12/13/2024 (Fri) 20:37
No.41465 [X]
So I've been debating this for a while. Mushrooms are not actually "plants," or even what we consider "fungus," but are basically cells from a dead host body that continue to try and live on their own, producing plant-like behavior. Imagine if your blood could live outside your body, not just evaporate. It would still try and build the structures your original body needed, only without the original blueprint or materials. This is what created all fungus, which is repugnant and should not be considered food when in reality it is a corpse that needs buried.
Blood cells also multiply. They eat, drink... They do everything that fungus does. Plant cells do the same thing, but they actually live yet still in a way. The material of wood itself for instance still allows the transfer of sap and nutrients to be moved around the carcass... This is why some mushrooms are edible, they are from a source plant that was edible. It's also fucking disgusting considering you're basically eating a thousand-generation old corpse of a fruit.