02/04/2024 (Sun) 15:13
No.49801 [X]
>>49789>I've been to Germany many times and everything is so orderly.Have you read any news recently? Their economy is in the gutter now. They are having protests all over Europe including Germany. Industry is shutting down due to high energy prices (
thank the US government for helping sabotage a cheap oil pipeline from Russia to Germany: Nordstream!'). Europe is a fucking mess today, not to mention they have yet to control their open border crisis like Americans are desperately trying to do in Texas. I'm not hating on Germany, it was once a great country with massive industry, some of the best quality utilities came from Germany the last 30-odd years btw. So I am NOT bashing them. However Germany is becoming an absolute shithole today and in some aspects even worse than the USSA.