/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

shitpost your way to the left

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/// fugging capitalist 02/05/2017 (Sun) 15:38:26 Id: 405ef1 [Preview] No. 374 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
all left guys are faggots HAHAHA NICE

/leftypol/etariot 02/06/2017 (Mon) 14:14:07 [Preview] No. 377 del
wtf op is cybercriminally cyberterrorizing my cybercomputer with his cyberhacked cyberimage.

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/leftypol/etariot 01/27/2017 (Fri) 04:58:47 Id: 80269e [Preview] No. 367 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If you use facebook, you're welcome to join us

/leftypol/etariot 01/30/2017 (Mon) 04:01:34 Id: 92e5c0 [Preview] No. 370 del

/leftypol/etariot 01/26/2017 (Thu) 05:45:44 Id: 7258e2 [Preview] No. 362 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why is 8ch leftypol run by faggots who dislike free speech because of muh feels?

/leftypol/etariot 01/26/2017 (Thu) 08:19:46 Id: 019db7 [Preview] No. 363 del
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Because it has a dominant ideology that Can't Be Wrong™ just like /na- ekhm I mean /pol/.

Why is 8chan /leftypol/ so shit now? /leftypol/etariot 01/03/2017 (Tue) 21:29:41 Id: 10bfca [Preview] No. 359 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How do we make all serious posters from 8ch /leftypol/ to come here?

/leftypol/etariot 01/03/2017 (Tue) 21:30:05 Id: 10bfca [Preview] No. 360 del
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what's his name again, /leftypol? /leftypol/etariot 11/25/2016 (Fri) 18:09:50 Id: e0a892 [Preview] No. 341 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
hint: there are many ways to please me sexually

/leftypol/etariot 01/02/2017 (Mon) 09:00:13 [Preview] No. 358 del
i haven't been on /leftypol/ for half a year and still the same spam threads fill the frontpage.
if any human still reads this board: where does everyone hang out now? i'm on nntpchan.

communism nonamespls 12/29/2016 (Thu) 22:27:09 Id: f690e9 [Preview] No. 356 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Communism is the only ideology that makes any sense wewlad. Yous see communisms is way better than anationali socialism ebcause nationaly socialisme doens;tr geive the workers control of the menns fo production and that is basicallys slaveree your boss neeeeds you but yuo don;r nnedd him and heis basicallt a leach on the worldo and teh joos are the best and will gelp run society once communist revoultioni happens wihgci igs commplet5ely innveniadanble and will ahppen in like 234 years mabye. O mean leekpo at crapalonia adn jewgoslavia there all way betetr thjan america or andy onf those other fprlabian countrys. COMunnimsis ais the best ideolgoy and crapitsalism is basicatly slavery jews are the master race.,

/leftypol/etariot 01/02/2017 (Mon) 03:41:34 Id: 7b3716 [Preview] No. 357 del
I unironically believe all of this

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Left wing music? /leftypol/etariot 01/06/2016 (Wed) 07:10:27 Id: a51cd2 [Preview] No. 122 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post your favorite left wing music.
Pic not exactly related.
2 posts and 1 image omitted.

/leftypol/etariot 01/08/2016 (Fri) 23:16:09 Id: 927993 [Preview] No. 142 del
This board a shit.

I'm just here to test this.

/leftypol/etariot 01/09/2016 (Sat) 18:22:50 Id: 1fbb2d [Preview] No. 144 del
>completely missed the /test/ board on the same page

Are you retarded?

/leftypol/etariot 11/10/2016 (Thu) 12:13:05 Id: 587c39 [Preview] No. 338 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Sl_gyMftEqg [Embed]

/leftypol/etariot 12/06/2016 (Tue) 20:03:04 Id: 3cebe4 [Preview] No. 354 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=FU6ZwGGkupQ [Embed]

this one is goat

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Wallpaper Thread /leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 12:19:27 Id: 8b2072 [Preview] No. 110 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post wallpapers
6 posts and 15 images omitted.

what's his name again, /leftypol? /leftypol/etariot 11/25/2016 (Fri) 18:10:11 Id: f490b9 [Preview] No. 342 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
hint: there are many ways to please me sexually