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Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 14:40:07 [Preview] No. 32352

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 14:45:20 [Preview] No.32353 del
can you find the hidden password

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 14:48:47 [Preview] No.32354 del
rj^ tz^ gzt nk^ pxms kk^n wx hzrrtsw

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 14:49:09 [Preview] No.32355 del

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 14:51:37 [Preview] No.32356 del
xnr eezs vkn xr gxwkd

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 15:02:05 [Preview] No.32357 del
x^ dj noorr
vkn jdfx lx^ eeszw xi wzs

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 15:07:48 [Preview] No.32358 del
xr q^ hkif

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 15:14:44 [Preview] No.32360 del
x^ - zrrz^kk^lw rj

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 15:15:59 [Preview] No.32361 del
*x^ zrrz^kk^lw rj

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 17:41:36 [Preview] No.32370 del
Did you delete the thread?

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 17:42:54 [Preview] No.32371 del
it's set to early 404, if it doesn't get any replies in a certain time, it 404s, muhahahahaha

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 17:49:19 [Preview] No.32372 del
Someone posted
Too. And that was either in the thread or another one, and a new thread don't exist.

The problem with the puzzle that it seems a guesswork.
I get it that the threads are "hidden" (actually, display: none). But that doesn't help.
I'd expect something posted and were set to "hidden" but beside my thread there was nothing.
Beside the pw could be pw in berndese, berndese, hidden, post/posts, thread/threads. None works as pw.
Board, I haven't tested yet.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 18:04:55 [Preview] No.32373 del
The board is set to max 1 thread, just to potentially impede your progress.

I have dropped you a few clues already.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:02:30 [Preview] No.32380 del
Also, you are not supposed to guess the password. The password is hidden in the board.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:19:00 [Preview] No.32385 del
No the pw isn't hiddenintheboard.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:27:42 [Preview] No.32387 del
Lol, yes, it really is. Imagine the board a puzzle, don't just look at it.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:06:51 [Preview] No.32392 del
Does the pw contains ^? It might have a problem with it.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:23:10 [Preview] No.32394 del
you don't have the password yet. try posting some more.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 20:48:14 [Preview] No.32500 del
The banner board for the Bernedes board is a little oddly shaped and doesn't fit the front page tbh

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 21:42:33 [Preview] No.32504 del
Oh. Today I didn't spend time on the puzzle. I'm closer but I'm afraid the pw is krautchan, and I'm breddy sure we don't pronounce it the same.

Bernd 11/20/2019 (Wed) 09:30:30 [Preview] No.32514 del
it's not, but you are close.

Bernd 11/20/2019 (Wed) 09:34:12 [Preview] No.32515 del

Bernd 11/20/2019 (Wed) 09:39:45 [Preview] No.32516 del
also, the board will give you the password, not just a hint, you are on the right track

Bernd 08/05/2020 (Wed) 20:36:59 [Preview] No.39065 del
lq^vz^ x^ txff rjft eexr k^kd wq^

Bernd 12/07/2020 (Mon) 12:39:28 [Preview] No.41380 del
gqgq z^kk^ bk^w ckrn nq^b j^ds ooxh jt eez vjsw qdw nooz^n

https://youtube.com/watch?v=7ONreTYHNUE [Embed]

Bernd 12/07/2020 (Mon) 16:48:12 [Preview] No.41386 del
bk^w gzt
rnxff bzd
vkn tzs xi wx pkd xd wzn?

Bernd 12/07/2020 (Mon) 20:35:45 [Preview] No.41395 del
qr xn gqr vz^d j^ts q^ z^ks x^ k^kxf mxt z^kk^ 1 gxdn


Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 06:55:20 [Preview] No.41405 del
nsx^w wzn vzb wzd
wxw dkn tsb
lq^vz^ lxrhzffw xn
rknoo bq^rqi

Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 09:16:05 [Preview] No.41408 del
dj^ z^kk^ wxwdjn
z^kk^ k^ks rkhj^rw nk^ vxmxd qn eez k^ksw password qdw pjfj^ eez pxfnsr
eezs xr rkhj^rw nk^ vz^ rkleexaa nk^ px^dw qpns z^kk^ j^hzd eez ixh

Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 16:40:55 [Preview] No.41414 del
There was the implication that the pw will be hungary or hungarybernd or some combination of that, so I tried a few did not work. That's that.
I don't even know if that zip accepts such bs characters as ^ in the pw.

Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 18:01:48 [Preview] No.41421 del
Well, it was only meant as a little bit of fun, after all this time the zip will be anticlimactic. The pw is ka^se^

Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 18:17:17 [Preview] No.41425 del
Well it seems I don't have. Also never watched Rick and Morty.

Bernd 12/08/2020 (Tue) 18:41:29 [Preview] No.41429 del
Also I might seem blunt now, I'm just tired and impatient.

Bernd 12/09/2020 (Wed) 09:28:18 [Preview] No.41442 del
LMAO. It's been a year. I don't think even the saints had indefinite patience.
The Rick and Morty thing was more of a gag, because it's a show for super intelligent people.

Bernd 12/09/2020 (Wed) 16:48:17 [Preview] No.41449 del
Not because of the unsolved mystery.

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