from their eyes and were wise and gentle, but they eventually became arrogant and decadent, lying around all day smoking garlic bread flavoured vapes, so the gods sent a comet to punish them. It's all in hancock's books.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:26 [Preview] No.898825 [X] del >>898827>>898829
Whos here

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:27 [Preview] No.898826 [X] del
Hi neets, how is you guys.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:29 [Preview] No.898827 [X] del >>898828
Stopping by for a weirdo
Of a question.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:30 [Preview] No.898828 [X] del >>898830
how is that weirdo

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:32 [Preview] No.898829 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:34 [Preview] No.898830 [X] del
I'm from /baaa2/ and ask if any of you,can register a joke company to toy with our local shit flinger. I also meant a weirdo of a question.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:45 [Preview] No.898831 [X] del
Lots of foreigners where i live.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:46 [Preview] No.898832 [X] del
I moved to such a remote shithole that i now have a france flag

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:51 [Preview] No.898833 [X] del
Top secret wank

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:59 [Preview] No.898835 [X] del >>898838>>898924
They built the pyramids, when the machine worked it would lure primitive humans into the structure with a hypnotic sound and seal them in, then an atlantean would jump out of the box and rape them all.
Whoever won the lottery got to hide in the box.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:00 [Preview] No.898836 [X] del >>898837
going to bed

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:10 [Preview] No.898837 [X] del
The one night you need him to tuck you in before you freeze…

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:18 [Preview] No.898838 [X] del >>898841
I’m going to eat Chicken Treat in the box

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:08 [Preview] No.898839 [X] del
Well bantered

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:26 [Preview] No.898840 [X] del
Blood poo

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:28 [Preview] No.898841 [X] del
Eat it before you piss and shit in the box first

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 15:39 [Preview] No.898842 [X] del >>898847
(2.52 MB 4080x3072 2024-09-16 171724.jpg)
Anyone else being flooded?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:42 [Preview] No.898843 [X] del
Yes I only laughed once but I don't laugh much in general. It was a pretty good movie for that sort of thing. I think the NEETs would enjoy it.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:42 [Preview] No.898844 [X] del
I spent MANY hours playing both those games. I think Civ 2 and 3 are still the best.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:44 [Preview] No.898845 [X] del >>898860
I'm thinking of watching Top Gun Maverick now that I've seen the original again.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:45 [Preview] No.898846 [X] del
Exactly what I was thinking.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:49 [Preview] No.898847 [X] del
Looks dangerous. Be careful NEET.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:50 [Preview] No.898848 [X] del
I went to bed at 7:30 and now I am awake and up again and in all sorts of psychological trouble.
My whole routine thrown out of whack. Troubling dreams.
Drinking a coffee.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:58 [Preview] No.898849 [X] del >>898850>>898851
After finishing Shogun I have started reading James Clavell's next novel, Nobel House. It is set in Hong Kong in the 1960s.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:00 [Preview] No.898850 [X] del >>898851>>898852>>898853
I was thinking reading other novels of his.
I have others on the list tho.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:03 [Preview] No.898851 [X] del >>898852>>898854
I spelled noble wrong. >>898849
I am not sure if I will continue with this new novel. It feels weird reading one written by him set in the modern world.
He is only a good author, not a great one. I dislike his romance subplots in particular. A very dated style now.

Tai-Pan was really good. Not quite as good as Shogun though.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:05 [Preview] No.898852 [X] del >>898854
King Rat was interesting and pretty good but not great. It is a short one. Easy and quick to read. Worth reading.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:05 [Preview] No.898853 [X] del >>898854
>I have others on the list tho.
I know that feel. The list gets longer and longer.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:10 [Preview] No.898854 [X] del >>898855
The Shogun felt a bit too verbose.

Maybe I'll pick that sometimes.

Recently I wanted to reread the William Gibson novels, the Neuromancer trilogy. And thinking about The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Meanwhile (re)reading the Magus novels, or at least some of them.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:20 [Preview] No.898855 [X] del
I tried to read Neuromancer once but gave up.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:34 [Preview] No.898856 [X] del
Second coffee down the hatch.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:47 [Preview] No.898857 [X] del >>898859>>898860>>898862>>899039
I think im going to move back tomorrow. There is a constant water dripping noise,thin walls and constant vibration near the balcony. I would much rather go back to my moms place even though its equally shitty because atleast at my moms place i dont have to do a single fucking thing meanwhile here i have to do everything and suffer at the same time.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:56 [Preview] No.898858 [X] del
(36.51 KB 294x400 980776690.jpg)
Anyone else day gets miserable when you go for a leisurely stroll and catch sight of a sickening racial kike, or it's just me?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:16 [Preview] No.898859 [X] del
NEET you need to give the new place a longer time. You will get used to the noises and movements.
You can't go back to that dysfunctional codependent relationship with your mother. It was not good for you. Please be independent.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:42 [Preview] No.898860 [X] del
It's really bad, don't
>at my moms place i dont have to do a single fucking thing
Real NEETing

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:45 [Preview] No.898861 [X] del
If he moves back in with his mother he should be banned from talking shit about her and complaining about his situation living with her again. Self inflicted. Some of these NEETs enjoy being miserable.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 18:48 [Preview] No.898862 [X] del >>898864
(367.31 KB 1000x666 well-carpeted.jpg)
Fix the water thingy. Don't go near the balcony.
Apply some wallcarpets perhaps. Optional Lenin pictures.
Stick to your decision.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:00 [Preview] No.898863 [X] del
“Instead of committing suicide, people go to work.”
― Thomas Bernhard, Correction

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:07 [Preview] No.898864 [X] del >>898865
I had no idea.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:14 [Preview] No.898865 [X] del >>898866
(877.16 KB 1088x816 slavhome3s.jpg)
Part of every real Slav home.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:23 [Preview] No.898866 [X] del
I am not sure the floor is the best place to keep your sausage.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:25 [Preview] No.898867 [X] del
(234.47 KB 1080x1556 20240917-052344.jpg)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:29 [Preview] No.898868 [X] del >>898869
Good morning neets. Every moment is a battle against darkness.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:35 [Preview] No.898869 [X] del
Good morning.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:44 [Preview] No.898870 [X] del >>898871
Early morning spew action

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 20:51 [Preview] No.898871 [X] del >>898872
Your video didn't upload

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:00 [Preview] No.898872 [X] del >>898881
(3.27 MB 500x281 me_in_the_morning.gif)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:00 [Preview] No.898873 [X] del >>898874>>898875
Today's gonna be a good day

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:02 [Preview] No.898874 [X] del >>898876
What is on your agenda NEET?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:02 [Preview] No.898875 [X] del
Noone will be murdered in Central LA?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:05 [Preview] No.898876 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:12 [Preview] No.898877 [X] del >>898879>>898886
Cruisey cooked the breakfast with no hog.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:26 [Preview] No.898878 [X] del
Cock and balls
Shit and piss
These are the things
I like the best
*strums banjo*

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:31 [Preview] No.898879 [X] del >>898880
You couldn't handle the size of his hog.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:34 [Preview] No.898880 [X] del
I would give it my best try.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:43 [Preview] No.898881 [X] del
Kino décor

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:02 [Preview] No.898882 [X] del >>898883>>898884
(161.17 KB 1125x1500 solbrah.jpeg)
Good morning I have chucked another sickie, didn't sleep so well last night. Woke up at around 1:30-2:00 and then tossed until my alarm at 6. Should have expected that, 10 standards is sometimes enough to put me to sleep but not knock me out. Many cases as such.
Had mcdolans brekkyfast

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:03 [Preview] No.898883 [X] del
Good morning King.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:04 [Preview] No.898884 [X] del >>898885
Why haven't they sacked your worthless arse yet?

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:05 [Preview] No.898885 [X] del >>898887

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:07 [Preview] No.898886 [X] del
Ooh aaah

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:07 [Preview] No.898887 [X] del >>898888
Seriously at this point you aren't worth the administrative overhead of keeping you on the books and tracking the hours you do actually work.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:09 [Preview] No.898888 [X] del >>898889>>898892>>898906
There is no overhead.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.898889 [X] del
>>898888 (checked)

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:10 [Preview] No.898890 [X] del >>898891>>898894
Nasty grumpy this morning. Itchy, lazy, sinusy, already got the arsehole attitude in my head.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:11 [Preview] No.898891 [X] del >>898893
So a normal morning then

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:11 [Preview] No.898892 [X] del
They trade in public space? Outdoor and unshltered.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:14 [Preview] No.898893 [X] del >>898895
I'm usually a horny smartarse with coping mechanisms.
This morning I got that other one that thinks about suicuide and cutting. Not even enough energy to turn it into outward violence and bash my cock.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:14 [Preview] No.898894 [X] del >>898896
Well don't start with me, that's all I'm gonna say. Not putting up with it.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:22 [Preview] No.898895 [X] del
You need a good tug.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:27 [Preview] No.898896 [X] del
Yes you will. You can pocket it and use it as an excuse later on.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:44 [Preview] No.898897 [X] del >>898904>>898905
on teh standos fuck sickos and fuck teh troles

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:48 [Preview] No.898898 [X] del
(1.92 MB 1024x1024 1724625985957652.png)
Check out my digits

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:48 [Preview] No.898899 [X] del >>898900>>898901
Got some random pain in my gut when I move a certain way. This might be the end...

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:49 [Preview] No.898900 [X] del
good night sweet prince

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 22:52 [Preview] No.898901 [X] del
See your GP.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:01 [Preview] No.898902 [X] del >>898903
Can't be fucked going to my jsp today neets, might call them, hold my nostrils and tell them I'm sick. Spend the day playing vidya instead.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:03 [Preview] No.898903 [X] del
Sounds like a good plan NEET.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:03 [Preview] No.898904 [X] del

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:06 [Preview] No.898905 [X] del
This is what winning looks like!

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:07 [Preview] No.898906 [X] del
Nice digits, the post could've been better.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:08 [Preview] No.898907 [X] del >>898918
Time for some more civ 4.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:31 [Preview] No.898908 [X] del >>898911
Research shows that by the end of 2030, Gen Z will account for up to a third of the Australian workforce. And a study by Gallup and Workhuman revealed that Gen Z and young millennial employees are 73% more likely to say they want recognition at least a few times a month.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:34 [Preview] No.898909 [X] del
If Monk had received a bit more recognition he might not have chosen to take all those sickies.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:37 [Preview] No.898910 [X] del >>898912>>898914>>898915
At the wage, want to go home already

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:38 [Preview] No.898911 [X] del
Generational theories are kinda gey

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:40 [Preview] No.898912 [X] del
It will do you good.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:41 [Preview] No.898913 [X] del >>898916

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:48 [Preview] No.898914 [X] del >>898920
(248.18 KB 348x307 24332145.PNG)
Audiobookbay, buy invisible earphone and listen to audiobooks.

NEET 09/16/2024 (Mon) 23:54 [Preview] No.898915 [X] del >>898917
I just pulled up.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:00 [Preview] No.898916 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:02 [Preview] No.898917 [X] del
Now turn that frown upside down.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:08 [Preview] No.898918 [X] del
(2.90 MB 1662x718 23131.PNG)
I am trying this vidya, caribbean legend basically a new version of sid meier's pirates, idk if you ever played that.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:10 [Preview] No.898919 [X] del >>898923
(2.43 MB 1658x673 3213123.PNG)
Which one neets?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:11 [Preview] No.898920 [X] del
I use earbuds

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:15 [Preview] No.898921 [X] del >>899041
(295.82 KB 561x551 1726526877843835.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:22 [Preview] No.898922 [X] del >>898927
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RHLPWTPjs8U [Embed]

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:33 [Preview] No.898923 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:36 [Preview] No.898924 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:09 [Preview] No.898927 [X] del >>898932
He tried to escape them all but this arse hole wouldn't let him rest in peace.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:14 [Preview] No.898928 [X] del >>898929>>898930
Global warming strikes again.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:17 [Preview] No.898929 [X] del
It is climate change now. It can make it either hotter or colder depending on what is more convenient to the argument.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:19 [Preview] No.898930 [X] del >>898931
Greta was right, from now on all Adelaide neets must eat the bugs.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:25 [Preview] No.898931 [X] del
Some of them need to go on diets tbqh.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:32 [Preview] No.898932 [X] del
He was a dirty criminal.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:36 [Preview] No.898934 [X] del
All that dissolves is jew cum up his rectum

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:40 [Preview] No.898936 [X] del >>898961>>899042>>899078
I have made an appointment to see the Indian woman doctor again tomorrow.
I will get the results of that PSA blood test I did. Hopefully it was in the normal range.
Very depressed by these unwelcome health issues. Feel ambushed by them. Feeling sorry for myself.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:45 [Preview] No.898937 [X] del
knew what this was going to be before I clicked

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:49 [Preview] No.898938 [X] del >>898939
(21.16 MB 1280x720 qvuukr.mp4)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 01:54 [Preview] No.898939 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:08 [Preview] No.898940 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:08 [Preview] No.898941 [X] del >>899079
Must be good to live somewhere with actual free speech.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:35 [Preview] No.898942 [X] del >>898943
Feeling bored. Might need to actually change my life and make some friends somehow. Might start going to the gym soon. Doctors appointment later today.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:38 [Preview] No.898943 [X] del
>Might need to actually change my life
Lets not overreact here NEET.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:42 [Preview] No.898944 [X] del >>899044
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pOsWUA7cK50 [Embed]

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:46 [Preview] No.898945 [X] del >>898946
The stinging nettles got me again.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:48 [Preview] No.898946 [X] del >>898947
on the peanus?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:49 [Preview] No.898947 [X] del
No it is not a big target.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:58 [Preview] No.898948 [X] del
need to take my pants off and do a shid

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:06 [Preview] No.898949 [X] del >>898950>>898954
“The poo is stored in the buttocks; pee, the balls” Grand Master Possum would oft say.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:09 [Preview] No.898950 [X] del >>898952
He couldn’t have been more wrong 🙄

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:10 [Preview] No.898951 [X] del
I caught Possum sneaking glances at a lady’s boobs once

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:14 [Preview] No.898952 [X] del
yeah ok dr neet

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:25 [Preview] No.898953 [X] del >>898955>>898956>>898969
hr is calling because i stopped going to my job at the start of the second week. not monk

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:27 [Preview] No.898954 [X] del
These are the ancient secrets man was not meant to know, and the gods destroyed atlantis to protect.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:28 [Preview] No.898955 [X] del
Monk is a bad influence on the younger neets, stop looking up to him.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.898956 [X] del >>898957>>898971
What the hell is wrong with you?
Why wouldn't you just resign?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.898957 [X] del >>898958
heh heh

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:44 [Preview] No.898958 [X] del >>898987
It's not funny.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:58 [Preview] No.898960 [X] del >>898962>>898963>>898967
Chapter 4 is on sub-floorboard decor.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:00 [Preview] No.898961 [X] del
Good luck neet.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:03 [Preview] No.898962 [X] del
A gnome for every occasion.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:19 [Preview] No.898963 [X] del
I got the first two of those.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:35 [Preview] No.898964 [X] del >>898965>>898973
Drinking the juice of 3 oranges

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:45 [Preview] No.898965 [X] del >>898966
virgin oranges?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:46 [Preview] No.898966 [X] del
Navel oranges. Grown in Webby's navel.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 04:56 [Preview] No.898967 [X] del >>899015
Why are the spines on the first set all fucked up?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:03 [Preview] No.898968 [X] del >>898970>>898979
The woe is back, and pressing down on me.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:12 [Preview] No.898969 [X] del
I did it like this too lol
I even tried to go back lol

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:13 [Preview] No.898970 [X] del
Unwoe with me

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:15 [Preview] No.898971 [X] del >>898974
It's not easy to break being a wagie once programmed

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:17 [Preview] No.898972 [X] del
Also HR are cunts

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:19 [Preview] No.898973 [X] del
With vokda

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:20 [Preview] No.898974 [X] del >>898975
my cpu was defective on manufacture, I never accepted the programming

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:26 [Preview] No.898975 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:38 [Preview] No.898976 [X] del
did some tidying
having a triple dare
ato website suggests my assessment notice (and refund) should drop tomorrow

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:40 [Preview] No.898977 [X] del >>898978
>notice an unpleasant fishy odour while changing
>realise it's my unwashed penis

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.898978 [X] del
Wash your penis

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.898979 [X] del >>898982
Bite the pillow neet

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.898980 [X] del >>898983
Just shaved my arse cock and balls. Cut my balls and lost a lot of blood…. Might not make it to the doctors bros

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:57 [Preview] No.898981 [X] del
need to change my cumdies

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:57 [Preview] No.898982 [X] del >>898986
>shaved my arse

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:59 [Preview] No.898983 [X] del >>898984
Lived as he died, holding his dick

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:04 [Preview] No.898984 [X] del >>898990
It's how I want to go.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:07 [Preview] No.898985 [X] del >>898988
(161.72 KB 1023x576 1726548381266843.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:11 [Preview] No.898986 [X] del >>899011
(22.05 KB 326x317 laughing3.jpg)
you absolute failure

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:12 [Preview] No.898987 [X] del
heh heh

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:24 [Preview] No.898988 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:24 [Preview] No.898989 [X] del
heh heh heh

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:25 [Preview] No.898990 [X] del >>898992
What happened to your ambition of dying with a broken neck trying to perform autofellatio? Surely you haven't given up on that dream.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:26 [Preview] No.898991 [X] del
>thinking about what brian boitano would do if he were here right now

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:29 [Preview] No.898992 [X] del
The more I thought about it the more I realized it wasn't hard enough

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:53 [Preview] No.898993 [X] del >>898996>>898997
Got two books
The Crowd Roars (Australian Cricket Crowd Banners) - Cartoons by Mark Knight, foreword by Nugget - $2
Haunts of the Bushrangers - Frank Haddon - $4

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:58 [Preview] No.898995 [X] del >>898996>>898997>>898998
Each bushranger in it has a map of where they were.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:59 [Preview] No.898996 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:05 [Preview] No.898997 [X] del >>899000
Pretty cool. Building your Australiana collection. Preserving for the future.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:06 [Preview] No.898998 [X] del
>used to live at Kentucky

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:07 [Preview] No.898999 [X] del >>899001>>899002>>899003>>899006>>899009>>899014>>899083
Saw the doctor. I do not have any STD’s. My cholesterol is very high but everything else is normal.
This whole time I thought my doctor was smiling at me every visit. I always smiled back until I asked him. He said he has a general smile when he speaks. I’ve been smiling at him like an idiot for over a year.😅

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:08 [Preview] No.899000 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:08 [Preview] No.899001 [X] del >>899004
Good news.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:09 [Preview] No.899002 [X] del >>899004
I guess that is good news NEET. What number was you cholesterol?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.899003 [X] del >>899007
You're just happy NEET.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.899004 [X] del >>899008
Thanks mate.
It went from 5.5 last time up to 6.8 this time. He also said my bad cholesterol is at 4.4

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.899005 [X] del
(23.89 KB 474x253 IKTF.jpg)
Rent paid.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:11 [Preview] No.899006 [X] del >>899007
>smiling at me every visit
Is he Indian or Asian? They can do that.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:13 [Preview] No.899007 [X] del >>899010>>899051>>899087
Indian. He’s a good one though imo. Wears deodorant unlike me and bulk bills me.
Where’d all these good neets come from?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:13 [Preview] No.899008 [X] del >>899026
Are there any plans for medication for the cholesterol?
I would try and get it down with diet and lifestyle. Cut back on the processed junk.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:15 [Preview] No.899009 [X] del
what happened to your piss problem

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:15 [Preview] No.899010 [X] del
>Wears deodorant
Crikey he must be a high caste one.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:16 [Preview] No.899011 [X] del >>899012>>899013>>899015
Jokes on this gay webshart for having case sensitive tags

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:17 [Preview] No.899012 [X] del >>899016
user error

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:18 [Preview] No.899013 [X] del
>gay webshart

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:19 [Preview] No.899014 [X] del
What sort of diet do you have?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:20 [Preview] No.899015 [X] del >>899018
Rearranged. Check the paper taped up.

>he got used to case insensitive string handling
Look and laugh at that Windows user.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:22 [Preview] No.899016 [X] del >>899017
Debugging ;) Not that any bugs get fixed

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:28 [Preview] No.899017 [X] del >>899030
make your own imageboard

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:32 [Preview] No.899018 [X] del
>Rearranged. Check the paper taped up.
I just looked again and they're all numbered correctly. Just a lack of forethought on the publisher's part I suspect.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:33 [Preview] No.899019 [X] del >>899035
Schnitzel night.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:37 [Preview] No.899020 [X] del >>899021>>899022>>899038
(614.81 KB 2080x1170 IMG_20240917.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:39 [Preview] No.899021 [X] del >>899023>>899100
Reasonable haul. Why do you buy candles so often?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:39 [Preview] No.899022 [X] del >>899100
good haul iga

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:40 [Preview] No.899023 [X] del >>899024
can't pay the power bill

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:44 [Preview] No.899024 [X] del
Get a solar powered LED lamp?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:44 [Preview] No.899025 [X] del >>899027
pasgetti for dindins

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.899026 [X] del >>899029
he didn't say anything. I didn't know there was any treatments for high cholesterol. I guess i have to give up some foods don't even know what cholesterol is

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:45 [Preview] No.899027 [X] del >>899028
delcious. any meat or just pasta+sauce?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:47 [Preview] No.899028 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:47 [Preview] No.899029 [X] del >>899033
Are you an overweight NEET?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:48 [Preview] No.899030 [X] del >>899032
Already have

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.899031 [X] del
Good mini haul.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.899032 [X] del >>899034
i guess it's a really popular imageboard

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.899033 [X] del >>899036
I'm 90kg at 5" 11 so maybe a little...

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.899034 [X] del
Only I've seen it

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:53 [Preview] No.899035 [X] del
Home made?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 07:57 [Preview] No.899036 [X] del >>899037
You sound okay NEET. We have some real big ones here.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:00 [Preview] No.899037 [X] del
(177.79 KB 524x677 big ones.png)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:03 [Preview] No.899038 [X] del >>899100
Is it refreshing?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:03 [Preview] No.899039 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:06 [Preview] No.899040 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:13 [Preview] No.899041 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:15 [Preview] No.899042 [X] del
You'll feel even worse if you don't get them addressed.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:20 [Preview] No.899043 [X] del >>899045
might get a table off ebay

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:22 [Preview] No.899044 [X] del >>899047

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:23 [Preview] No.899045 [X] del >>899048

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:26 [Preview] No.899046 [X] del >>899065
(33.33 KB 973x716 76c.jpg)
>how to see it

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:27 [Preview] No.899047 [X] del
One would think if they opened an hour earlier they'd make a nice profit

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:30 [Preview] No.899048 [X] del
i dont have space for a pool

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:34 [Preview] No.899049 [X] del >>899050
Bad home schnitzel night

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:34 [Preview] No.899050 [X] del
many such cases

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:37 [Preview] No.899051 [X] del
He only let's me out in the evening.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:38 [Preview] No.899052 [X] del >>899055
Some boongs, screaming kids, disgusting pigs licking their knives, …

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:43 [Preview] No.899053 [X] del >>899104
SBS World Movies
7:35PM - 9:30PM
A young teenager finds a powerful otherworldly weapon, which he uses to save his older adoptive brother from a gang of thugs. Before long, the two of them are being pursued by the vengeful criminals, federal agents and mercenaries from another world, with the weapon as their only protection. Directed by Jonathan and Josh Baker and stars Myles Truitt, Jack Reynor and Dennis Quaid.
Action | USA | 2018 | M

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:48 [Preview] No.899054 [X] del >>899056
rubbing the head of my penis

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:51 [Preview] No.899055 [X] del
Sounds like a bad home environment.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:53 [Preview] No.899056 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:53 [Preview] No.899057 [X] del
(88.66 KB 765x1024 41d02e11940203.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:57 [Preview] No.899058 [X] del >>899060>>899108>>899330
(68.30 KB 554x700 759544.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:04 [Preview] No.899059 [X] del
(141.42 KB 598x574 sdo.png)
That's a good deal.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:04 [Preview] No.899060 [X] del >>899062
good post workout meal

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:04 [Preview] No.899061 [X] del >>899069
got a 4 pack of hard solo for pudding

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:05 [Preview] No.899062 [X] del >>899063
You might almost get 40 grams of actual protein out of it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:05 [Preview] No.899063 [X] del >>899064
cut the attitude

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:06 [Preview] No.899064 [X] del
fuck off and leave me alone

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:08 [Preview] No.899065 [X] del
we can't all be fucking astronomer cruisey can we

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:12 [Preview] No.899066 [X] del >>899109
Dishwasher on. Rice cooker on. Just have to vacuum

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:13 [Preview] No.899067 [X] del >>899068>>899110
Lines of code:

MS-DOS: 4 thousand
WhatsApp: 30 thousand
Telegram: 50 thousand
Zoom: 60 thousand
TikTok: 80 thousand
Space Shuttle: 400 thousand
Minecraft: 500 thousand
Instagram: 1 million
US Military Drone: 3.5 million
YouTube: 5.4 million
World of Warcraft: 5.5 million
Boeing 787: 6.5 million
Google Chrome: 6.7 million
Chevy Volt: 10 million
Twitter: 10 million
Android: 12 million
iOS: 12 million
Mozilla Firefox: 21 million
Windows XP: 45 million
Large Hadron Collider: 50 million
Ubuntu: 50 million
Facebook: 62 million
MacOS X: 84 million
Tesla: 100 million
Google: 2 billion

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:14 [Preview] No.899068 [X] del >>899070
apples and oranges

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:15 [Preview] No.899069 [X] del
You've earned it!

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:15 [Preview] No.899070 [X] del >>899071
Well bantered.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:16 [Preview] No.899071 [X] del >>899072
I wasn't making a joke, NEET. Bleep bloop is no laughing matter.
You can't compare lines of interpreted web script with lines of code in an operating system or embedded system.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:17 [Preview] No.899072 [X] del >>899074

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:18 [Preview] No.899073 [X] del >>899075
(244.03 KB 900x1343 01d19811933719.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:18 [Preview] No.899074 [X] del >>899076
You wonder why I get huffy

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:19 [Preview] No.899075 [X] del
Some of those eurobeers are disgusting. Kot needs a Coopers.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:19 [Preview] No.899076 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:20 [Preview] No.899077 [X] del >>899080>>899082
@weber and or monk
There’s a new network similar to tor out called pyre. Is it worth buying a domain on it for 15$?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:20 [Preview] No.899078 [X] del
Youre doing fine. Your arse just needs taming.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:21 [Preview] No.899079 [X] del >>899081>>899085
Why? What do you need to say?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:21 [Preview] No.899080 [X] del
A de-centralised anonymous network has a centralised domain name system that charges money???

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:22 [Preview] No.899081 [X] del
boot licker

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:22 [Preview] No.899082 [X] del
No, use i2p

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:22 [Preview] No.899083 [X] del
(34.69 KB 472x505 Dr Smiley.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:22 [Preview] No.899084 [X] del >>899097
(285.70 KB 1061x708 ceo.jpg)
What's for dindins neeties?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:22 [Preview] No.899085 [X] del
Do you know what those cops would do in Australia if you started screaming coal burner and nigger lover at a woman and her child?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:24 [Preview] No.899086 [X] del
(42.22 KB 629x487 49f78211942808.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:26 [Preview] No.899087 [X] del >>899089
(186.33 KB 745x1000 The_Amazing_Bulk.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:29 [Preview] No.899088 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:30 [Preview] No.899090 [X] del >>899094>>899106>>899138
job intereview ftomeowo oing to be hunfgove so not grong

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:30 [Preview] No.899092 [X] del
Much better.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:31 [Preview] No.899093 [X] del >>899101
terribly photo shopped

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:31 [Preview] No.899094 [X] del >>899095
You have a job interview tomorrow, you'll be hung over, so you're not going?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:32 [Preview] No.899095 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:32 [Preview] No.899096 [X] del >>899111
I didn't know it came in cans.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:33 [Preview] No.899097 [X] del >>899112>>899152
Potato wedges with greek yogurt and sweet chilli sauce, chicken tendies with garlic aioli, and some chicken kiev ball things with garlic and cheese interiors I found in the frozen food section.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:34 [Preview] No.899098 [X] del >>899099
Is this real?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:34 [Preview] No.899099 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:35 [Preview] No.899100 [X] del >>899103>>899113
I like listening to music late at night with one lit. Good to have a pack handy in case of sudden power outages too.

Thanks Drake

Yes. One of few sugar-free drinks that doesn't have that weird artificial sweetener taste.


NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:35 [Preview] No.899101 [X] del >>899105
Think it might be AI?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:37 [Preview] No.899102 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:37 [Preview] No.899103 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:38 [Preview] No.899104 [X] del >>899107
(19.71 KB 761x243 SBS.png)
>starring Carrie Coon

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:39 [Preview] No.899105 [X] del
Didn't think it was real.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:40 [Preview] No.899106 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:40 [Preview] No.899107 [X] del >>899115
>Carrie Cheer

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:41 [Preview] No.899108 [X] del
I need Greg to get that and weigh it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:42 [Preview] No.899109 [X] del

Well lad-di-da Mr High Roller.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:43 [Preview] No.899110 [X] del
You've been busy.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:45 [Preview] No.899111 [X] del >>899116
Now that's some skibidi I can rizz my gyatt on God fr fr sheeeesh

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:45 [Preview] No.899112 [X] del >>899119
Sounds very nice.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:45 [Preview] No.899113 [X] del >>899114>>899133
I have a torch in case of power outages

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:45 [Preview] No.899114 [X] del >>899118
batteries are expensive

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:47 [Preview] No.899115 [X] del
Well bantered.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:48 [Preview] No.899116 [X] del >>899117
Pariston needs to wordfilter the zoomer babble, it's the only way for the board to survive.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:49 [Preview] No.899117 [X] del >>899124
zoomers will keep this board alive

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:50 [Preview] No.899118 [X] del >>899123
I takes triple As which are cheap

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:50 [Preview] No.899119 [X] del >>899120>>899121>>899122
I really should've had some vegies too. Oh well.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:51 [Preview] No.899120 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:51 [Preview] No.899121 [X] del >>899127
You had plenty of potatoes.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:52 [Preview] No.899122 [X] del >>899127
Have some tomorrow.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:52 [Preview] No.899123 [X] del >>899126
I swallow one each day to help my energy levels, ni-cad is my favourite flavour.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:53 [Preview] No.899124 [X] del
I'll have the green zoomer doomer thanks.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:53 [Preview] No.899125 [X] del >>899128>>899132
Is that Da Penguin mini series any good?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:54 [Preview] No.899126 [X] del
Get the Duracell copper tops only 1.5v a standard.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:54 [Preview] No.899127 [X] del >>899136
true, and the chilli seeds in the sweet chilli are a vegetable, as is the garlic in the garlic aioli
maybe next week

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:55 [Preview] No.899128 [X] del >>899129

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:55 [Preview] No.899129 [X] del >>899130
It doesn't even get released for 2 days so how do you know?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:57 [Preview] No.899130 [X] del >>899131

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:57 [Preview] No.899131 [X] del
pengins cant fly

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:02 [Preview] No.899132 [X] del >>899135
I am not familiar with it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:04 [Preview] No.899133 [X] del >>899134
So do I nigga. Lighting fires is more fun though.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:04 [Preview] No.899134 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:05 [Preview] No.899135 [X] del
i will have a go of it in 48-72 hours and let youse no

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:06 [Preview] No.899136 [X] del >>899137
Seeds are a fucking seed ffs.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:08 [Preview] No.899137 [X] del >>899140
counts as a vegetable

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:13 [Preview] No.899138 [X] del
Living the neet life mate, setting an example to the younger neets.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:14 [Preview] No.899139 [X] del >>899143
Urge to get drunk. Takes the pain away

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:14 [Preview] No.899140 [X] del >>899141
Just because it grows a vegetable, doesn't mean it is one.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:15 [Preview] No.899141 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:17 [Preview] No.899142 [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-R2wW7ZD4P4 [Embed]

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:24 [Preview] No.899143 [X] del >>899145
Take your meds

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:24 [Preview] No.899144 [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=M7wxT4pezJA [Embed]

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:25 [Preview] No.899145 [X] del >>899146
I dont take any

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:28 [Preview] No.899146 [X] del >>899147
I can hook you up

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:30 [Preview] No.899147 [X] del
Thanks Dan.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:30 [Preview] No.899148 [X] del >>899164
I'd quit my job but I'd just be on the computer most of the day.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:36 [Preview] No.899149 [X] del
There is no such thing as bad cholesterol

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:40 [Preview] No.899150 [X] del >>899151
Tired all day and then a burst of energy at night
Farrrrkin might just goon myself to sleep

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:41 [Preview] No.899151 [X] del >>899154
You are out of sync with the natural rhythms.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:41 [Preview] No.899152 [X] del >>899155
About to put some wedges in the oven.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:44 [Preview] No.899153 [X] del >>899240>>899351
(221.39 KB 1154x2048 new battlestation.jpeg)
When I'm at my office (pictured) as a digital nomad working on my micro SaaS (a tenant management platform) I will hire weber BUT he has to use my neovim config, heheh

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:49 [Preview] No.899154 [X] del
He needs to do a 360 and get back to normal.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:50 [Preview] No.899155 [X] del >>899168
Put some in for the rest of us thanks.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:51 [Preview] No.899156 [X] del >>899157>>899161>>899171
I don't like wedges

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:52 [Preview] No.899157 [X] del
more for the rest of us.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:57 [Preview] No.899158 [X] del
I like wedges.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:58 [Preview] No.899159 [X] del
Prioritize Mental and Emotional Well-being: Cultivate practices that promote mental and emotional well-being. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or journaling to foster self-awareness and emotional resilience. Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals when needed.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Learn to say no to activities or relationships that don't align with your values or bring you fulfillment. Prioritize your own needs and desires without guilt or apology.

Connect with Like-minded Individuals: Seek out communities or support networks of like-minded individuals who share similar values and perspectives. Whether online or in-person, connecting with others who understand and respect your choices can provide validation and encouragement on your journey.

Embrace the Journey: Embracing solitude is a journey, not a destination. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of solo living. Celebrate your successes and learn from challenges, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to genuine contentment and fulfillment in your own company.

In the MGTOW movement, finding comfort alone is not just a lifestyle choice but a powerful assertion of personal sovereignty and autonomy. By embracing solitude and cultivating a fulfilling life on their own terms, MGTOW individuals are rewriting the narrative of masculinity and self-fulfillment in today's society.

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NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:59 [Preview] No.899160 [X] del >>899162>>899165
(261.88 KB 1179x1645 media_GXohk2dbEAAbO4Y.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:00 [Preview] No.899161 [X] del
Same, eat chips like a normal person

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:01 [Preview] No.899162 [X] del >>899163
No corruption here

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:02 [Preview] No.899163 [X] del
It's also a fucken rabbit

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:03 [Preview] No.899164 [X] del
I'd get a job, but my computer needs me to keep it company all day.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:13 [Preview] No.899165 [X] del >>899166>>899174
wtf is this shit

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:13 [Preview] No.899166 [X] del >>899167>>899174
seems pretty clear

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:14 [Preview] No.899167 [X] del >>899169
FUCK you

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:16 [Preview] No.899168 [X] del >>899170
I need a real oven ffs.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:16 [Preview] No.899169 [X] del
settle down

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:17 [Preview] No.899170 [X] del >>899173
air fryer???

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:18 [Preview] No.899171 [X] del
High school flashbacks?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:19 [Preview] No.899172 [X] del
Thread layout being weird again,...

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:20 [Preview] No.899173 [X] del
Maybe the elements in mine are just fucked. Can't seem to get any good colour on anything anymore.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:20 [Preview] No.899174 [X] del
This is why we can't afford shelter for the homeless people outside of woolies. We need to spend tens of millions of taxpayer money on fibreglass rabbits instead.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:31 [Preview] No.899175 [X] del >>899176>>899177
ok, the wedges and tendies and kieves were a bit much for this old boong, next time I need to not fill up the whole tray, and have some boiled vegies as well.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:32 [Preview] No.899176 [X] del
you're getting weak in your old age

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:35 [Preview] No.899177 [X] del
I've added onion and bacon to mine, along with the beef dripping to lube the pan. Frozen peas to finish it off and then the chicken can go in.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:37 [Preview] No.899178 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:38 [Preview] No.899179 [X] del
Good cooking NEETs.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:40 [Preview] No.899180 [X] del >>899181
I posted the start of my story. Thoughts?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:43 [Preview] No.899181 [X] del
i try to avoid having those

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:43 [Preview] No.899182 [X] del
He woke up. To a bright, cold, day. The sun shining, but thoughts brewed in Kyle's head. Interesting thoughts, dark thoughts, light as well. Duality of man. . Wake up. Wake up now. It's burning, bright outside. He glanced out the window, saw a flicker of a man. The thoughts came back to his head. Too much, too soon. It was done, but who will come save him? No one, he had to save himself. All gone now...and who was that man? That ghost from his past, or was it an apparition? He remembered long ago. Something mysterious had happened. A haunting. His friends, betrayal. It all started that night.


Sitting around the campfire with his friends. A cool wind on his face, but the warm fire glowed. It was orange, contrasting with the darkness behind. It was beautiful. His friends were joking, talking, like normal. Teasing, banter, he accepted it, as he did not have many friends. He had been camping many times before,

"Kyle, how's the Missus?", Johnno joked.

"She's good", Kyle said.

"Yea, sure she is, fuckin loser", said Terry.

Kyle recoiled, awkward, giving his friends a look.

"Relax", Terry said.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:47 [Preview] No.899183 [X] del
The moon and saturn are about to touch. Its a full moon. Magic.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:50 [Preview] No.899185 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:54 [Preview] No.899186 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:56 [Preview] No.899187 [X] del >>899208

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:00 [Preview] No.899188 [X] del >>899190>>899208
my exact facial appearance

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:04 [Preview] No.899189 [X] del >>899191
Today's pretty much been a waste, but tomorrow I'm finally gonna get all the things I've been meaning to do for the past few years done. Or started, anyway.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:04 [Preview] No.899190 [X] del
Very handsome.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:13 [Preview] No.899191 [X] del >>899198
What specific tasks do you want to do? It helps if you set out a plan to do all the tasks as a list

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:22 [Preview] No.899192 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:24 [Preview] No.899193 [X] del >>899194>>899201
I regret moving to a small village

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:24 [Preview] No.899194 [X] del >>899195

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:27 [Preview] No.899195 [X] del >>899196>>899201
I just need to survive for a couple of days and see if they will fix my fridge or not (its loud). If they dont im moving back to my insect infested,shitty neighbor moms place

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:27 [Preview] No.899196 [X] del >>899197

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:28 [Preview] No.899197 [X] del >>899201>>899202
They dont even have mcdonalds here. I cant even go to a mcdonalds and buy some nuggets.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:29 [Preview] No.899198 [X] del
I am a master at making lists, it's executing them that is the problem.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:29 [Preview] No.899199 [X] del >>899204>>899205
Goodnight NEETs

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:29 [Preview] No.899200 [X] del
Might have a cheeky camomile, just one won't hurt.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:31 [Preview] No.899201 [X] del >>899209
You need to give it more time. You imagine all these noises because of your mental illness. There is nothing wrong with the fridge, just like there was nothing wrong with that graphics card.

Give it more time. Do not move back in with your mother. What that situation did to you is embarrassing. You need your independence. You need to grow.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:31 [Preview] No.899202 [X] del >>899209
Buy chickin maek your nuggits.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:33 [Preview] No.899204 [X] del
nighty night neet

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:35 [Preview] No.899205 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:36 [Preview] No.899206 [X] del >>899207>>899239
Nuro was just too based for this board. We were holding him back. Pariston understood that, that's why he set nuro free.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:39 [Preview] No.899207 [X] del >>899211
I am glad he is gone.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:40 [Preview] No.899208 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:41 [Preview] No.899209 [X] del >>899212>>899213
>You imagine all these noises because of your mental illness
The noises are real and have been confirmed by other people.
>There is nothing wrong with the fridge, just like there was nothing wrong with that graphics card.
The fridge has a loud dripping/clinging noise and my graphics card has massive coil whine.
>Give it more time. Do not move back in with your mother.
Why? Give me 1 good reason. Im simply going to start looking for a new apartment when i move back.
>What that situation did to you is embarrassing.
What? What did what situation do to me that was embarrasing. I was always like this.
>You need your independence. You need to grow.
I cannot do that in a shitty apartment that makes a distracting noise every second.
raw chicken scares me

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:42 [Preview] No.899210 [X] del
Haven't really done any technical stuff for ages. Don't know why. Don't understand what I do all day/

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:44 [Preview] No.899211 [X] del >>899238

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:48 [Preview] No.899212 [X] del
Oh my goodness I once lived in an apartment complex and I would hear my neighbour walking up and down the stairs, taking a piss. Plus there was a water hammer issue that made life there miserable. Go crawl back to your 'mom' you bitch of a male.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:49 [Preview] No.899213 [X] del
Then buy pork of beef. But I bet they sell frozen breaded chicken fillets which you only have to fry.
Look. You will find all apartments unsatisfactory. The only optimal one is which you tailor it to be optimal. Unless you make serious dough and pay others to make it optimal for you.
You have to deal with the hardships. There is a reason why you decided to move away from your mother, it was not fine for you.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:49 [Preview] No.899214 [X] del >>899216>>899238

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:49 [Preview] No.899215 [X] del
On the Jim Croce again.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=48o5rCFFxh8 [Embed]

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:50 [Preview] No.899216 [X] del
At least tenderize us with a mallet first.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:52 [Preview] No.899217 [X] del
Babe, get the sex mallet out.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:53 [Preview] No.899218 [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=JjHFubUPLV0 [Embed]

deadass he be mad motivatin me fr fr

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:57 [Preview] No.899219 [X] del
I'm sure he can buy frozen chicken nuggets and cook them. I can't imagine a civilisation that has fallen so low they don't have frozen nuggets in the supermarkets.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:02 [Preview] No.899220 [X] del
(25.61 KB 975x693 dpdwhwxlxmod1.webp)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:03 [Preview] No.899221 [X] del >>899293
might sell one of the neets into slavery in return for a frozen box off chicken tendies

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:04 [Preview] No.899222 [X] del
Are the arabs partly descended from the slavs because of all the slavic women they imported as sex slaves?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:45 [Preview] No.899224 [X] del >>899225
Thinking another sickie is on the books....

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:47 [Preview] No.899225 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:08 [Preview] No.899226 [X] del >>899241
can't get to sleep ffs

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:23 [Preview] No.899227 [X] del
Chicken done.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:24 [Preview] No.899228 [X] del
want to play some tolkien vidya, so I can walk on middle earth

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:31 [Preview] No.899229 [X] del
My life is in the shitter

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:44 [Preview] No.899230 [X] del >>899231
Im going to join the army because i hate my life

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:53 [Preview] No.899231 [X] del
they'll reject you

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 15:01 [Preview] No.899232 [X] del
Stop watching that pedo anime shit

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 15:34 [Preview] No.899233 [X] del >>899241
Sickie chucked. Need to look for another job or knuckle down on saving my cenno cheques

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 15:37 [Preview] No.899234 [X] del
No one in my family can help me move back so my life is over.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 16:08 [Preview] No.899235 [X] del >>899236
I will probably end up homeless

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 17:06 [Preview] No.899236 [X] del
Build something you can latch onto a bike, park it at a beach with free showers.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 18:19 [Preview] No.899237 [X] del >>899260>>899272
(5.46 MB 3072x4080 54325654342.jpg)
Beef back, cut in half the way it stays whole, tenderized to make thinner, layer of dried oregano and rosemary inside, rolled, cooked, added mustard to meat juices for sauce. Would you nibble on it neet?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 18:59 [Preview] No.899238 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:00 [Preview] No.899239 [X] del
I thought he died because of complications resulting from his leg amputation?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:26 [Preview] No.899240 [X] del
Sounds do-able.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:38 [Preview] No.899241 [X] del
Tried melanin?
>Need to look for another job

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:53 [Preview] No.899242 [X] del >>899273
tax refund dropped

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:05 [Preview] No.899243 [X] del >>899274
storage unit put the rent up $25 without any communication about it
just bumped the numbers on this month's invoice

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:17 [Preview] No.899244 [X] del >>899245
morning bros

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:17 [Preview] No.899245 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:17 [Preview] No.899246 [X] del >>899247>>899252

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:23 [Preview] No.899247 [X] del
Thanks real o7

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:23 [Preview] No.899248 [X] del
(1020.75 KB 1280x720 breakkayie time.webm)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:27 [Preview] No.899249 [X] del >>899251
(87.90 KB 334x334 debonair-pepe.jpg)
>Wake up to videos of hezbollah being blown up by exploding pagers
It's the little pleasures in life that make it worthwhile living

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:38 [Preview] No.899250 [X] del
(240.92 KB 490x608 paged.png)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:46 [Preview] No.899251 [X] del >>899253
I made a serious post about it and then the board shat itself as usual when I went to hit the reply button.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:46 [Preview] No.899252 [X] del
(72.41 KB 1024x1024 1726605072197580.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:50 [Preview] No.899253 [X] del >>899255
Your post
>shut it down

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:51 [Preview] No.899255 [X] del
It wasn't the jews, it was Big Fella and Ovaltine.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:51 [Preview] No.899256 [X] del >>899257
Big Fella blew Nuro's leg off.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:53 [Preview] No.899257 [X] del >>899263
He's dead now. We have to help IGA transition to a life without his significant life partner.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:00 [Preview] No.899258 [X] del >>899261
The Ghost of Discord

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:00 [Preview] No.899259 [X] del >>899262>>899277
If I ever get rich I'll start eating steak and eggs for breakfast.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:02 [Preview] No.899260 [X] del
>Would you nibble on it neet?
little bit

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:07 [Preview] No.899261 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:10 [Preview] No.899262 [X] del
or cenno and coles grass fed sausages + backyard chook eggs

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:15 [Preview] No.899263 [X] del >>899264
>We have to help IGA transition

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:16 [Preview] No.899264 [X] del >>899278>>899404
There is no shame anymore.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:18 [Preview] No.899266 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:26 [Preview] No.899267 [X] del
(115.74 KB 1080x949 20240918-072334.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:27 [Preview] No.899268 [X] del
(246.18 KB 1360x1700 media_GXoeCdsW4AAuGHC.jpg)
(216.33 KB 1080x1080 media_GXoldAsW0AASIrP.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:38 [Preview] No.899269 [X] del
Going to Woolies u dirty niggers

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:39 [Preview] No.899270 [X] del >>899299
(90.04 KB 792x792 1726601468037699.jpg)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 21:43 [Preview] No.899271 [X] del >>899300
(238.86 KB 512x512 1726609202761186.png)

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:05 [Preview] No.899272 [X] del
Looks delish.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:06 [Preview] No.899273 [X] del
Send it my way please.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:08 [Preview] No.899274 [X] del
A storage unit rents now for more than a flat used to go for before the country was ruined.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:08 [Preview] No.899275 [X] del >>899280>>899296
Got a snot block and some choggy milk for breakkayie

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:09 [Preview] No.899276 [X] del >>899279
Or this fella's scales are not accurate.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:10 [Preview] No.899277 [X] del
You need someone else to cook them for you though. It is too much effort first thing in the morning. Too much mess.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:11 [Preview] No.899278 [X] del >>899288
There is still a bit of stigma, I'm not gonna lie.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:12 [Preview] No.899279 [X] del >>899282
80g is a hell of a margin of error and easily verifiable

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:13 [Preview] No.899280 [X] del >>899281
A healthy breakfast, well done.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:13 [Preview] No.899281 [X] del >>899283
Put some Chobani in the fridge for tomorrow and the day after

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:14 [Preview] No.899282 [X] del >>899285
>easily verifiable
They didn't verify it though.

I reckon the real scandal is the amount of water in meat these days. I think they must do something to pump it in before they weigh it. It all comes back out when you cook it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:14 [Preview] No.899283 [X] del >>899284
Don't tell me what to do please.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:17 [Preview] No.899284 [X] del >>899286
I put some Chobani in the fridge.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:17 [Preview] No.899285 [X] del >>899287
>They didn't verify it though.
How do you know?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:29 [Preview] No.899286 [X] del
I just looked. You did not.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:30 [Preview] No.899287 [X] del
The article didn't mention it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:31 [Preview] No.899288 [X] del
We'll help all involved work their way through it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:40 [Preview] No.899289 [X] del >>899290
Not very comfy posts today

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:43 [Preview] No.899290 [X] del
Keep your pager at a safe distance.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:47 [Preview] No.899292 [X] del >>899294
Might put the Christmas tree up today

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:51 [Preview] No.899293 [X] del
We could sell the big fella, he would be worth at least 10 Debens.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:58 [Preview] No.899294 [X] del
(114.77 KB 667x1000 ct.jpg)
Don't forget to put some lights on it.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:59 [Preview] No.899295 [X] del >>899297>>899298
Weber got me a pack of danishes and a dare.
Thank you Weber.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:01 [Preview] No.899296 [X] del
Not a breaky meat

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:05 [Preview] No.899297 [X] del
You are very welcome, NOOT.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:15 [Preview] No.899298 [X] del
(43.33 KB 601x622 1726525951452440.jpg)
He's a good boy.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:22 [Preview] No.899299 [X] del
the story of white women

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:23 [Preview] No.899300 [X] del >>899301
imagine if this was the trigger text mossad sent to explode all those pagers, they'd do it too, they have a sense of humour

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:25 [Preview] No.899301 [X] del >>899302
Today was the 60th anniversary of the release of Goldfinger.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:27 [Preview] No.899302 [X] del
You gonna paint yourself gold to celebrate?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:29 [Preview] No.899303 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:30 [Preview] No.899304 [X] del >>899307
Could really go for a cream bun or vanilla slice and a coffee

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:32 [Preview] No.899305 [X] del >>899308
Wonder if Weber gets raided again for hosting that secret app for the bikies.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:34 [Preview] No.899306 [X] del >>899319
Cow thinks his dog sent him a letter. He's pissed off that it says that any dog can bite.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:34 [Preview] No.899307 [X] del
1 apple strudel please, make sure it has sultanas or raisans in it

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:35 [Preview] No.899308 [X] del >>899310
that was some nipnong interstate?

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:37 [Preview] No.899309 [X] del
That letter from the SA Gov. says his butt smells great.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:40 [Preview] No.899310 [X] del
Contingency plan. Wombosec vpns run out of Kim Jong's office.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:49 [Preview] No.899311 [X] del

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:56 [Preview] No.899312 [X] del >>899313
Stuck, unable to do anything today, I need a mummybot or an ndis helper to come and yell at me to do stuff.

NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:58 [Preview] No.899313 [X] del
Get some GoJuice delivered!''

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:00 [Preview] No.899314 [X] del >>899320
(153.49 KB 1049x1500 ilsa.jpg)
(32.57 KB 600x400 roxanegay.jpg)
What race of women make the best femdoms neets? Asking for a mate

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:01 [Preview] No.899315 [X] del
Can hear a bad home type across the road screaming. This was supposed to be a good suburb.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:20 [Preview] No.899316 [X] del >>899318>>899352
(275.99 KB 1800x1200 lunch.jpeg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:25 [Preview] No.899317 [X] del
Finally passing that foot long Subway, and the entire chicken and family size chips Red Rooster that I consumed on Monday.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:28 [Preview] No.899318 [X] del >>899321
not eating at a kfc which has niggers working at it ever again

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:29 [Preview] No.899319 [X] del >>899367
Is it like the letter Sweetie received?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:31 [Preview] No.899320 [X] del
Chinese Tiger mums seem to be pretty good at producing subservient robots.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:34 [Preview] No.899321 [X] del >>899330>>899341>>899462
I’ve been finding KFC, McDolans, HJs gross of late. Also expensive as hell. Making a chiggen boig at home for lunch today.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:35 [Preview] No.899322 [X] del >>899323
Playing doom with the brutality mod, had a dark thought - what if the doom space marine is really possessed by a demon that's altering his perceptions of the world and that when he thinks he's killing zombies and demons he's really massacering normal humans?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:37 [Preview] No.899323 [X] del >>899324
The fireballs and bullets and things they are shooting at him are not imaginary though

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:41 [Preview] No.899324 [X] del
They could just be hallucinations too, doing illusionary damage. Or perhaps they're shooting tranquiliser darts at him to try and stop the demonic possession.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:45 [Preview] No.899325 [X] del >>899330
The demonic possession would further explain why the doom guy has such insane running speed and endurance and resistance to damage. It all makes sense now.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:48 [Preview] No.899326 [X] del >>899327>>899328>>899368>>899377
I am leaving now to see the Indian Woman Doctor.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:50 [Preview] No.899327 [X] del
make sure she has a good look at your mallard, it looks kind of pale

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 00:53 [Preview] No.899328 [X] del
Goo dluck

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 01:32 [Preview] No.899329 [X] del
Good duck

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 01:57 [Preview] No.899330 [X] del
>>899321 > >>899058
No, he's just a chad

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:09 [Preview] No.899331 [X] del >>899333>>899334>>899374
Refuse to look at kfc ads, today I'm dieting

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:17 [Preview] No.899332 [X] del >>899358
don't forget: peanus inspections at tomorrow night's meeting

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:24 [Preview] No.899333 [X] del
Think of all those nuggets in front of you right now.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:27 [Preview] No.899334 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:35 [Preview] No.899335 [X] del >>899336>>899337>>899345>>899349
What are neets up to this fine day?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:36 [Preview] No.899336 [X] del
on some cunt's VPN pretending to work
actually watching youtubes

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:45 [Preview] No.899338 [X] del
NOT watching this on Womboflix.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:47 [Preview] No.899339 [X] del >>899340
hr called again this morning

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:48 [Preview] No.899340 [X] del >>899355

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:49 [Preview] No.899341 [X] del
Grab a cheeseboig for just a buck, today only with the app!

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 02:52 [Preview] No.899342 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:00 [Preview] No.899343 [X] del >>899344
Could gar a works burger from the local

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:06 [Preview] No.899344 [X] del >>899353

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:14 [Preview] No.899345 [X] del >>899346
Working. Only a few hours left

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:15 [Preview] No.899346 [X] del >>899347
lets get drunk when you knock off

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:17 [Preview] No.899347 [X] del >>899348>>899369
Fuck it, why not. What booze should I buy?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:17 [Preview] No.899348 [X] del
just get something you know and like, fren

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:18 [Preview] No.899349 [X] del >>899371
Learning to make maps for doom, something I wanted to do since I was a kid.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:19 [Preview] No.899350 [X] del >>899356>>899359
(131.25 KB 1024x1024 fat-batman.jpeg)
Weighed myself for the first time in months. It did NOT go well.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:20 [Preview] No.899351 [X] del
(338.81 KB 1800x1800 computer cheese.jpeg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:22 [Preview] No.899352 [X] del
(118.51 KB 500x504 1726462676408074.png)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:24 [Preview] No.899353 [X] del >>899363
Yeah fuggit, garn a carton.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:29 [Preview] No.899354 [X] del >>899366
(72.73 KB 770x734 STRELOK.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:29 [Preview] No.899355 [X] del
heh heh

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:33 [Preview] No.899356 [X] del
Are you a serious contender for this year's nurgle?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:38 [Preview] No.899357 [X] del >>899360>>899361>>899362>>899364>>899365>>899379>>899514
I am back from seeing the Indian woman doctor. My PSA level was 0.77 which is well in the normal range. So probably no prostate cancer.
My blood pressure was in the normal range again (after being high the first time I went) so that is good as well.
She is not going to put me on any medication. I just have to live with my prostate symptoms until they get more serious.
I think I can live with them now that I understand them. I am not freaked out by them any more. I have adjusted mentally.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:39 [Preview] No.899358 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:40 [Preview] No.899359 [X] del
Did you remember to take one foot off the scales?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:41 [Preview] No.899360 [X] del
Good news NEET.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:41 [Preview] No.899361 [X] del
That is good to hear.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:42 [Preview] No.899362 [X] del
(2.01 MB 1366x1080 200 million 8 years.png)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:44 [Preview] No.899363 [X] del >>899392
Well if you are I'm going to have an extra couple as well.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:45 [Preview] No.899364 [X] del >>899380
I thought it was causing you pain to piss?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:50 [Preview] No.899365 [X] del >>899373
Can you get medicare to pay for some cruel looking gook woman to stick her fingers up your bum? Asking for this mate of mine.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:51 [Preview] No.899366 [X] del
Strelok is also the name of an app for calculating bullet drop

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:52 [Preview] No.899367 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:52 [Preview] No.899368 [X] del
Get horny. They like it

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:53 [Preview] No.899369 [X] del
V o D k A

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:54 [Preview] No.899370 [X] del >>899376>>899378>>899381
Went for a rub. She groped me again, but then said they dont do that. Had a full chub, she seemed underwhelmed. Had a wank in the cubicle. She definitely knew thos time.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:54 [Preview] No.899371 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:55 [Preview] No.899372 [X] del >>899375>>899383>>899396
Replied to the storage place at 5.30 this morning
>The rent appears to have increased from $175 to $200 without any prior communication of this fact?
They just sent a PDF letter advising me of the increase, with this justification:
<However, rising expenses associated with maintaining and improving our facilities require us to periodically review and adjust our pricing structure.
Replied again with:
>You have done no maintenance on facilities in the four years I have been a customer.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:55 [Preview] No.899373 [X] del
No, only NDIS

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:56 [Preview] No.899374 [X] del
Weber boig has $2 cheeseburgers from 5pm (limit of 5)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:56 [Preview] No.899375 [X] del >>899393
kek I look forward to their next reply.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:57 [Preview] No.899376 [X] del >>899383
Go back next week. Third time lucky.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:57 [Preview] No.899377 [X] del
The one with the sax is better

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:58 [Preview] No.899378 [X] del >>899383
>she seemed underwhelmed
Oh dear.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 03:59 [Preview] No.899379 [X] del
I'll have a look later for you

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:00 [Preview] No.899380 [X] del >>899382
No the pain was in my anus. It is a bit better now but I still sit on my inflatable donut cushion.
There is nothing they can do for any of it.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:00 [Preview] No.899381 [X] del >>899388
>full chub, she seemed underwhelmed
Many such cases.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:02 [Preview] No.899382 [X] del >>899389>>899407
I know they gave you an external ultrasound, but has anybody bothered to look for thrombosed roids or a fissure?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:02 [Preview] No.899383 [X] del >>899385>>899393
I'm keen to hear the outcome.
This was the 6h pr 7th.
All three of them were smiling and giggling, and waved when I left.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:03 [Preview] No.899384 [X] del >>899386
I have always suspected Cruisey had an underwhelming chub. The bulge pictures indicated as much.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:03 [Preview] No.899385 [X] del
> and giggling
Never a good sign.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:04 [Preview] No.899386 [X] del >>899391
> bulge pictures
It was always a footy sock.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:05 [Preview] No.899387 [X] del >>899390
6 bucks for a big chunk of watermelon. Better taste good.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:05 [Preview] No.899388 [X] del
No such cases.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:05 [Preview] No.899389 [X] del >>899395
No they didn't look.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:06 [Preview] No.899390 [X] del >>899400
I saw it out for $3 a kilo today which sounded good but then I remembered how dense it is and therefore not such a good deal.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:07 [Preview] No.899391 [X] del
Not even close. Maybe an ankle sock.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:07 [Preview] No.899392 [X] del
Good boy

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:08 [Preview] No.899393 [X] del >>899394>>899402
They're not likely to budge.
Rather than pay it today, like I normally do, I'll wait until the last day or two of the month and decide what I am going to do.
With Bill's help, I can probably move the lathe and stuff to the other end of the workshop and park the Vette in there.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:09 [Preview] No.899394 [X] del >>899404
That will be good if you can park it at home.
You don't have to hide it any more.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:09 [Preview] No.899395 [X] del >>899398
Probably worth getting a referral to a proctologist. You've already mentally prepared for that sort of invasive inspection.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:10 [Preview] No.899396 [X] del >>899397>>899399
Replacing rat baits is all the 'maintenence' they'd be doing.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:13 [Preview] No.899397 [X] del
they have to do maintenence on their profits

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:13 [Preview] No.899398 [X] del
No I am finished with inspections now. I'm over it.
All my symptoms are classic prostate symptoms, fully explained by the enlarged prostate that the ultrasound found.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.899399 [X] del
Yes. There have been broken fibro/asbestos panels and things that haven't been fixed in the time I've been visiting.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.899400 [X] del
Same price. From a local fruit and veg shop.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:16 [Preview] No.899401 [X] del >>899405>>899410
Don't you want it to be dense? I don't want no dry melon.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:17 [Preview] No.899402 [X] del
Getting it home will be good.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:17 [Preview] No.899403 [X] del
Don't want no scrub melon.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:17 [Preview] No.899404 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:18 [Preview] No.899405 [X] del >>899407>>899422
They get internal (and external) splits when overripe, which is when they're the sweetest.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:18 [Preview] No.899406 [X] del
There is no point anymore.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:20 [Preview] No.899407 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:22 [Preview] No.899408 [X] del >>899409>>899423>>899425>>899435
(2.51 MB 1573x1242 treats.png)
I bought a couple of things to try. They were half price.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:23 [Preview] No.899409 [X] del >>899412
Detailed review on the oreos please.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:23 [Preview] No.899410 [X] del >>899422
They tend to over water them which makes them weigh more (more money) but the flavour gets diluted.
When I said dense I just meant that they weigh a lot more than you might think so a small piece can end up costing you a lot.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:25 [Preview] No.899411 [X] del >>899413>>899414
Do melons last like pumpkins? As in, if the outside is fine, the flesh lasts?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:25 [Preview] No.899412 [X] del >>899415
>coca-cola flavoured
They sound vile.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:26 [Preview] No.899413 [X] del
Nah they go squishy. You can tell by tapping them in the supermarket.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:27 [Preview] No.899414 [X] del
No they do not last that long.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:27 [Preview] No.899415 [X] del >>899419
Theres also oreo flavoured coke.
They've been on special too, so probably are selling like shit.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:30 [Preview] No.899416 [X] del
(21.25 KB 640x436 images-35.jpeg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:31 [Preview] No.899417 [X] del >>899432
dat big gay moon out tonight innit

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:31 [Preview] No.899418 [X] del >>899427
I am doomed now. Literally don't have the energy to get up and have another no-doze. This looks like the end for no-doze neet. It's been a pleasure shitposting with you neets.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:37 [Preview] No.899419 [X] del >>899421
>Theres also oreo flavoured coke.
An oreo flavoured cake might work. Maybe there was a typo during product development that ruined everything.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:40 [Preview] No.899420 [X] del
>greatly regretting having missed out on the massive 2020s tech hiring boom

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:40 [Preview] No.899421 [X] del >>899450
a mong on the production line fucked it all up

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:40 [Preview] No.899422 [X] del >>899433
Can always dip a slice in sugar.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:41 [Preview] No.899423 [X] del >>899424

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:42 [Preview] No.899424 [X] del
that is what we're waiting to find out

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:43 [Preview] No.899425 [X] del
Chips might be alright.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:44 [Preview] No.899426 [X] del >>899428>>899429>>899430>>899434>>899436>>899454
I have an inappropriately homosexual man crush on the Formula 1 driver Oscar Piastri.
This sort of thing happens to me from time to time.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:45 [Preview] No.899427 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:48 [Preview] No.899428 [X] del
There is no shame in you neets anymore.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:48 [Preview] No.899429 [X] del >>899454
I'm not into it neet, but if you want you can have a feel of my boobies if it helps.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:51 [Preview] No.899430 [X] del >>899454
I have an inappropriate homosexual man crush on Olympian Oscar Pistorius for smoking that bitch.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:52 [Preview] No.899431 [X] del
Having some passionfruit flavoured medicine.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 04:58 [Preview] No.899432 [X] del
It'll sit right under Saturn around 10pm.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:00 [Preview] No.899433 [X] del >>899472
Sugar on tomato is a poor mans strawberry. I bet Bat used to have that.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:00 [Preview] No.899434 [X] del
There is shame.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:11 [Preview] No.899435 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:12 [Preview] No.899436 [X] del >>899438>>899454
F1 drivers are pretty hot

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:12 [Preview] No.899437 [X] del
(66.97 KB 640x631 finally!.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:13 [Preview] No.899438 [X] del >>899439
they sit pretty close to the engine

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:15 [Preview] No.899439 [X] del
They have giant gstrings in their face too

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:18 [Preview] No.899440 [X] del >>899441
having some more passionfruit medicine

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:20 [Preview] No.899441 [X] del >>899444
Are you going to get some cheeseburgers from x convenience later?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:21 [Preview] No.899442 [X] del
I was going to, but when I got there, they said its not until 5, and now Im full of John Wayne.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:22 [Preview] No.899443 [X] del >>899445
Bloody poofter sportscar drivers.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:26 [Preview] No.899444 [X] del >>899446

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:30 [Preview] No.899445 [X] del
What an odd comment to make on a NEET board...

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:34 [Preview] No.899446 [X] del >>899456
5 for $10 is a good deal.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:35 [Preview] No.899447 [X] del >>899448>>899449>>899458
I decided to get a cigar instead of getting drunk. Or maybe I should do both

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:38 [Preview] No.899448 [X] del >>899451
cigar and single malt

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:39 [Preview] No.899449 [X] del >>899451>>899457
Cuban? Would go real nice with a Glenmorangie Original 10yo

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:40 [Preview] No.899450 [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=93BITbYGDQQ [Embed]

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:40 [Preview] No.899451 [X] del
Thanks for the recommendations NEETS

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:41 [Preview] No.899452 [X] del >>899459
UAE are removing almost all tarrifs on imports from Australia.
Someone's been sucking the right dicks.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:43 [Preview] No.899453 [X] del >>899465
Malt isn't gluten free though...

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:50 [Preview] No.899455 [X] del >>899466
There is no stigma any more.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:55 [Preview] No.899456 [X] del >>899461
Yeah but their burgers just aren't that good.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:55 [Preview] No.899457 [X] del
Peruvian. Only cost him three(3) hundred cennobux!

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:56 [Preview] No.899458 [X] del
cigar and a whisky is always good
been meaning to smoke the tin of Zino 5 half coronas I've had sitting here in a tin for 10 months

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:57 [Preview] No.899459 [X] del
There was a trade deal announced the other day that nobody was privy to

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:58 [Preview] No.899460 [X] del
We're a board of acceptance, remember?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 05:59 [Preview] No.899461 [X] del >>899462
They're as good as any other fast food place.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:00 [Preview] No.899462 [X] del >>899463
Yes, I get that, but like I've been saying >>899321 the stuff is just crap lately.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:01 [Preview] No.899463 [X] del >>899464
The John Wayne I had today was good. Less flavoured salt on the chips than usual but otherwise was great.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:03 [Preview] No.899464 [X] del
They took the best boig ever, the SOUTHERN BELLE, and then RUINED it by substituting practically everything and getting rid of the spice.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:03 [Preview] No.899465 [X] del
Do you think there is gluten in your whisky?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:04 [Preview] No.899466 [X] del >>899467>>899483
Noticed how the MSM suddenly stopped talking about teh monkeypox?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:08 [Preview] No.899467 [X] del >>899468
mpox, you racist homophone

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:08 [Preview] No.899468 [X] del >>899470
another word filter ffs

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:12 [Preview] No.899469 [X] del >>899474
(75.95 KB 660x895 Oh, Emma!.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:18 [Preview] No.899470 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:18 [Preview] No.899471 [X] del >>899473>>899476>>899477>>899478
Risen. Taking the rest of the week off to deal with my ✨ mental health ✨

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:27 [Preview] No.899473 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:28 [Preview] No.899474 [X] del >>899475
Weber politely declined her advances once.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:31 [Preview] No.899475 [X] del
this is how you know it's bullshit

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:33 [Preview] No.899476 [X] del
You need to work through your trauma King. Dig in deep.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:35 [Preview] No.899477 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:38 [Preview] No.899478 [X] del
I can help (you)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:39 [Preview] No.899480 [X] del >>899481
where's your leg?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:42 [Preview] No.899481 [X] del >>899482
it's growing back, don't you worry

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:44 [Preview] No.899482 [X] del >>899484
(201.61 KB 800x1067 Joh_Bjelke-Petersen.jpg)
>don't you worry

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:47 [Preview] No.899483 [X] del
They're waiting until enough straight white men catch it before branding it as a public health emergency.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:49 [Preview] No.899484 [X] del >>899494
I doubt even the Queensland NEETs are old enough to get this reference.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:51 [Preview] No.899485 [X] del
Viruses aren't real

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:51 [Preview] No.899486 [X] del
Paternity tests proved once that nuro was the illegitimate son of Joh Bjelke-Petersen - one of many

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:52 [Preview] No.899487 [X] del >>899488>>899489>>899490
Should I get a cigar?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:52 [Preview] No.899488 [X] del
(9.18 KB 219x230 cigar.png)
You would look good neet.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:52 [Preview] No.899489 [X] del >>899491
Yes but only if it's Cuban

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:52 [Preview] No.899490 [X] del >>899492
Yes. Just get a small one though. Those big 7 or 8 inch Churchill style ones aren't fun to smoke.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:53 [Preview] No.899491 [X] del >>899493
Cubans are overrated. Nicaraguans are fine.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:53 [Preview] No.899492 [X] del >>899495
Get a half corona

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:53 [Preview] No.899493 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:54 [Preview] No.899494 [X] del
They are too busy eating their pumpkin scones.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:55 [Preview] No.899495 [X] del >>899496
(2.57 MB 4032x3024 IMG_3024.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:56 [Preview] No.899496 [X] del >>899501
let's see them neet

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:59 [Preview] No.899497 [X] del >>899499>>899500>>899504
Should I get alcohol? Makes me sick when I drink though

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 06:59 [Preview] No.899498 [X] del >>899503
(11.33 KB 600x600 MonteNo5.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.899499 [X] del
Tried vodka?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.899500 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.899501 [X] del >>899502>>899505
(2.76 MB 4032x3024 IMG_3025.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.899502 [X] del
Look dry

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.899503 [X] del >>899506
How many thousand did you pay for the box?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:01 [Preview] No.899504 [X] del
count yourself as blessed then

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:01 [Preview] No.899505 [X] del >>899509
Nice, can you open one and tell us what they smell like?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:02 [Preview] No.899506 [X] del
Only $169.00 for 5

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:03 [Preview] No.899508 [X] del
You are half man half machine. Have you thought of a cyborg themed superhero name yet?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:04 [Preview] No.899509 [X] del
One night this weekend, if the weather isn't vile.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:08 [Preview] No.899510 [X] del >>899515
I have a humidor with some Padrons in it somewhere in this shithole too

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:12 [Preview] No.899512 [X] del >>899513>>899516
Cigars are kind of cringe. The whole 'whiskey and cigar' thing is very embarrassing.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:12 [Preview] No.899513 [X] del >>899529
Choofta poofta

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:12 [Preview] No.899514 [X] del >>899518
It's gallstones.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:13 [Preview] No.899515 [X] del >>899524>>899526>>899528>>899530
(2.81 MB 4032x3024 IMG_3027.jpg)
(2.91 MB 4032x3024 IMG_3028.jpg)
(2.89 MB 4032x3024 IMG_3026.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:13 [Preview] No.899516 [X] del
Up next: "Clothes are cringe", "Cars are cringe". Film at eleven.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:14 [Preview] No.899517 [X] del >>899536
Not wanking me off is almost hotter.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:14 [Preview] No.899518 [X] del >>899534
In his bum?!

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:14 [Preview] No.899519 [X] del
Didn't you die?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:15 [Preview] No.899520 [X] del >>899525
Right in the NEETs anus.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:16 [Preview] No.899521 [X] del
I don't he's adjusting well to the loss.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:16 [Preview] No.899522 [X] del >>899523>>899531
I got some lemon squash alcohol and a Romeo and Juliet cigar

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:16 [Preview] No.899523 [X] del
Well done, NEET.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:17 [Preview] No.899524 [X] del >>899527>>899532
Check the serialization, cigars usually come in airtight tin tubes so if yours are plastic wrapped they might have been switched in the box.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:19 [Preview] No.899525 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:19 [Preview] No.899526 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:20 [Preview] No.899527 [X] del
The little wooden box was wrapped in about three separate layers of cardboard, as well as having seals on the wooden box.
I'm sure fraud goes on for high value stuff, but I trust Cigar World enough for a small purchase like this.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:20 [Preview] No.899528 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:20 [Preview] No.899529 [X] del
Cigars are a bit shit.
Should have got a soft pack of styvies or a b&h gold if he wanted to be kino

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:21 [Preview] No.899530 [X] del
This is a very nice one.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:23 [Preview] No.899531 [X] del
Just the one?
Well moderated.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:24 [Preview] No.899532 [X] del
It's in a humidor

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:27 [Preview] No.899534 [X] del
That's the trick. They can search all around there they'll find nothing. Soon he's gonna have stomach problems and they'll examine that and find nothing. Then he'll have heart problems and think he's having heart attacks. Finally he finds himself his gallbladder taken out.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:37 [Preview] No.899536 [X] del
It was the right decision.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:39 [Preview] No.899537 [X] del
why do you say that?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:39 [Preview] No.899538 [X] del
You know what cures gall bladder problems? KFC chicken skin. But just the skin, not the chicken.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:44 [Preview] No.899539 [X] del >>899540
This cunt is trying to stir the pot again.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:45 [Preview] No.899540 [X] del
It could be a pan.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:45 [Preview] No.899541 [X] del >>899542>>899543>>899549
Looked at a thread from this time last year. Davo had new shoes, it was 21.5c in Adelaide, someone at the desk whizzers fat mogged webby, some of the neets were still posting about toobs, standard goon posts. Little seems to have changed.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:46 [Preview] No.899542 [X] del
The show will always go on.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:48 [Preview] No.899543 [X] del >>899544
(76.69 KB 1008x600 dancar.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:49 [Preview] No.899544 [X] del
Thanks Dan.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:51 [Preview] No.899545 [X] del >>899548
GregO is speaking mexican.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:55 [Preview] No.899548 [X] del >>899550
He lived in Spain for a while.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:56 [Preview] No.899549 [X] del
Things are garn be different. I've turned my life around.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:56 [Preview] No.899550 [X] del >>899554>>899559

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:58 [Preview] No.899551 [X] del >>899553
>when the strawberry milk hits

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:03 [Preview] No.899553 [X] del
...the bowl?

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:04 [Preview] No.899554 [X] del
Now there's a word we haven't had for a long time.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:08 [Preview] No.899555 [X] del >>899557>>899558>>899564
Gonna get drink drunk for the first time since June

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:10 [Preview] No.899556 [X] del >>899560
Might do a barefoot dance in the grass looking east at 1900

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.899557 [X] del
Worthy get

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.899558 [X] del
Onya lad, good times ahead

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.899559 [X] del
That was a meme

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:12 [Preview] No.899560 [X] del >>899562
Put some clothes on first please.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.899561 [X] del
(41.92 KB 618x412 chopper.jpg)

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:18 [Preview] No.899562 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.899564 [X] del
Good luck Wizzy.

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:25 [Preview] No.899566 [X] del
bacon-wrapped dimmies

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:29 [Preview] No.899572 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.899576 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.899577 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.899578 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.899579 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:32 [Preview] No.899580 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:32 [Preview] No.899583 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:32 [Preview] No.899584 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.899585 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.899586 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.899587 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.899588 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.899589 [X] del

NEET 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:35 [Preview] No.899590 [X] del
New Thread: >>899546
New Thread: >>899546
New Thread: >>899546

New Thread: >>899546
New Thread: >>899546
New Thread: >>899546

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