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(16.04 KB 300x375 300px-Ubermarginal.jpg)
Who is Übermarginal? Thoughts? Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 20:09 [Preview] No. 57769 [X]
Alright, anons, I need your wisdom. Do any of you know who Übermarginal is? Real name Anatoly Artamonov, also goes by "Mitsengendler," "uebermarginal," "Kukich," or just "Chmo." Dude used to be this obscure lower-internet philosopher, spitting some weird, niche takes that got him a cult following back in the day. Now, from what I hear, he's just some washed-up guy watching videos for cash.

What’s the deal with him? Was he ever legit, or just another internet grifter? How do you feel about his "philosophy" (if you can even call it that)? And what’s with the fall from grace? Is he just a lolcow now, or does he still have some relevance in the deeper corners of the web?

Curious to hear your thoughts.

- Übermarginal = Anatoly Artamonov, aka Mitsengendler, uebermarginal, Kukich, Chmo.
- Used to be a niche internet philosopher, now a paid video watcher (lol).
- Thoughts on him? Was he ever based, or just cringe? What’s his deal now?


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