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Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 00:41 Id: 893bef (3)Prev Next [Preview] No. 102561 [Hide User] [X] >>102563
This is the problem with Germans. I'm not attacking them. It's just fucking sad.
>Verfassung! Grundgesetz"
>"We have rights! We have constitution! Germany has right to enforce law of land!"
>You can not hurt, kill or insult someone this is bad?
Every German I ever talk to defends this stupid bullshit. Goddamn, it's impossible to convince a brainwashed, indoctrinated German that their lives are sad. Almost every brave German died in World War 2 and the only ones left are in prison. The remainder are cowards pandering pathetically to a jewish occupied government.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=-bMzFDpfDwc [Embed]

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 01:39 Id: 700728 (1) [Preview] No.102562 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102563>>102564
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it's gynocentrism and lack of sex that breaks these weak minded normies low test and brain damage have totally fucked western society and who could be behind this

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 06:37 Id: 01fd93 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.102563 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102564
>Anyone worth of something was either locked or dead
>All that is left are domesticated people
I hate to be that man but thats for you a result of jewish behaviour and ethnogenetics applied to society 24/7 nonstop
>Every German I ever talk to defends this stupid bullshit
Only germans? Bratu i saw this in almost every european/ ZOG state with few exceptions and these were found only in image boards
Basically modern european union nations have only superficial laws that boil into
>You can say whatever you want unless its anything that is even imolying concern over your misery
>You can pursue whatever you want except you cannot because you are not us
>You can move anywhere you want except you cannot without mandatory expensive to maintain bullshit AND if you want to go outside of union its going to be an expensive trip for you
>You have a right for privacy when actually you dont and if you oppose it you are reason why we enacted it to begin with
>You have right to own but only when we allow it and ecen then enjoy beuracratic hell to make it legal

That reminds me that certain screencap from 4pol that basically boiled into
>Low t men and women always think in a way if the thing they think of as right is tolerable rather than right and that makes them suspectible to pressure

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 13:07 Id: 893bef (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.102564 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102566
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OP here. Just so you know I'm not that regular European and Slav hating kike, I'm not actually against Germans. I just feel intense sympathy for them, as well as other European ZOG controlled nations. Crippled intelligence and crippled resistance is about right. Hitler was always right. I just wish they'd be brave enough as in the past and make public examples of the (((law makers))) whom you know, I know and >>102562 this anon knows are definitely not Germans.

Every compliant, apologetic for the (((enemy))) ruling over them pisses me off. There is nothing quite like a German who foolishly defends the fake jewish holocaust and expresses shame over that fucking fraud. Where's the strength of will? Where are the strong anymore? It is all a sign of a complete lack of masculinity.

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 13:13 Id: 893bef (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.102565 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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The question why I choose Germans is because that is where it all began. The central focus of the lost World War 2 and then the ZOG occupation since 1945. Germany's intrusion and control by kikes was a platform for all other European nations to be followed. We are all suffering from that fate now, as the Germans themselves never rose up against the enemy and it appears they never will.

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 09:43 Id: 01fd93 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.102566 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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>I just feel intense sympathy for them, as well as other European ZOG controlled nations.
I rather feel pity for them as no one deserves the zog unions leeching over the nations resources into proxies than into nations or to decide their paths from proxy
>It is all a sign of a complete lack of masculinity
I would say domestification as lot of men who were for something are either locked or dead and what was left was easy to break or convince as no one else was left but thats just my observation and what jewish bolshevism had done to half of europe

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