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WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK RIGHT NOW Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 07:09 Id: 3016fe [Preview] No. 166 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 20:19 Id: b7eb97 [Preview] No.175 del
That's some max autismo cataloging of information. I salute you, kind autist.
kiwifarms is always changing names as they regularly get their domain banned.

Mark is still a big fag, no surprise. And Cole Lamberson isn't jewish, is he? But yeah, how's he going to run an anonymous image board when he tried to report people to the FBI for meming on him?
Reminds me, John Kelly and Cole tried to dox me several times and got it wrong every time. It was so pathetic that I put myself up on baph and they still couldn't figure it out.

Elon Musk is on our side! Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 08:01 Id: 3fccf4 [Preview] No.177 del
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Call up Sargoy, we're this close to getting Trump to tweeting Gamergate!

Q sent me.

Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 13:24 Id: 548ba7 [Preview] No.180 del
Gayhoolio is a faggot and almost a 30 year old virgin.

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It's over Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 22:57:37 Id: 087121 [Preview] No. 163 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Christi Junior is still in the fediverse and so is the old BO but I forgot his name. Besides that, everything is dead. The webring is dead as shit. I stay on tvch.moe now mostly because it's the most active. 8chan.moe is just about 200 /v/ users. zzz chan is an overmoderated shithole. Everything is dead. Every single thing that once was is completely and totally gone. The entire internet pre-Trump is gone. Leftist censorship has ruined everything. Hell even Twitter is dead. Everyone is banned and purged from everything. Our culture is gone. There is nowhere to go, it's all gone. All the old videogame sites are either circling the drain and dominated by leftists or are completely dead, like this one I used to enjoy:


>I’m really not surprised that this site died because the entire video game industry has turned into a kiddie pool filled with horse semen. The years have not been kind. I stand by every word of this review and I can’t believe this game is still going strong more than seven years later.

>Meanwhile, Spider-Man: No Way Home is the eighth highest grossing movie of all time (as of this writing) and still climbing, in spite of the fact that it’s a toothless corporate pile of shit.

>We are now little more than a society of drooling retards who actually crave this mind-numbing shit and we support it with our hard-earned dollars, which encourages the entertainment business to continue pinching off these low-effort turds instead of actually trying for once.
This is 100% our own fault and we deserve every bit of it. All this social justice bullshit being shoved down our throats (and celebrated by the mentally ill thought leaders who make the rules for our society today) is our reward for insisting on living like retards.

Amen. Honestly I kind of regret nuking the board three years ago but I was scared shitless of getting a visit after all the shootings. I did some fedposting here and didn't want to fuck myself or anyone else. If someone has a backup and wants to re-load it somehow minus the edgy shit, fine.
I don't what you guys have been up to. I just go to work and do nothing else because the inflation is so bad so I can save up for some things. We got old. The internet got old and died, or was assassinated. Life sucks now tbh.

Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:03 Id: 684954 [Preview] No.164 del
Don't lose hope.

Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:05 Id: 05c5ae [Preview] No.165 del

Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 13:15 Id: 7409b1 [Preview] No.179 del
Can anyone restore the old board data that one BO nuked?

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E-celeb/Offtopic Megathread: 8chan is Down and I'm Bored Edition Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 05:37 [Preview] No. 8 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just post whatever, man
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Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 04:09:54 Id: 85e0fd [Preview] No.159 del
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>JMK is trans now
>John Kelly is trans now

Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 04:39:36 Id: 85e0fd [Preview] No.160 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=FlZ-Bln1cAo [Embed]
what the fuck

Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 05:05:18 Id: 85e0fd [Preview] No.161 del
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Anonymous 05/18/2022 (Wed) 05:24:32 Id: 10f041 [Preview] No.162 del
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most of you may have forgotten about this board, all that drama from 2015, but I haven't. It was retarded, but that was the most fun I had in years. It kills me inside to see what imageboards have turned into, 8chan wasn't perfect, but it was a damn good start. But now you see all the boards are split between websites with zero PPH, effectively killing discussion, and 4chan is overrun with bots, shills, and fedniggers to the point where no discussion on there feels natural. Back in 2014 cuckchan just felt kind of gay, they felt like they'd lost touch with what makes imageboards fun, now it's a fucking zombie. There is no new content coming from 4chan, it's either the same image but slightly altered in order to fulfill a quota, or its an obvious forced meme that goes nowhere. Back in 2015 people used to deride the overusage of wojack, now it's only wojack. The world has turned into a scary place, society is collapsing, the US government was basically overthrown via coup, wars, disease, famine, it's awful. The days of enjoying yourself are gone, now all discussion has to be "productive" or have some ulterior motive. You can't just shitpost anymore, it has to have a purpose or some memetic content. You can't just fuck with people for fun, now it has to be about unearthing pedo cabals or deepstate assets or other schizoshit. The internet has become so censored you can't have any form of discussion, we used to laugh at SJWs for pushing for "soft" censorship, and now news sites openly publish articles like, "we want to silence our enemies (and here's why that's a good thing)". It stings to see what the familiar faces have become. Hotwheels turned into a furry tranny leftist, mark needs a forklift to leave his apartment, coleslaw is uh, existing I think, moot disappeared off the face of the earth, all the former GG retards are just gone or moved on to greener pastures. Most of them were just grifters I know, but it still feels like a bitter pill to see people I came to know fade off like that.

I don't know what the future holds, but no matter how bad shit gets, I can still remember the good times we had. If there's anyone here who reads this I have this to say. What the fuck are you even doing here you autistic retard?

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 07:41 Id: 1ea82a [Preview] No.168 del
What a cute boy.

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Niggers Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 20:19:32 Id: 165f6e [Preview] No. 117 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hate them.

Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 15:17:46 Id: 123a76 [Preview] No.146 del
>that pic
American schools in 20 years.

Anonymous 05/18/2020 (Mon) 17:49:35 Id: 4da573 [Preview] No.147 del
American schools now. In texas white children are the minority in the public school systems. The fix is in.

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The Turner Diaries Anonymous 03/08/2020 (Sun) 06:57:36 Id: e7d65b [Preview] No. 129 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I just finished this novel, and holy fuck is it a good read. The problem being is that it's also a big fat black pill.

Quick tl;dr SPOILERS:
Race war now! White insurgency starts out slowly and an uphill battle, many difficulties. After years they gain territory in California. They deport all the niggers and spics. "Day of the Rope" is when they hang all the race traitors in their territory. They eventually win the race war, turn Israel into glass, scorch Asia, and save the white race.


But revolutionaries were able to organize and any deterents the System was planning to put into place, they defeated before they were implemented.
In the real world those systems are already in place. National ID, ID being required for big purchases and hotels, a cashless society so every purchase is linked to the person. There is no "Organization" because any organization is a fucking honeypot.
That's the reason why it's a big fat black pill. There's really no fucking hope for us. Pence and Trump are proclaiming on national television that anti-zionism is anti-semitic and will not be tolerated.

There is no saving us....

Or is there?
what is the plan from here!

Anonymous 03/08/2020 (Sun) 07:02:34 Id: e7d65b [Preview] No.130 del
I mean seriously, what can we do? Shitpost where no one who needs to hear us will hear us?

You will always be right here in this moment in time, reading these words. Always. What do you choose to do? What can we choose to do?

We are in this moment forever.

Anonymous 03/14/2020 (Sat) 11:42:37 [Preview] No.131 del
theres a lot we can do, dont give up

Anonymous 03/20/2020 (Fri) 00:43:36 Id: 6021ca [Preview] No.132 del

Most of the people on this board spent years prepping. Instead of wasting time trying to control people on the chans and reddit unlike those worhtless janitors and kia mods we prepped. We can laugh as our enemies starve. We tried to get them to wake up during GG and Qnon but they didn't listen. Now it's SHTF teotwaki and time to laugh and enjoy the clown world meltdown. SRS members starve and die, SBBH starves and die, kia mods starve and die. Some of them were ignorant and thought they were doing good. Others knew we told the truth and tried to sabotage us anyway for bribes. Now they too shall falls during shtf corona panic. Glorious justice!

Anonymous 03/20/2020 (Fri) 05:48:36 Id: 4340d3 [Preview] No.133 del

SBBH SRS GNAA nigger traitors notice how the grocery stores are empty now? The bribes aren't going to be enough to help you survive. HAHA DIE. My SRS friends better go get some tranny surgeries and cut off your dicks now before the clinics shut down.

Anonymous 03/21/2020 (Sat) 06:51:14 Id: d55ff8 [Preview] No.134 del
Really waiting for race war now.

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Mercedes Carrera Court Case Thread Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 04:46:11 [Preview] No. 4 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Bringing this one back


Next court date is august 8 2019 lets see how they try to sneak out of this one
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Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 12:44:23 Id: a79834 [Preview] No.46 del
Like I said in the other thread, this could really go either way. I'm not going to assume guilt just because she's a whore and doing drugs.
but being a whore definitely isn't going to look good for her. It's going to a trial against her character, and she'll lose that fight.

I remember this one case, a woman's husband died from unknown causes, and then she went on a fucking spree, fucking all of his friends, his boss, everyone they knew together, she was fucking them, even fucking around with women. They put her on trial and she lost. No evidence against her except for her behavior after he died. A year or two after her conviction for murder, the death was looked further into, and apparently the guy had some rare condition where his own body was poisoning itself and it killed him young.

But yeah, that's going to be the nail in Mercedes coffin, her degeneracy, not whatever evidence or lack thereof. And I can't really say if that's wrong or not. Don't want to go to prison for crimes you didn't commit, don't be a filthy fucking whore.

If she's guilty, she can rot in hell. If she's innocent, she's still guilty of polluting America with degeneracy.

Anonymous 08/30/2019 (Fri) 06:48:45 Id: 99efd8 [Preview] No.82 del

Anonymous 09/14/2019 (Sat) 18:40:33 Id: b94af3 [Preview] No.100 del

still sticking to the not guilty pleas and new d and r shit they managed to get a new pre trial hearing in october dont know if the 30th of sep still sticks

Anonymous 10/26/2019 (Sat) 04:40:18 Id: 79d6a3 [Preview] No.116 del

Anonymous 03/01/2020 (Sun) 22:58:49 Id: 741d62 [Preview] No.128 del
public defender got a delay again next ct date till may 2020


/ggrevolt/ is always right Anonymous 02/27/2020 (Thu) 14:08:29 Id: a3dc05 [Preview] No. 123 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I felt bad when everyone was turning their back on the cripplekike, but I guess the users here were right.

gg revolt 4eva Anonymous 02/27/2020 (Thu) 18:26:33 Id: 15ec9f [Preview] No.125 del
Hah, I still have my "based hotwheels" T-shirt. If Freddy goes to prison, maybe it will be worth something.

Anonymous 02/28/2020 (Fri) 01:29:45 Id: 5a2802 [Preview] No.126 del
That actually exists?

Anonymous 02/28/2020 (Fri) 06:47:26 Id: 15ec9f [Preview] No.127 del
(1.09 MB 2592x1936 IMG_20200228_064059.jpg)
Back when the site was cool, Ben Garrison used to post there. He sold these t-shirts and donated the funds to 8chan hosting because Freddy couldn't receive money from anyone due to Jews owning all the money handling platforms.
There were a few thousand sold IIRC.

Sorry, forgot to log in for too long Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 04:30:37 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Someone who posted here wanted to clean up their old posts and they nuked the whole board, so oops.
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Anonymous 08/29/2019 (Thu) 21:12:10 Id: c68e29 [Preview] No.80 del

Anonymous 08/30/2019 (Fri) 06:47:41 Id: 1a14f3 [Preview] No.81 del

Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 01:59:40 [Preview] No.83 del
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Anonymous 02/15/2020 (Sat) 22:59:51 Id: a060e8 [Preview] No.120 del
we back finally site just got back up

Anonymous 02/20/2020 (Thu) 06:05:29 Id: c194d1 [Preview] No.121 del
Fuck yeah!

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There's another /ggrevolt/ out there??? Anonymous 12/03/2019 (Tue) 18:46:51 Id: 85f564 [Preview] No. 119 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Mark of 8/v/ was getting paid by Jim Watkins? Anonymous 09/04/2019 (Wed) 06:34:32 Id: 2cded1 [Preview] No. 89 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ain't that some bullshit.

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Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 20:31:13 Id: 7ea9a8 [Preview] No.112 del
8ch is dead jim watkins wants to bring it back under a different branding for Qboomers the remnant site thats on zero net is ran by coleslaw and the fat kike mark is not to be trusted for their gay ops and ip leeaking

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 12:30:27 Id: 49f5f4 [Preview] No.113 del
What is this 8kun?

Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 22:38:03 Id: 1f608b [Preview] No.114 del

They're basically idiots from voat called sbbh that are actually srs members that follow this board. I was talking to one of them in the past and he admitted to being ayyteam. Another one even hinted at receiving crypto currency for shilling online. So basically ggevolt was always one of the few groups that always saw through what they were doing. So they check this dead board on a weekly basis even to this day.

Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 23:09:50 Id: 1f608b [Preview] No.115 del

These people sabotaged gg qnon 8chan and they tend to befriend website owners and compromise them.

Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 06:08:52 Id: eb8900 [Preview] No.118 del
https://julay.world/v/res/4078.html marks trying to monetize gondola memes just like sargoy did with pepe on 8chan rebrand site 8kun