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Chanboard Links? Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 01:35 [Preview] No. 54821 [X]
I've been trying to find boards with good shitposting on them, with no luck

here's my collection so far:

nanochan: http://nanochanrayhy7nuuhldw2n4sq7tmv7xzdwaxtbptetss5eaznwfknyd DOT onion/
balkanchan (dead): http://26yukmkrhmhfg6alc56oexe7bcrokv4rilwpfwgh2u6bsbkddu55h4ad DOT onion/
ni-chan: http://plnemlsyla6h5t3nuoz2algzmy635ceuendnjwsmhwn2os5fxahshiad DOT onion/
3ch: http://taozgyb2jfbj567lzvfjse4c2snsb37tq3o2iucflxqoilogwc6bx2qd DOT onion/
foxdickchan: http://rcuhe6pk7mbmsjk7bwyja5etvjhjvzmc724rnf3piamemvawoi44z7qd DOT onion/

Any help would be appreciated, just trying to find more shitposting communities
4chan is full of flartposting and fligugigu bullshit, and soyjak.party is also awful

Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 01:39 [Preview] No.54822 [X] del

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