/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

shitpost your way to the left

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/leftypol/etariot 01/11/2016 (Mon) 01:10:45 Id: 2c9149 [Preview] No. 148 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Serious question: Is this board ironic or what? I don't even go to /pol/, but I still can't tell if this is just an ironic shitposting board like /bane/ or something.

/leftypol/etariot 01/11/2016 (Mon) 01:31:59 Id: 4b60eb [Preview] No. 149 del
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>an ironic shitposting board

/leftypol/etariot 01/11/2016 (Mon) 16:24:13 Id: 4792d3 [Preview] No. 150 del
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It's a board about leftist ideology and discussion. I don't see what's so "ironic shitposting" about that.


>ironic shitposting

what the fuck man?

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What seperates left wingers from right wingers? /leftypol/etariot 01/08/2016 (Fri) 08:35:11 Id: 20d22a [Preview] No. 137 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is a re-post of one of my threads on 8chan /leftypol/ but since this board needs some fresh content I thought I'd post it here as well.

The answer is social Darwinism.

That's why the libertarians and Nazis on /pol/ generally get along just fine.

Libertarians would gladly have the "free market" economically purge undesirables, where as Nazis would just do it through the power of their military state.

Leftists believe in equality which is opposed to the idea of social Darwinism.

Ironically, most right wingers don't believe in evolution even though they advocate social Darwinist ideas whereas most left wingers believe in evolution although they don't believe that different classes of people should be discriminated against based on their place in the social hierarchy.

One could even theoretically argue that mutualists don't have a problem with Darwinism as long as it's collective Darwinism instead of individualistic "survival of the fittest".

/leftypol/etariot 01/09/2016 (Sat) 02:20:41 Id: 4cd0c9 [Preview] No. 143 del
>That's why the libertarians and Nazis on /pol/ generally get along just fine.

As a /pol/ack (I normally only lurk, I'm not shitting up post content), Naziboos do not get along with libertarians. It's pretty well agreed upon, of those over there, that libertarianism in its modern interpretation leads to leftist anarchy.

>Ironically, most right wingers don't believe in evolution

Source? Imo that's mostly a Ken Ham thing, not for normal conservatives.

>although they don't believe that different classes of people should be discriminated against based on their place in the social hierarchy.

Rattle off muh no true scotsman all you want or whatever variation of that there is (i.e. "that's Stalinism, I believe in true Trotskyism"), there's quite a bit of evidence to prove that isn't quite the case. It's just, well, the reverse of traditional neo-con'ism. Rather than the poor who get discriminated against, it's the ex-bourgeoisie/educated, who get discriminated against. Stalin gulag'd loads of scientists and productive farmers in order to enforce the 'freedom' of his proletariat proponents.

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Majority of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism. /leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 13:11:31 Id: 80dc48 [Preview] No. 117 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Many of them are probably confusing socialism with social democracy, however comrade Sanders has certainly taken the stigma away from the term "socialism".

Can we get some better banners? /leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:44:11 Id: 07e2f5 [Preview] No. 68 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I hate to say it but the one we're using now just looks so bad.
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Sentennial Board owner 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:33:25 Id: 4d8525 [Preview] No. 97 del
You forgot the / forward slashes but it's better than what we have currently. implementing now. Thanks.

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:35:11 Id: 07e2f5 [Preview] No. 98 del
I tried to include them but unfortunately that font doesn't allow for proper forward slashes. :(

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:36:01 Id: 07e2f5 [Preview] No. 99 del
I'll probably make some more later as well, when I'm not feeling like a lazy faggot.

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:38:53 Id: 4d8525 [Preview] No. 102 del
Take your time.

Nice dubs btw.

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:44:53 Id: 07e2f5 [Preview] No. 104 del
Didn't even notice till you pointed it out, lel.

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/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:00:01 Id: ba7f39 [Preview] No. 43 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why is there this board if you /leftypol/ people have your own site? Isn't this totally unnecessary?
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/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:39:07 Id: 0665bb [Preview] No. 65 del
>not blocking your IP address.
Shit nigger, what are you doing?

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:39:54 Id: 914328 [Preview] No. 66 del
Also this.

But like I said they now at least have a chance to start over. let's hope they don't fuck it up this time, eh?

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:41:12 Id: 66f25d [Preview] No. 67 del
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/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 08:57:01 Id: 914328 [Preview] No. 77 del
Maybe that IP is really just a proxy?

/leftypol/etariot 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:08:28 Id: 0665bb [Preview] No. 87 del
I traced it just for shits and giggles. I think it went to Nepal. So, yeah, you're probably right.

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 06:14:08 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
2 posts and 1 image omitted.

Proletariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 10:17:45 Id: 78312f [Preview] No. 4 del
Because while the majority of 8/leftypol/ is going there, the majority (i.e. everyone else on all the other boards) of 8chan are coming here.

Besides, ain't got no /v/ on Bunkerchan.

/leftypol/etariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 10:20:51 Id: 78312f [Preview] No. 5 del
name test and 5 get

/leftypol/etariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 13:59:22 Id: 5e8e0d [Preview] No. 6 del
I'll be staying here. Fuck echo-chambers.

/leftypol/etariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 14:53:16 Id: 529ef9 [Preview] No. 9 del
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7th for hoxha

/leftypol/etariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 14:53:59 Id: 529ef9 [Preview] No. 10 del


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RIP 8chan ;_; /leftypol/etariot 01/04/2016 (Mon) 14:05:47 Id: ed49f3 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
8chan is kill.