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(63.96 KB 686x526 quarantined wine.jpg)
Preppers Thread: It's totally fucking fucked mate Bernd 03/19/2020 (Thu) 20:06:42 [Preview] No. 35298


In light of the coronavirus and the obvious economic disruption and panic it is causing I make this emergency meeting of Bernds to discuss prepping.

Topics of discussion:
1) How to meet grl in quarantine
2) How to grow and prepare food in dystopian nightmare
3) How to protect yourself from niggers

Bernd 03/19/2020 (Thu) 20:16:03 [Preview] No.35300 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rLBRK5Tf1I4 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=AAxtin4dyQ8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=A6FQ9rQxets [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pdAw2_laZXE [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VTl2ohVDhrI [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tUVd_kH46n4 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_M07uOfEfb8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NoHXPPavb3g [Embed]

I'd like to start with these fine examples of how our island slavs beat the axis powers sorry hungary and toughed it out when times were terrible.

Bernd 03/19/2020 (Thu) 21:19:50 [Preview] No.35305 del
Prepping after the proverbial shit hit the fan is liek pulling on the rubber after your bird got pregger.

Since Hungary wasn't any power so I might just excuse your behaviour.

Bernd 03/19/2020 (Thu) 23:11:16 [Preview] No.35307 del
>Prepping after the proverbial shit hit the fan
Hah. I am already well prepped. However, this may just be the tip of the proverbial shit hitting now. We may yet see the full thick end hit the fan in the coming month/months. If the economy truly cakes its pants over this, you will regret not prepping for that starting now.

Hungary, I'm warning you, start growing food now.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 00:48:02 [Preview] No.35310 del
Probably not much point in growing food, the shops in my area still have plenty of vegetables(I don't think there would be much point in panic buying fresh vegetables). Mum said the shops were out of fresh meat for the last few days but I went there at 11 am and there was some so I didn't have to resort to cannibalism, it's just a matter of getting there early.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 03:38:44 [Preview] No.35311 del
Just go to your cousin.
Eat the grass, eat only raw meat.
Offer them KFC if they act as your "personal servant" for 24 hours. You'll be able to grow food a lot easier that way.
The Coronavirus is a hoax by the way, so try to get and get this fact out as much as possible. It's no worse than "Ebola" (some African word for piss) 5 years ago.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 05:46:02 [Preview] No.35313 del
You are expecting me to tell idiots to calm down? That's pissing into the wind my friend.

The shops are full, but can you afford the food inside.

After the 2008 recession, things got tight, jobs lost and welfare barely scraped what you needed. Now take into account that this virus KILLS BOOMERS. Boomers still hold all the money, run the businesses and hold the important jobs. Not only are boomers too afraid to buy anything which sinks the economy but without young blood to readily replace them the top layer of infrastructure gets wiped away which is a major economic disruption.
I predict it's going to get far rougher than retards emptying shelves of food, that's just a sign of how bad things are going to get due to panic.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 06:32:13 [Preview] No.35315 del
>I don't think there would be much point in panic buying fresh vegetables.
Maybe this helps.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 07:00:32 [Preview] No.35318 del
>being a concernfag

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 08:02:05 [Preview] No.35320 del
>being a die in a ditch fag

Have fun with that. Hopefully someone better prepared will help you.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 17:21:14 [Preview] No.35327 del
(99.76 KB 540x748 potato_tower.jpg)
For one to be able to live from farming he needs a quite large area to do that, the backyard just won't be enough. And it's hard work. But if any Bernd wants to plant crops now it is the time.
Don't forget pests and animals that might reap the fruits of your work. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects, snails can all harm your crops. Some birds too, but birds can help too with feeding on some pests.
As for chief source of carbs probably potato is the best since, wheat, rice and corn cannot be produced in any useful quantity in the backyard. For potato I would try out picrel. It might work. Also plant beans, when dried it will store long.
Besides the usual veggies other plant based food source can be cultivated on purpose, which some would consider just weed, like nettle and dandelion, they need less care. Also nettle can be used to make cordage if need be, and self reliance is the topic.
As for animals. If you have goats and chickens, you have three source of whole protein, meat, milk and eggs. While goat leather I think not the most famous and best but that can be used too, also tendons. However I'm not sure the legal background, in some neighbourhoods keeping livestock might be verboten, not to mention butchering, I'm sure EU has some regulations. Btw goats are very hardy and undemanding, but they eat everything, so keep them away from the crops.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 19:11:37 [Preview] No.35328 del
(57.58 KB 621x576 petuh-door.jpg)

I know few people who have different kinds of animals and do some farming, although only one really is somewhat self-sufficient in food, others do it as additional source.

Goats are hard to start. They are overly smart and bold, they open locks and easily go through any fences you have. Experience in handling is needed. Pigs are easier to handle and give pretty good amount of meat, but they are costly and also need much food. Cows are good only for those who already have everything, they are too large.

Best animals are rabbits and birds. Rabbits easily die from diseases and require proper handling (for example, they may try to even eat each other in tight space). But they are compact and require less space - you may place them in small room with cages, you don't even need to get plot of land for them. They also multiplying fast.

Birds (chickens, ducks, geese) are easy to handle. Better to get muscovy duck or turkey, they are gaining weight very fast and undemanding to conditions. Geese are same in terms of conditions (they can easily sleep outside with -15C and snow), but they have bad behavior - they are goats of bird world. They also may try to fly away at autumn.

So, in terms of livestock, I'd recommend starting with rabbits of birds, and then go into heavy category.

Bernd 03/21/2020 (Sat) 05:12:04 [Preview] No.35338 del
thnx for the info bernds

Raly raly worried about all of this though

Bernd 03/21/2020 (Sat) 08:32:36 [Preview] No.35345 del
It'll be ok. We have survived worse. You just need to be one of the smart ones.

I once knew an old woman, we worked in a market garden together. She told me, after the war her father couldn't find work, so rather than starve they took on a small holding. Both parents found scraps of work for essentials and the family grew all the food they needed. She said those days were some of the happiest in her life.
In short, you aren't starving sick in a ditch, you know how to best avoid that situation, so just relax and take it in your stride.

Bernd 03/21/2020 (Sat) 14:57:15 [Preview] No.35347 del
>They are overly smart and bold, they open locks and easily go through any fences you have. Experience in handling is needed.
But they don't really need special care. And every goat is an individual case, some are more problematic than others. Maybe bringing them up helps, like with dogs. Hereabout was a family who kept bunch of them, tho I never visited checking - only bought some milk time to times - so I dunno how they did it. A couple others had single goats in the neighbourhood. One family kept it in a barn through the whole time, another had an empty plot it grazed there. These ones had other animals too and heard them they have to be careful when bringing chow coz the goat sometimes "stole" straight from the bucket in their hands.
Rabbits are sensitive but have nice fur and delicious chops along their spine. Tho they won't give milk... I rather goat, milk, cheese, curd, maybe even butter and cream. Kefir too.

Bernd 03/21/2020 (Sat) 20:35:20 [Preview] No.35351 del
(92.63 KB 1280x720 water.jpg)
For a prepper or a "self-reliant" person water is also a key question, both for drinking and hygiene.
I don't think it has a shelf-life so should store for a long time unless it gets contaminated. I also heard some plastics can release some unhealthy stuff into it after a while, it could worth look into it.
The key problem is a person needs a lot of it. We consume it not just by drinking, but it is used for cooking, soups to bread, many recipes needs it.
And then come the bubble baths so we can enjoy apocalypse properly. All right but even if you manage to use 1 liter warm water a piece of soap and a rag to clean yourself at every other day it still adds up large amounts on the long run. DON'T NEGLECT HYGIENE! It helps to keep you healthy, and easier to get grills in quarantine if you don't smell like a pig. Also feeling clean keeps up the morale too. Greasy hair feels awful, not to mention the sweat-and-dust sticking to your skin.
Oh and cleaning clothes, wash them, or if it is not possible at least hang them when the Sun shines, UV acts as disinfectant to some extent. Anyway washing clothes, cleaning plates and pots and kitchen appliances, all consumes water. You need a sea.
So the best would be a secure water source, a well is a good example. But you need a way to clean the water if it's not 100% sure it's clean. Could need filtering (charcoal is a good one), boiling (several minutes), or chemical purification. Also worth some investigation.

Bernd 03/22/2020 (Sun) 09:33:37 [Preview] No.35353 del
>And every goat is an individual case, some are more problematic than others.

Yes, they have pretty different individuality. One person I know had 2 normal goats and one goat that sometimes tried to push him into the well, hiding in corner.

>But they don't really need special care

Compared to other livestock, yes, they are very undemanding. But I wrote about situation when unexperienced city dweller (like me, for example) starts farming. Those who already have some countryside experience may have no problems with goats at all.

Bernd 03/22/2020 (Sun) 10:10:37 [Preview] No.35354 del
>one goat that sometimes tried to push him into the well, hiding in corner.
Was that goat's name Satan?
>situation when unexperienced city dweller starts farming
The Hare Krishna's established a farm here (SW Hungary I think) back in the 90's. Converts were from towns and Budapest, chiefly soft intellectuals. I remember a story they wanted to harness a horse so it could pull a coach/wagon. They led him between those wooden beams of the wagon which get to attached to the horse so it can tow the cart with those (I dunno the name). But then the horse faced the wagon, and they couldn't turn him around. Villagers had laughs that day.

Bernd 03/22/2020 (Sun) 16:02:36 [Preview] No.35355 del
Protip: if Bernd gets a manual, or watches an instructional youtube video, or dls an informational, he should try out the thing, test it, so when the time comes to do it in "live", when matters he should have an idea how to do it correctly. For example I don't do great many things and I know I'm doing it wrong since other stuff I tried and stuff in practice can look very different than in theory. So for example hoarding informational images is useless in itself. Even manuals lack many details or what they say can be interpreted in different ways, or maybe you have to use a different material or improvise. Don't think that "oh I have an e-book about X topic, when I need it I just pull it out, read a little and will manage" because you are dead wrong. If you do this, you are fucked, it's guaranteed.

Bernd 03/22/2020 (Sun) 20:52:45 [Preview] No.35359 del
(74.20 KB 1080x608 coolcarling.jpeg)
Sounds pretty romantic ngl

Yeah it'll die down eventually. We'll live it out

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 16:46:54 [Preview] No.36370 del
I wanted to support my point with an example for a while now. I always forgot.
So here >>35327 is that informational I posted. Sounds great right?
But let's take a look at from the practical side.
You need lumber to build that. Make them from scratch is unlikely, but even if it is, you need to fell a tree, dry it if it's not, cut it up to boards and staves, lots of work. Or you pay money for it. But then it's rot. It can be reused, but in time you either make/get more, or it has to be impregnated to make it more durable - and since the whole thing have to be watered regularly... This is already three things that informational forgets.
If we are talking about reusability... we nail together and take apart the thing, that destroys the wood, we make holes and cracks, whatever, it leads back to the point that we need replacement parts. But we could design the box for easier disassembly, with screws and bolts for example.
Let's move on. Where do you get the soil? It needs liek a cubic meter... Ok, let's buy it, although with the lumber, waterproofing agent, screws and shit we're getting to a price (add the work too, time and energy...), it's simpler and cheaper just to buy the potato. But ofc this could be acquired free, maybe the garden needs a drainage ditch, that could give in unneeded soil. Or just bring (oh the labour) from the woods or wherever.
So quite a few pitfalls, just by the assembly. Who knows what unexpected problems just waiting while the thing is in use.

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 18:29:28 [Preview] No.36371 del
(995.43 KB 2592x1936 IMG_20200429_154343.jpg)
Started my slug wine today. Could also be used to trade with homeless for secs.

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 18:36:33 [Preview] No.36372 del
I assumed the boards were nailed together and placed over the uprights rather than nailed to them. A good aged hardwood should last a few years before rotting. A long sack would probably work better and be easier and cheaper too though.

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 18:38:39 [Preview] No.36373 del
>slug wine
It's liek cider?

Bernd 04/29/2020 (Wed) 18:46:18 [Preview] No.36374 del
If cider is made from apple cores. Maybe cheap cider.

Bernd 06/06/2020 (Sat) 20:56:19 [Preview] No.37294 del
What do you need to survive a protest? Hard mode: it's the USA.

Bernd 06/07/2020 (Sun) 03:20:55 [Preview] No.37311 del
Just don't go to the protest bernd. Simple as

Bernd 06/07/2020 (Sun) 10:07:54 [Preview] No.37412 del
But what if the protest goes to you?

Bernd 07/04/2020 (Sat) 15:29:29 [Preview] No.38351 del
how did the slug wine end up?

Bernd 07/04/2020 (Sat) 18:53:20 [Preview] No.38353 del
I'm interested in this too.
Also I wonder how his house is doing. I heard Bri'ish govt lifted some stuff, now he can buy building material.

Bernd 08/22/2020 (Sat) 13:25:28 [Preview] No.39434 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5iaLdKON_T0 [Embed]

Austria is getting insane

Is there a official plandemic thread or is this the one

Bernd 08/22/2020 (Sat) 13:41:54 [Preview] No.39438 del
1. get a milf but fr
2. move to a remote place somewhere
3. gun them down

Bernd 08/22/2020 (Sat) 15:10:51 [Preview] No.39440 del
We had a dedicated thread, but reached bump limit. We use the health thread for related, but this place is fine too.
Dude in video browses news and as I wrote elsewhere the media is full of insane shit that generates attention - and hysteria. PM or whoever floats some ideas it doesn't mean it will be legislated. A website seemingly advocates for tracking might not even do that just fishing for clicks and pageviews.

>get a milf but fr
Get a French milf?
>gun them down
>check flag
>it's cube
All makes sense now.

On public transport. Sames here.

What I don't understand that our GDP suffers the least, HUF still getting weaker compared to €.

Bernd 08/23/2020 (Sun) 20:03:05 [Preview] No.39450 del
>watching them pour an entire packet of seeds into a row
Take the square-foot-garden pill.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pt3rRBA1-wc [Embed]
From what it says, it's much more efficient in every aspect than a traditional garden. Something like 20% of the original time, space, and effort, and only 1 seed per plant. Although I can't say much about it from my own personal experience, I have heard good things about it. IMO it would be an excellent choice for a prepper garden due to the versatility and efficiency of the system, not to mention it can be done pretty much anywhere with the climate being the biggest limiting factor.

Bernd 08/24/2020 (Mon) 05:11:39 [Preview] No.39455 del
>and now I'm left with this beautiful grid
>beautiful grid
German heda
Makes planning more plan like tho.
I liek how he talks about radishes a lot.

Bernd 09/04/2020 (Fri) 04:43:32 [Preview] No.39751 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=U88ZKJhztiM [Embed]

Look at this shit

Bernd 09/04/2020 (Fri) 04:44:09 [Preview] No.39752 del
>Take the square-foot-garden pill.
Humans are not herbivores. Get some chickens.

Bernd 09/04/2020 (Fri) 21:11:21 [Preview] No.39779 del
(205.44 KB 921x1036 egg.png)
>Humans are not herbivores. Get some chickens.

Meat has a lot of essential nutrients that humans need to operate properly. You can't live without them. Besides, plants also feel pain whenever people snip, yank, or eat them.

So veganism is pointless. Eat some chicken bernd

Bernd 09/04/2020 (Fri) 21:46:50 [Preview] No.39786 del
(17.17 KB 326x287 1569776980328.jpg)
Hear hear.

Bernd 09/12/2020 (Sat) 02:43:27 [Preview] No.39985 del

Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns Americans To ‘Hunker Down’ As Seasons Change | TODAY

Second lockdown from everywhere im reading is gonna be much more extreme.

Bernd 09/12/2020 (Sat) 10:28:43 [Preview] No.40002 del

Melbourne is being reshaped by sweeping enforcement and fine print. A confounding matrix of hefty fines for disobedience to the lockdown and minor exceptions for everything from romantic partners to home building has led to silenced streets and endless versions of the question: So, wait, can I ____?

Bernd 09/13/2020 (Sun) 22:20:09 [Preview] No.40052 del
(6.19 KB 289x174 1884427.jpeg)
A Swedish cowboy imageboard bernd poster. Well, now I've seen everything

Bernd 09/25/2020 (Fri) 19:34:10 [Preview] No.40310 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xdNG0GwHGX4 [Embed]

I have to agree with this leprechaun, something big is coming up. My male intuition is telling me so.

Bernd 09/26/2020 (Sat) 06:43:04 [Preview] No.40325 del
>something big is coming up
Yer mom.

Bernd 12/13/2020 (Sun) 14:44:34 [Preview] No.41540 del
https://www.bitchute.com/video/XuB9QLR6WSUA/ [Embed]

Bernd 12/18/2020 (Fri) 22:22:46 [Preview] No.41650 del
(24.65 KB 500x334 Bürstkatze.jpg)
>That thumbnail

Is that normal? People dancing in a medical center?

I worked in 2 of them as a part time employee and I can give a testimony over how miserable and depressing of an experience it is. People dying around you constantly or in immense pain, sick people coofing all over, and a general sense of dread that permeates around the entire location.

I worked there for a while and never thought to myself "I should really take some time during work to start dancing around tbh fam". And yet, since the kung flu happened, that's all I've been seeing around the internet. I don't get it. It just doesn't make any sense to me and looks a lil bit fake

Also, gud video but kinda long tbh

Bernd 12/18/2020 (Fri) 22:29:06 [Preview] No.41651 del
(22.29 KB 356x450 Chand.jpeg)
>So veganism is pointless. Eat some chicken bernd

Updating this post with a recent personal experience. Currently forced to engage in dialog with a self confessed vegan he told me in 2 minutes of knowing him, and I need to admit that vegans are the most annoying, OCD obsessed and pathetic group of people I've ever had to deal with. Vegans are legit impossible to deal with. I'm just going to avoid them for the rest of my life tbh. It's not normal for people

Daily reminder: Don't be a bitch. Eat some animal meat

And the other reminder:
>plants also feel pain whenever people snip, yank, cut, step, stomp, rip or eat them

Bernd 12/19/2020 (Sat) 00:04:39 [Preview] No.41660 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=F4nGuEVs-JA [Embed]

Bernd 12/19/2020 (Sat) 00:08:34 [Preview] No.41661 del
they could be crisis actors.

I see a strong comparison to the american military after 9/11 and with the whole iraq afghanistan war. Then the military was branded out to be some kind of heroes in the press. And afterwards they are forgotten the hundreds of thousands of ex military who have ptsd, have depression, who have taken their own lifes, are homeless. Same thing will happen with the medical workers, first lift them up then take them down. Its very cynical and sinister.

Bernd 12/19/2020 (Sat) 09:15:05 [Preview] No.41669 del
>he told me in 2 minutes of knowing him
Heh, very eager. He's vegan probably for virtue signalling. Also how a diet can turn into the center of identity.

That actually was interesting.
Talked to people who are actually looking forward the vaccines coming up, but I don't see what those can offer, besides it's one more thing to spend on:
I should produce vaccines too.

Bernd 12/20/2020 (Sun) 06:33:50 [Preview] No.41684 del
(34.51 KB 640x366 gladdos_ptato.jpeg)
>That video
Raly raly makes you think tbh
Potatoes can also conduct electricity

>Heh, very eager. He's vegan probably for virtue signalling. Also how a diet can turn into the center of identity.

You would be surprised at how boring some people can be with their lives

>I should produce vaccines too.
Pls give us a special discount fam

Bernd 12/20/2020 (Sun) 06:35:34 [Preview] No.41685 del
>I see a strong comparison to the american military after 9/11 and with the whole iraq afghanistan war. Then the military was branded out to be some kind of heroes in the press. And afterwards they are forgotten the hundreds of thousands of ex military who have ptsd, have depression, who have taken their own lifes, are homeless. Same thing will happen with the medical workers, first lift them up then take them down. Its very cynical and sinister.

I think I was too young to remember that happening. That sounds so fucked up if they intend to do that to medical workers though. Maybe they'll even blame doctors and nurses if the vaccine malfunctions and makes literal mutant orcs out of people, or something

Bernd 12/20/2020 (Sun) 09:56:57 [Preview] No.41690 del
>I think I was too young to remember that happening. That sounds so fucked up if they intend to do that to medical workers though. Maybe they'll even blame doctors and nurses if the vaccine malfunctions and makes literal mutant orcs out of people, or something

problem, reaction, solution.

they always do the same stuff over and over again. same with these "grassroots"organizations that just pop up.

Bernd 12/23/2020 (Wed) 18:59:05 [Preview] No.41753 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rksCDLTFfTs [Embed]

fuck fuck fuck

Bernd 02/12/2021 (Fri) 08:43:23 [Preview] No.42560 del
I want to buy some land in the country and build a house with strong walls and good vantage points and fields of fire. Preferably with numerous rooms and maids. Also it has to be able to provide power for itself, to have blacksmithing facilities and a metal lathe with maids that know how to use these things. Preferably the house will be located close to strategic resources but otherwise I will just have to keep in mind where they are for later. Also it has to have horses and cows and be close to a forest. Also an armoury filled with weapons.

Once society collapses I will arm the maids and we will search for survivors to press-gang into the service my duchy, the maids will act as officers and the serfs will be allocated to them. One maid is going to have to be responsible for having her peasants cut down the forest to build houses and such for the city that will be built around my house. Other maids will be given military commands and patrol my area for intruders, if food production allows they will be press-ganged otherwise they will be shot. From there they will be send to secure strategic resource and build outposts at these locations and to secure lines of communication to the capital. After the strategic locations are secured farming outposts will be built to increase food production and thus potential population, all the while the outposts will extend my realm. I don't think we have fuel nearby so I have to rely horses for cavalry and logistics. The metal working facilities will be important for producing and maintaining arms, potassium and other resources will need to be secured to produce gunpowder(or black powder if things are desperate), the forest will be important for paper production as well(to issue orders with and to record things). Metal working facilities will also be needed to produce coins, the coins will be backed by the grain reserves of the state and will become the only reliable currency(as no sate will exist to back the currencies of other realms). Thus my currency will be the dominant currency of the world and all trade will be centred around my realm. As we expand we will tear down the ugly suburban houses to replace them with attractive ones, we will also remove all gumtrees and genocide marsupials(as well as ugly people and people that I don't like). Once oil is secured expansion will be rapid, we will be able to build cars, planes and ships to expand to all points of the world. The various conquered lands will be awarded to the most loyal maids to administrate and the maids are not allowed to have children, my own children will be the only blood line permitted amongst the aristocracy so until that dynasty is created the land that the maids control will have t be inherited by other maids.

This is my doomsday plan, I just need to get the land first.

Bernd 02/12/2021 (Fri) 17:22:35 [Preview] No.42564 del
There was an initiative in Russia, you could buy land very cheap in the far east or in Siberia somewhere, in return you had to live there for X years and develop it. I dunno if it's still going on, but that might be for you. You have to wait with the butchering of the marsupials, there are very little around there.

Bernd 02/13/2021 (Sat) 12:41:33 [Preview] No.42572 del
I probably would not live there, it's full of Russians and I would have to learn their barbarous language.

One can find cheap land in the English speaking world, Tasmania is quite sparely populated, they have about 500,000 people there for an island the size and fertility of England. New Zealand's South Island is even larger but with 1 million people. I actually would not mind living in new Zealand, apparently quite a few rich people build doomsday houses there as well.

Bernd 02/13/2021 (Sat) 13:03:59 [Preview] No.42573 del
(110.13 KB 645x430 cikta.jpg)
(1.73 MB 4288x2711 racka.jpg)
(101.28 KB 961x686 mangalica2.jpg)
Speaking of butchering.
In the topic of handling livestock >>35328 slaughtering also task we should think about. How to do it and if we can do it. Slaughtering a pig alone is a very hard and dangerous thing to do. Especially a grown fattened one, they are strong with lotsa weight. And then the processing of the carcass also a work intensive task. So both needs helping hands maids.
So picking out animals to keep as a foodsource has it's caveats. Knowing our limits help.
Probably goats are also a tricky species to slaughter, but still would pick them for the diary products.
Or maybe sheep. They give wool which can be used more flexibly for creating clothing than leather/skin/fur of a goat. I heard their milk in itself is too fatty to drink, but it can be turned into other products.

Btw first picrel is a breed of sheep called cikta originating from Germany, but today it can only be found here at us, and only a couple of herds, since it was replaced by breeds (like merino) which produce more meat and wool.

Bernd 02/13/2021 (Sat) 13:30:27 [Preview] No.42575 del
(75.43 KB 746x418 Rabbit 007.jpg)
Goats and sheep are not actually a problem(provided you are not squeamish), my uncle raises sheep and goats in the fields of various relatives and butchers them himself(complete with ye old throat cutting method). It's still a skill to learn though but then even skinning rabbits is. Raising rabbits for meat probably would not be a bad idea, kind of like chickens but one would get bored of chicken all the time(could probably use them to make hats from as well).

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