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kc personalities Bernd 11/10/2021 (Wed) 00:04:33 [Preview] No. 45515
Who are the bests posters and what are/were the best posts from kc? Along with ur favorite memories that you had in kc? What stood out for most bernds here. For me, it was

>Ukrainian suffering bernd
>The plushie fag from Hungary
>Any Polish thread about [x] Poland
>Russia vs Ukraine posts during the War on Donbass

What about you bernds

Bernd 11/10/2021 (Wed) 00:06:19 [Preview] No.45516 del
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Mostly making this thread cuz I'm still beat that old Krautchan is dead forever :(( It's liek a memorial for it

Bernd 11/10/2021 (Wed) 08:34:02 [Preview] No.45519 del
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>bestposter Indian
I dunno if Ferenc and the plushieHungarian are the same or not.
Btw all those "know your troll" cards is this, collection of notable posters of /int/. Although liek Dragonfinn or whoever and a like were just before I started to lurk there. I also can't find where I saved those cards, and the thread here is already bumped off.
Slov isn't a classic tho. Grappa neither.

Bernd 11/15/2021 (Mon) 00:13:18 [Preview] No.45567 del
>I dunno if Ferenc and the plushieHungarian are the same or not.

Don't think so

>bestposter Indian


Really now?

Don't think bogdan is a real person though bernd. Methinks that it's an UltraNationalist Hungarian shitposter dunkin on Romania. srs

Bernd 11/15/2021 (Mon) 00:16:48 [Preview] No.45568 del
>Btw all those "know your troll" cards is this

Weren't they posted here earlier on?

Bernd 11/15/2021 (Mon) 07:45:09 [Preview] No.45571 del
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Fatswede and bestposter Indian.
Fatswede is part of the one-Swede conspiracy, one of the earlier alteregos.
Bestposter Indian was some Indiaball which was a rareball. I dunno how he deserved (or "deserved") the title, I seem to recall some screenshot, with the caption of "best poster on /int/". That pic I posted has some variation, with different flags.
>Really now?
I remember him from even before 2015. He wasn't called Bogdan back then however.
>Methinks that it's an UltraNationalist Hungarian shitposter dunkin on Romania. srs
That would be hilarious.


Bernd 11/15/2021 (Mon) 20:37:26 [Preview] No.45576 del
Pls post the wojak poem pls.

Sth. like:
... like beautiful flower
... god has so much power
... your skin like silk... like milk.

Bernd 11/15/2021 (Mon) 21:38:05 [Preview] No.45577 del
Bogdan the Gypsy is the best.

Bernd 11/16/2021 (Tue) 08:47:53 [Preview] No.45580 del
There's a wojak poem?
When I started to post wojak was big and "that feel when" accompanied with the face. The simple plain old original one. No variations existed yet. There were no poems.

He probably did great impression on everybody around here.

Bernd 11/16/2021 (Tue) 20:53:35 [Preview] No.45581 del
I seen on internets your photo.
You are like a beautiful flower.

Then i understand . God have so much power...

Your skin is smooth like milk.
Your hair like silk.

You are so pure...
And inocent, like nature...

How we can write indescribable?
You're so adorable.

You melt my heart everyday.
In a wonderful way.

Now i cry , because i know , there is no our „meet day”..

My life is such gray...

And you will never see this poem.
That's hurt the most .
But if you sight, please write a post.

Bernd 11/16/2021 (Tue) 20:58:29 [Preview] No.45582 del
Like 10 years ago he was obsessed with some Charlotte from Britain.
So he wrote a poem for her.

Bernd 11/17/2021 (Wed) 01:20:46 [Preview] No.45583 del
I know that there was another Hungarian that claimed to be Ferenc when he was not Ferenc, he seemed to be under the impression that Ferenc was not an individual but a style.

Bernd 11/17/2021 (Wed) 09:56:50 [Preview] No.45587 del

Yes. I believe there was a Hungarian furry board on 8chan. And Furry sounds a bit like Feri, which is diminutive of Ferenc.

Bernd 11/17/2021 (Wed) 11:10:24 [Preview] No.45588 del
What happened to him, is he still alive online? And what was the last update on Alice lol

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